Evergreen shrub - hedge decorating the site

Where is it better to live in an apartment or your own house? This question worries many. And making a choice in favor of a house with a personal plot, you discover unlimited possibilities. You can do construction, pet breeding or landscape design. Starting to ennoble your site, you should devote enough time to planting a hedge, using evergreen trees and shrubs for this.

They will not only decorate the landscape, but will help protect the site from prying eyes, street noise and strong blowing winds that bring dust and small debris. Such a number of advantages makes the evergreen shrub an excellent contender for planting.

Wanting to get not only green, but also a flowering hedge, you can combine decorative planting, skillfully combining an evergreen shrub with other plants that will beautifully bloom throughout the warm season.

Coniferous plants have gained great popularity. Planting pine, spruce, larch and sequoia in a line, you can dilute them with juniper and boxwood. A multi-stage hedge looks great and its protection of the interior space is only increasing. Using bushes of honeysuckle, hawthorn, lilac or climbing roses at the same time as such plantings, you will only add decorativeness.

The evergreen shrub gives us the opportunity to admire its beauty at a time when all other plants have already thrown off their foliage or have not yet released leaves. Given the climatic conditions of our country, we cannot afford a large selection of such plants and some of them are forced to shelter for the winter to protect from severe frosts.

When choosing options for planting, pay attention to the Ledum. This plant belongs to the heather family, a genus of evergreen shrubs. It grows excellently in the conditions of marshy terrain and low temperatures of the Far North, therefore in a warmer climate it grows very much and blooms very well. The bush reaches a height of up to one meter and is suitable for low hedges or the first row of multi-stage.

Ledum has medicinal properties and is widely used in folk medicine for air disinfection, as a diaphoretic and expectorant. It has a second name - Daurian rhododendron. But in numerous plantings, this evergreen shrub should not be included, because having a stupefying aroma, it is poisonous.

Choosing strong-smelling varieties for a hedge, it is worth taking a closer look at Chinese juniper. It can grow up to 20 meters in height, while creating an impenetrable wall of prickly branches. Starting from the second year, juniper will delight you with bluish berries, widely used in cooking. The plant is undemanding to the soil, but very moody in relation to the humidity of the surrounding air. A few years after planting, it is required to cover the juniper for the winter, but the older the bush becomes, the lower the temperature it can withstand.

Do not forget that the use of only evergreen trees and shrubs in the plantings will create the impression of a β€œfrozen” garden. Therefore, such plantings must be alternated with deciduous plants.

With the installation of hedges, you can learn from the experience of England in creating entire gardens of heather. In nature, there is a huge selection of plants from this family, which differ in the color of leaves and flowers, composition and height, which allows you to create an attractive composition from them. Heather goes well with rhododendrons, erica and calcium. When planting a heather garden, care should be taken to ensure good drainage of the site, since groundwater close to the surface can damage the plantations.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F13139/

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