Wise thoughts about the relationship between a man and a woman: an interesting selection

It seems that we are really from different planets. "Who are we?" - you ask. Like who - men and women - are completely different creatures. And this is not just a commonplace phrase, it is a reality. After all, we do everything in different ways: we dress, and eat, and sleep, and talk, and think, and love ... But on the last one, let's stop and figure it out in more detail. And great writers, philosophers, scientists and their wise thoughts about the relationship between men and women will help us in this.

wise thoughts about the relationship of man and woman

He and she

Berdyaev, a well-known Russian philosopher, wrote a lot about the difficult relationship between the two worlds: male and female. He said that even if there is true love, mutual understanding and respect between them, each of them will nevertheless end up in a certain closed and impenetrable space for another. Here he continues his thoughts and comes to a disappointing conclusion: we speak a common language, but we put different meanings in the words spoken.

I think it is pointless to argue with this statement, since the gender difference is obvious. It begins with physiology, and ends ... You can’t see the end-edge! And it would be possible to walk and enjoy these endless views, if not for one thing - they have a huge impact on our personal relationships, and for life, and our life is one and only. How to come to harmony? Wise thoughts about the relationship between a man and a woman must certainly help.

wise thoughts about the relationship of man and woman

Eyes - for men, ears - for women

The famous phrase that women love with their ears and a man with their eyes should not be taken literally. She only says that at the first meeting or in a longer relationship - it doesn’t matter, we are guided by different feelings. Weak sex, like air, needs admiration. The author of the novel "Three Comrades," Remarque said that a woman cannot be metal furniture, and efficiency is not important to her. She is a beautiful flower that needs special care - in sunny, sweet words. It is important not to work all her life in an evil frenzy, but to say something pleasant to her daily. It is difficult to disagree with the opinion of a great writer.

And what does the stronger sex pay attention to? Wise thoughts about the relationship between a man and a woman know the answer to this question. The French writer and literary critic, France Anatole, noted that “she” loves more deeply than “he” because she is blind. And for “him” in love only colors and forms are needed, “his” feeling requires exclusively “images”. It is impossible to deny that this truth is unknown to women. They know about it, because, firstly, it is their essence - to be beautiful, tender, charming, and secondly - weapons. Male fantasy is the best female weapon. Yes, a beautiful Amazon should not have a club in her hands. Her instrument, as actress Sophia Loren said, is beauty, but without elegance, charm and character, it fades.

Logic or feelings

We continue the topic. Statements about the relationship between a man and a woman are sometimes quite unexpected. John Gray, a psychologist and bestselling author about men who came to us from Mars and women from Venus, wrote that earthly women are very similar to their "great-grandmothers-Venusians." Than? They feel an uplift and a surge of energy when they feel that they are being thought and cared for. If she is deprived of this, then soon expect other feelings - fatigue and depression from unilateral responsibility. In this statement, I want to emphasize such words, or rather, the verbs “feel” and “feel”. They can be combined with any nouns and adverbs, the meaning will always be the same - in a woman’s life they are guided exclusively by feelings and emotions, and even more so in love.

statements about the relationship of man and woman

For a man, everything is much more prosaic: “I came. Had seen. Won". Psychologist Andrei Kurpatov analyzed only one word - “trust”. It is it that is associated in women with the image of the ideal man. In the latter, it causes shock and generally introduces into a state of pronounced internal tension: how can one be trusted in anyone? The male brain knows only “rely”, “reckon”, “trust”. A very revealing example! Wise thoughts about the relationship between a man and a woman are a real storehouse of useful information ...

Cheating or not

A man is polygamous in nature. Its other half, on the contrary, is monogamous. Of course, there are exceptions, but they are only a confirmation of the truth. Once again, these judgments are just the tip of the iceberg. More is hidden beneath the darker stratum of water - a woman has a deep understanding of life and love. It is not always conscious. Rather, it looks like a slow circle around the incomprehensible without a single chance to ever get closer to the center.

Chingiz Abdullaev writes that a woman is capable of easy flirting, a fleeting resort affair, but in essence they are nothing, emptiness, fleeting hobbies. It is too grounded, stable to exchange a loved one for a chimera. She thinks and feels larger. Love and family for the weak half of humanity are concepts of cosmic, universal significance. And while men are busy with their endless games, they keep the hearth with the unconditional belief that love is eternal and only it is a continuation of the sacred secrets of the Universe - Birth and Death. Great said! Wise thoughts about the relationship between men and women are uniquely inspiring.

wise quotes about the relationship of man and woman

Only numbers

And incidentally - a couple of words about scientific evidence. It turns out, and we sleep in different ways too. Men sleep deeply. Their sleep is comparable to that of a predator - brain activity drops by 70%. The dream of a woman is the dream of a victim. She is constantly on the alert. The electrical activity of her brain drops by only 10%.

We return again to the great writers. Their wise quotes about the relationship of man and woman accompanied us throughout the article. They, or rather, one of them wants to finish and summarize the above. “... Man is the most advanced being ... Woman is the most exalted of ideals ... He is the brain. She is the heart ... The brain gives light, the heart gives love. Light impregnates, love resurrects. He is strong in reason. She is in tears. Reason convinces. Tears are shaking. A man is capable of everything heroic. A woman is primarily to martyrdom. Heroism glorifies. Martyrdom magnifies ... ”These words belong to Victor Hugo, and it’s better not to say. No matter how different we are, we are the great unity on which the entire universe rests and develops.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F13131/

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