Delicate cinquefoil. Landing and care

If you really want to decorate your garden with a plant that would please the eye all year round, then you should pay attention to such a flower as a potentilla. Planting and care are not difficult even for beginner gardeners, and all worries will be forgotten when she will please her small, but very beautiful flowers. In spring, the cinquefoil adorns the flower bed with its dense greenery, from July to August, the bushes are covered with white, pink and yellow flowers. In autumn, the plant is also very beautiful, its leaves become golden, and in winter, red branches peek out from under the snow.

cinquefoil landing and care
If there is a desire to acquire a beautifully flowering and not very capricious flower, then here, by the way, is potentilla. Landing and care involve finding a suitable place. How successful it is depends on whether the plant will take root in your garden. In nature, there are many types of these flowers, their homeland is the Far East, Europe and North America. Since the cinquefoil loves water, it also grows in shady and humid places near water bodies. At home, you must also try to reproduce all conditions that are closer to the natural habitat.

In Russian gardens, Nepalese cinquefoil is most often found. It pleases from the beginning of July and almost until the end of August with red or dark pink flowers. Two varieties are distinguished: "Miss Wilmott" and "Floris". These are very beautiful hybrids that attract attention with magnificent inflorescences. Shrubby cinquefoil is also very popular , which tolerates a haircut, pleases with bright colors, feels great on an alpine hill. This species is used to create hedges. Silver cinquefoil is also sometimes found in gardens, it has very small light yellow flowers. But its value is not at all attractive, but in the healing properties of the plant.

silver cinquefoil
The most difficult thing is to find a place where the potentilla would take root. Planting and care require periodic fertilizing, weeding from weeds and watering. A flower loves the sun, but at the same time it fades and dries out under direct rays. In the shade, it grows very slowly and may not bloom, so the penumbra is suitable for partial shade. The most difficult for gardeners is with pink cinquefoil, since it is the most capricious. Such varieties are best grown in regions with a warm climate.

cinquefoil nepalese
Planting in a permanent place is best in spring. To do this, dig a hole about a half meter deep. Since the potentilla loves calcium, limestone gravel should be used as drainage . Then a small layer of earth is poured with sand and humus, a seedling is placed and sprinkled with the rest of the earth. The soil needs to be properly flooded, because the cinquefoil is very fond of moisture. Planting and care consist of regular watering, it is impossible to allow the soil to dry out in any case. It is also necessary to care for the crown of the plant, to cut it annually. For this procedure, spring is best, then the cinquefoil is not so injured. To create a dense and plentifully flowering bush, it is worth trimming all growths for a year by a third. Also, do not forget about the introduction of mineral fertilizers and weeding.


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