Deytsia (shrub): a charming ornamental plant in your country house

One of the most beautifully flowering shrubs is the action - they are named after Johann baths Deitz, the former mayor of Amsterdam in the 19th century. The botanist Karl Thunberg took this decision, grateful to Deitz for financing botanical expeditions to East Asia. It was from there that the first plant samples were brought, which subsequently began their victorious march through Europe.

Hydrangea family

Deytsiya (shrub) belongs to the hydrangea family. And it has about 50 species in its family. Their closest โ€œrelativesโ€ are mock and hydrangea. Different species can be spreading or erect, deciduous or evergreen. Their height ranges from half a meter to 4 meters. A wild-growing action is a shrub that is widespread enough: its range covers East Asia, India, Mexico. Derived decorative forms and varieties of plants, including with double flowers, attracted the attention of gardeners in Europe and America. Among its advantages are not only decorative, but also the property to bloom profusely and for a long time throughout the spring and early summer. The neighborhood of white, pink and purple lush flowering bushes can decorate any garden. In addition, the action - the bush is quite unpretentious to the type of soil, they can be called gas and smoke resistant, almost not susceptible to diseases and damage by pests. With proper care, they can grow up to 25 years.

Action bush


To propagate the action, you can use any methods. Seeds (previously untreated) are tightly pressed to the ground and not planted. After three weeks, seedlings appear. For storage, the seeds are placed in a cool room (in tightly closed jars). Use of sowing boxes will allow seeds and shoots not to dry out. The sensitivity of annual seedlings to low temperature forces them to be covered. In the spring, a pick is held. And after two years, one can expect seedlings to bloom. Green cuttings give a good effect. Cuttings are best harvested in mid-summer. Air temperature of 15-30 ยฐ C in combination with spraying give almost one hundred percent rooting.

Landing action


When placing plants, it should be remembered that action is a light-loving and drought-tolerant shrub. The plant requires a nutritious medium-moist humus-rich soil. Acidic soil will need to be deoxidized with lime or wood ash. The best place to land is open but slightly shaded from the sun. Between the rows, the optimal distance is about 2 meters, and the bushes are planted at a distance of 2.5 m from each other. Planting action is possible by individual plants or groups. Improving flowering gives the introduction of liquid manure (on one bush - 5 - b l). After trimming, mineral fertilizers are applied. If there is a danger of early frosts, it is better to fertilize until mid-July, so the bushes will stop growing and prepare for the winter period. During the spring digging, slaked lime (300 g per square meter ), potassium salt (20 g), and rotted manure (up to 4 kg) are introduced. If the summer was hot - watering is carried out 3 times a month (up to 20 liters per bush), at moderate temperatures - up to 2 times and up to 10 liters per bush.

Rough action


The following forms of action are mainly cultivated:

  • Amur or finely colored action. It is considered the most winter-hardy in the middle lane. Reaches a height of 1.7 m. White flowers are collected in dense inflorescences.
  • The action is rough snow-white. One of the most decorative forms. Her thick-double flowers are collected in snow-white inflorescences of a cylindrical shape. Each shoot can be crowned with 10-11 such inflorescences. The severity of the flowers makes the shoots bend (and the plant looks โ€œweepingโ€).
  • The action is rough terry. It is similar to the previous one, but differs only in the pink color of the outer petals. This species is thermophilic, in the middle lane it is often damaged by frost (in winter it is necessary to reliably cover the plant).


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