Modern baths: projects, photos

Modern saunas have gone far ahead along the path of evolution from their โ€œancestorsโ€ and already do not resemble anything in those poor wooden buildings with dull windows and primitive furnishings. Today they are multifunctional complexes for a comfortable stay in which you can take bath procedures , relax, and spend time actively. Regardless of whether private or commercial such facilities, the vast majority of them have a chic design and are equipped with the latest technology.

modern baths

Safety and comfort

Modern baths and saunas are, first of all, health improvement of the body and pleasure for the soul. In order for a bathing holiday to really bring only positive emotions, it is necessary to carefully consider all the nuances for the arrangement and design of such an object at the design stage.

The first thing you need to pay attention to when building modern bathhouses is the correct selection of building materials and special equipment, because it is these components that will determine the safety and ease of use.

modern baths photo

In addition, factors such as the layout and interior decoration of bath rooms play an important role. The modern design of the bath involves the use of not only classical materials, such as wood and stone, but also artificial ones, for example, tiles, porcelain stoneware or clinker tiles.

And to create a unique style and comfort in each room of the bath or sauna will help various interior items and well-designed lighting.

Requirements for finishing materials for baths

High temperatures and maximum humidity are those aggressive factors that will constantly affect all elements of the interior of bath rooms. In this regard, when choosing finishing materials and furniture for a bathhouse in a modern style, it is necessary to focus not so much on their decorative properties as on practicality, reliability and safety. First of all, they should possess such qualities as:

  • environmental cleanliness (complete absence of toxic chemical constituents);
  • fire safety;
  • strength;
  • durability;
  • low thermal conductivity (to prevent burns);
  • ability to keep warm;
  • resistance to significant temperature differences;
  • resistance to moisture.

modern style sauna

Wood is an ideal material for building a bath

It is no coincidence that our ancestors used wood of different species for the construction of Russian baths. This material is easy to process, has aesthetic appeal, is pleasant to the touch, has excellent thermal insulation characteristics and is famous for its natural "aromatherapy".

Despite the abundance of building materials, a worthy alternative to wood has not yet been found. That is why modern saunas are most often built from timber or logs. Wooden structures look great both outside and inside, the process of their construction does not require significant time and financial costs, plus they comply with all the requirements for bath houses.

Design and bath design selection

Modern baths, photos of which are presented below, are multifunctional objects, the design of which, in addition to the dressing room and steam room, can include an entrance vestibule, a shower, a toilet, a pool, a kitchenette, one or more bedrooms, a games room and a billiard room.

modern timber baths

Naturally, each owner should think over the layout of the bathhouse or sauna himself, focusing on the composition of his family, the number of prospective guests, general habits and preferences, and, of course, on his own financial capabilities. Numerous photo projects of modern bathhouses and all kinds of versions of their design, which can easily be found in the specialized literature, will help you choose the optimal planning option.

modern baths projects photos

The interior looks especially advantageous if its design combines natural materials of various textures and colors. At the same time, in the case of bath decoration it is impossible to use paints and varnishes, since under the influence of high temperatures they will release toxic chemicals. Responsibly, one should also consider the choice of a wooden lining for a steam room, because each breed has its own properties, which are far from always being useful. The features of different types of wood will be considered below.

modern baths and saunas


This tree is characterized by low heat conductivity and high moisture resistance, which contributes to the rapid heating of the steam room. Linden wall panel exudes a pleasant aroma and does not emit tar when heated. It has a uniform light golden color, which will create a feeling of additional space and cleanliness in the room. This type of wood is one of the best options for finishing paired.


It has an attractive whitish color, has a dense and durable structure, as well as antibacterial properties. Due to the latest quality, this wood resists the effects of fungi, mold and putrefactive processes. The aspen wall panel does not heat up much, so there is no risk of burning yourself when touched. In terms of cost, this is one of the most affordable options.

It is believed that aspen is able to take negative energy, so peace of mind after the bath will be provided.


Finishing from an alder looks expensive and stylish due to beautiful natural shades, ranging from pinkish to light chocolate, and a unique pattern of fibers. There are no resin compounds in this wood. Alder is warm and pleasant to the touch, has a water-repellent effect and does not dry out. In the steam room from alder, you can get rid of colds and rheumatism of joints.

Although this tree is more expensive than linden and aspen, it is it that is most often used to decorate modern baths.


Finishing and furniture for a steam room from this African tree have an optimal set of characteristics: Abashi wood is characterized by minimal thermal conductivity, therefore it remains cool even in hellish heat. It has no resinous compounds, it does not rot and is very durable. The only disadvantage of this option can be called a fairly high cost, due to the geography of tree growth.

Canadian cedar

It is an unsurpassed antiseptic and heat resonator. Wood has a wide range of colors (from chocolate to lemon), which provides a unique look to any room. In addition, Canadian cedar has healing properties, as it is rich in essential oils that have a beneficial effect on the respiratory system.

Lining from the Canadian cedar also belongs to the luxury category of finishing materials due to its high cost.

Types of wood that are not used for decorating a steam room

  • Ash, beech and oak tend to heat up very much, therefore they have high heat dissipation. Hot and damp wood can be easily burned. These materials are not suitable for a steam room, but they can be used to finish the dressing room and washing.
  • Larch has low thermal conductivity, and it tolerates humidity well. However, this wood contains a significant amount of resins, which are released under the influence of high temperatures. In this regard, larch is used as a building material for baths, as well as for decoration of any bath rooms, except for the steam room.
  • Spruce, pine and other conifers also emit resins when heated, the vapors of which are harmful to the body. However, if this wood is sheathed, for example, in a dressing room or a relaxation room, then a pleasant aroma will always be present in these rooms.

construction of modern baths

Rules for wiring

Modern saunas are equipped with a variety of electrical equipment, starting from lighting fixtures and ending with stoves, fireplaces, etc. Wooden buildings are classified as objects of increased fire hazard, so close attention should be paid to the installation of electrical communications in the bathhouse. And if some flaws are permissible in the interior decoration, then even the smallest errors should be excluded in the wiring. Given the seriousness of the issue, it is better to entrust the installation of electrical networks to a qualified specialist.

When laying communications yourself, the following rules must be observed:

  • all wires must have double insulation;
  • wires must be covered with special wooden boxes;
  • Lighting devices must be sealed;
  • switches should be located outside the steam room.

As for lighting materials, plastic products, even heat-resistant ones, are best avoided. The best option is a model of fixtures with stainless steel housings and glass shades.

When choosing the location of the lamps, it should be borne in mind that the light in the bath rooms should be soft and muffled, creating comfort and promoting relaxation. It should not be directed in the face, so it is better to place lighting devices on the ceiling. Small, low-power luminaires can be placed under the ceiling on opposite walls.

Modern saunas are often equipped with a 12-volt LED backlight with a moisture-proof insulating sheath. This type of lighting can be considered the best option, as it is safe, durable and economical. In addition, with the help of multi-colored LED strips, you can create a truly fantastic atmosphere in all bath rooms.


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