Tomato "Agatha": reviews, description, description, photo. Tomato "Agatha" ("Aelita"): reviews

Every gardener wants to wait for the harvest as soon as possible. To do this, he tries to plant early varieties of tomatoes on his plot . Usually they are not the largest, but what can be tastier than the first tomato from your garden? Among the whole variety of seeds there are many tomatoes of early varieties. But there are among them old, proven names familiar to gardeners with experience. One of the best varieties of this type is agate tomato.


The fruits of this variety begin to ripen on the 98th day after emergence. Until the 120th day from this moment, almost all of them are ready for cleaning. Such friendly return of the crop is appreciated by all gardeners who grow tomato "agate."

tomato agate reviews

Reviews, photos indicate: the fruits are rounded, slightly flattened, smooth. Their color is red. Size is average. On each brush 3-6 tomatoes are formed. Almost all of them are the same size. The mass of one is from 80 to 100 grams. Tomatoes do not overripe on the bush, do not crack, which consumers cannot but like.

Tomato "agate" can be successfully grown in small areas. In the southern regions and in the middle lane this is done in open ground. For gardeners who prefer small greenhouses, tomato "agate" is also suitable.

Grade characteristics

Early varieties of tomatoes ripen before they begin to be affected by the main tomato disease - late blight. This is also valuable variety of tomato "agate." Reviews of gardeners indicate that it is practically not damaged by this disease. Although in the description of the variety, average resistance to late blight and apical rot is noted.

The variety is determinant, that is, stunted. The height of the bush is from 33 to 45 centimeters. Plants of this type cease to grow after the formation of four or five brushes, on which fruits will subsequently form. The first brush forms behind the fifth sheet. Subsequent are formed every two sheets.

tomato agatha reviews photos

The stunted variety allows even a novice gardener who is not familiar with herding technology to get a crop. After all, it does not need to be done growing agate tomatoes. Reviews, photos of gardeners, however, indicate that sometimes they stepson tomatoes of this variety. Thus, they protect the crop from possible infection with late blight. Indeed, many remember the year when almost the entire tomato crop blackened in a couple of days from this disease. By removing stepsons, gardeners increase the ventilation of the bush, which contributes to the receipt of healthy fruits.

And these torn branches (stepsons) themselves can be put into the water for a while and soon get new seedlings. Stepsons will take root, they can be planted in the ground. Harvest from them later than from the "parent". This method can be used when seedlings for some reason are not enough.

The agate tomato can not be tied up, because it is low. But the variety is not standard, so the garter will not hurt him. On the contrary, it will contribute to a more even illumination of the fruit. This will make the agate tomato tastier. Reviews, photos of gardeners suggest that in unbound plants the lower hand often rotts. To avoid this, you need to put something under it to avoid contact with the ground.

The taste of fruits is estimated by specialists from 3.8 to 5 points. Many gardeners like agate tomato. Reviews of some consumers indicate a rather sour taste of its fruits. Most agree that they are fleshy, not watery. The dry matter content in their composition is 5%.

tomato agate variety reviews

Tomato "agate" gives good results in seedling cultivation. For this, seeds are sown in two or three pieces per hole. Then the excess is removed.


High portability was announced in the description of the tomato variety "Agatha" ("Aelita"). Customer reviews say that this is not entirely true. There are many varieties that are more suitable for transportation. It can be concluded that the variability of the variety is average.


Some agate seed producers claim that six to seven kilograms of fruit can be harvested from one square meter of the garden. Although other sources call significantly smaller parameters - from two to four kilograms. It depends on growing conditions and care.

When grown on large areas by industrial methods, the yield is from 580 to 670 centners per hectare, which confirms the above figures.


You can buy grade seeds from various manufacturers, such as tomato "agate" ("Aelita"). Reviews indicate their high quality. They are well prepared, have good germination. Inexpensive. A disadvantage is consumers consider a small amount of seeds in a bag.

The seeds of "agate" are also produced by the companies "Gavrish", "Elitsort", "Sortsemovoshch".

agate aelita tomato reviews


Seeds are sown in mid-March. They need to be prepared for this. First, they warm in the oven for three hours at a temperature of 60 degrees. Then, they are soaked in a potassium permanganate solution for twenty minutes to disinfect. After that, they are placed in a solution of a biostimulant (Epin, Ideal). You can use a solution of trace elements instead. Prepared seeds are placed in the sand, after wetting it. Keep at a temperature of 23 to 25 degrees until the first of them hatch. After that, it is tempered by placing it in the refrigerator, where it is kept for three days at a temperature of 3 to 5 degrees.

Seeds prepared in this way are not afraid of either heat or cold. They are sown in a pre-prepared box with soil. Its height should not be less than 10 cm. Seeding depth - half a centimeter. It is moistened with water, covered with glass or film and placed in a warm place, where the temperature is maintained at 25 degrees. They will sprout in about a week.

After the mass appearance of the sprouts, the box is opened and set in a bright place. The temperature can be temporarily reduced to 16 degrees. The first days they need to be illuminated with lamps around the clock. Then make sure that the seedlings are illuminated for at least 12 hours. If there is not enough light, then the plants will stretch and weaken. They may even become worthless.

Water should be watered at room temperature. But it is worth doing this after the first real leaflet has appeared. First watered once a week, after the formation of the fifth real leaf - once every three days.

When the seedlings will have two real leaves, it must be dived into another dish: half-liter plastic glasses, peat pots. See that the end of the spine is cut off at the same time. This contributes to the formation of a powerful root system.

tomato agate characteristic

Tomatoes are planted in the ground at the end of June. But before that they need to be tempered in the fresh air. Otherwise, the sun and wind can burn defenseless seedlings on the first day after planting.

When the plant has formed 6 leaves, the distance between which is small, and there is one or two flower brushes, tomato "agate" is ready for planting.

Reviews gardeners are advised to carefully look at the seedlings that you buy at the bazaar. Now some mountain gardeners grow seedlings for sale by distillation on manure. Plants at the same time become bright green, juicy, tall. But in reality they will not give the desired crop. After all, plants have not passed the necessary stages of their development. Therefore, it is better to take seedlings not so branched and green, but to pay attention to the stem, which is dark purple in the hardened plant.

agate tomato reviews description

The distance between planted plants should be at least 40 cm. If possible, increase it to 70 cm.


Gardeners share reviews on the process of growing tomato "agate".

Many plant seeds without germinating them. It is not advisable to sow seedlings early. When it does not plant for a long time, the plants begin flowering in a pot. Thus, they receive a signal that you need to finish the fruiting process faster. So in a hurry to give at least some kind of harvest. Often overgrown plants discard fruits when transplanted into the ground, or weak tomatoes on the lower hand delay the development of new ones.

Tomato Agatha Aelita

Customer reviews say that agate tomato is one of the best varieties of the old selection.


Tomato "agate" - a variety of universal application. It is suitable for fresh use, for the preparation of salads. Tomatoes can be preserved, because they are small and pass perfectly into the neck of the jar. It is useful to prepare tomato juice for winter, grinding tomato "agate". Reviews say that if you do not boil it, but bring it to a temperature of 70 degrees and close it with a metal lid, then in winter you can taste the fresh tomato, and all the vitamins in the juice will remain.

Tomato paste is also prepared. But for this, tomato juice is subjected to prolonged exposure to temperature, because vitamins are unlikely to be saved there.


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