Social benefits for children: types and procedure for registration. Federal law "On state benefits to citizens with children" dated 05.19.1995 N 81-FZ

The best-known method of social protection for citizens with children is to apply for cash benefits. The state here acts as a guarantor of the provision (in certain quantities) of social benefits for children to help their parents.

2018 child allowance

Such benefits in the Russian Federation cover the expenses of mothers who are at the prenatal stage. Their payment is made until the woman can independently support her child and herself. Both fathers (under objective conditions) and the baby's guardians, who have all the supporting documents in their hands, can count on such help.

This payment from the state can be received by all citizens of Russia, stateless persons, citizens of the country living outside the Russian Federation, including those deprived of parental rights earlier (in relation to previous children).

What is regulated by the provision of this assistance?

The function of such an allowance (permanent, periodic or one-time) is to provide necessary assistance for a young family in the initial stages after the birth of the baby and the formation of its first steps. The key law under number 81- “On state benefits to citizens with children” dated 05/19/1995 provides the opportunity to receive funds for minors in the form of certain amounts of money. In order for this document to take effect, the State Duma signed Decree No. 883 of September 4, 1995 (now No. 865, which entered into force on December 30, 2006), which clearly formulated how to specifically establish and pay material benefits, and also explained the interaction of other principles.

These laws have undergone some changes, but the foundations, principles and goals of implementation remained the same. The right was also given to other federal state bodies that have executive power to supplement their documents with the document in paragraphs that this decree did not provide for. Such acts are designed to regulate the payment procedure for different categories of citizens.

2019 childcare allowance

There may be exceptions if the amount of benefits has been increased in a particular region, but without prejudice or limitation of payments to other citizens. In order to accurately interpret certain points of Law 81- On State Benefits for Citizens with Children, the legislator foresaw all possible options and prescribed specific instructions for some authorities. They are mandatory for departments involved in the policy of patronage of families with young children.

Who is eligible for such payments?

There is a specific listing of categories of persons who are eligible for cash benefits established by law. This helps to draw a clear line in order to establish which persons are entitled to social benefits for children, and also contributes to the transparency and effectiveness of the implementation of this law.

The state must pay benefits to the following persons:

  • to citizens of the Russian Federation (permanent residence and stay on the territory is a prerequisite); military personnel;
  • fire officers;
  • police officers;
  • to customs officers;
  • persons who do not temporarily reside in the Russian Federation;
  • persons without citizenship (provided that they permanently reside in Russia);
  • foreigners who have social insurance, even if they do not live in Russia permanently.
child allowance up to 15 years

The law also provided for a list of persons who are not entitled to a cash payment. Such citizens include:

  • Russian citizens whose children are fully supported by the state;
  • persons limited in their rights to care for a young child or deprived of their rights (exceptions are prescribed for women at the prenatal stage, as they are compensated due to the situation);
  • citizens who left the Russian Federation and reside in another country of their own free will.

In situations where disputes arise, moments and situations not specified in the decree, their resolution is transferred to the government. So, some details regarding state social benefits for a child are constantly being discussed and revised.

The concept and varieties of benefits

A clearly regulated amount of money assigned to receive legally designated persons for the subsequent care and maintenance of a child or several children is called state cash benefit. It partially reimburses the temporary loss of the source of regular income and the additional cash costs incurred to maintain new or new dependents. Currently, several types of social benefits for children are provided.

federal law on state benefits to citizens with children

Benefits are divided into conditionally main groups:

  • antenatal and postnatal compensation for pregnant women;
  • one-time, clearly established by the size of the payment to women who have registered for pregnancy in the first 12 weeks in a specialized medical institution;
  • one-time payment after successful delivery;
  • transfers once a month to compensate for expenses on the maintenance of the baby;
  • minimum transfers once a month for established expenses for the maintenance of the baby (child allowance up to 1.5 years);
  • one-time payment to foster parents of a newborn child who is abandoned.

The government decree defines the persons entitled to this assistance. Consider the amount of social benefits for the child and the methods of calculating the established payments. Getting benefits is possible after a woman has submitted a number of documents:

  • the original copy of the sick leave;
  • photocopies of the order on leaving the woman after childbirth on vacation;
  • confirmation of mandatory participation in the social insurance program;
  • documents on the fact of the birth of a child, guardianship or adoption;
  • additional documents established by legislative acts.

The benefits defined by law are intended only to support families with dependent children and do not appear to be exhaustive. A number of legislative acts make it possible to establish, under a collective agreement in the employing company, increased amounts and a different frequency of payments to families with children, based on determining the size of payments on the company's own funds. But this does not replace or reduce social guarantees. Additional financial support does not affect the amount of child allowance established by the state in 2018.

monthly child allowance

Permissible actions of an auxiliary nature from the enterprise:

  • one-time or regular financial support;
  • provision of additional services (medicine, pre-school, school institutions, obtaining a child's labor specialization, preferential provision of medicines, compensation of utilities, etc.).

The Government of the Russian Federation unequivocally approved several key ways to provide monetary support to families with children:

  • one-time, when registering for pregnancy in the first 12 weeks, the amount is 628.47 rubles;
  • guaranteed payment of maternity, the amount is determined by the average annual income of the woman in labor;
  • one-time payment upon successful delivery, amount - 16,759.09 rubles;
  • monthly payments made until the first dependent reaches the age of one and a half years in the amount of 4,465.20 rubles, subsequently - 6,284.65 rubles (this is the minimum amount of childcare benefits in 2019);
  • 40% of the average monthly income is paid for previously working mothers with a maximum value of 24536.57 rubles;
  • in the second and subsequent births, maternal capital is transferred.

It is worth noting that childcare benefits in 2019 are subject to indexation, so their size is increased compared to payments of previous years. However, maternity capital will remain the same.

Where do such payments come from?

Certain financial resources for the stipulated payments are formed from the reserve budgets of various levels or various funds for social insurance for active participants in the said funds. Budgetary funds, according to separate regulatory legislative acts, are allocated for payments to civil servants in accordance with their rank, military personnel - taking into account their service life and official position, as well as to employees of law enforcement agencies.

social protection child allowance

The previously established payments provided for by special state legislative acts, depending on the variety, are fixed by size. Children's benefits in 2018 and 2019 do not directly depend on age, the level of total income and a number of different conditions that characterize a person until they are established.

Features of regional payments

According to the content of Law 81- considered above, the Constitution of the Russian Federation denotes only fundamental principles for the formation and practical implementation of the degree of uniform support for families with newborn dependents under the age of one and a half years.

The regional structures representing the legislative power received the right to adopt their own acts within the framework that does not go beyond the main legislative documents, and establishing the expansion of the powers of the local authorities to improve the quality of support and services for those in need.

Among the cities, Moscow is a clear-cut example of the application of advanced features, and among the regions, the Leningrad Region. These entities adopted a number of independently established legislative acts on calculating the number of benefits that govern the procedure for their adoption and payment. For example, according to the Moscow legislative act No. 67 adopted on November 3, 2004, additional monetary compensations and payments are provided for under the basic legislative document, which is associated with an accelerated increase in the cost of medical and children's products, taking into account inflation and compensation processes regarding the increase in food prices established by the Moscow by the government.

how much do single mothers pay

Consider the process of processing payments for child care up to one and a half years. You can apply for this social allowance for children at the place of work for employed citizens. For persons who are not officially working, the social protection department is responsible for the design.

Registration through the employer

To receive money at the place of work, you must provide the following package of documents:

  • Free-form application (for maternity leave and maternity payments); his form can be taken in the personnel department or in accounting. It indicates personal data, as well as bank details for the transfer of funds.
  • Birth or adoption certificate of the child (original and photocopy).
  • Birth, adoption or death certificate of other children in the family.
  • Certificate from the place of work or the social welfare department for the unemployed that the second parent does not receive benefits.
  • Certificate of the absence of compensation payments at the place of the second job (for part-time workers).

There are situations when documents for receiving benefits are not submitted by parents, but, for example, by a relative who takes care of the child. Then you may need a certificate of family composition, sharing with a child, etc.

The time frame for applying for a monthly social allowance for a child: from birth and no later than 2 years of age to a child. If you missed the deadline for submitting an application for a good reason, you can file it through the court. You must provide confirmation in the form of certificates, certificates.

After 10 working days after the submission of documents you should be transferred funds. They are paid monthly, as a rule, on the days of receipt of wages. If the appeal for payments was belated, the entire collected amount of money is paid in full.

Getting benefits at the social welfare department

Citizens without employment, students, private entrepreneurs, people who have lost their jobs during the liquidation of the organization, as well as citizens whose work experience is less than 6 months, can apply for social benefits for children.

These categories of citizens provide the following documents:

  • application (the sample can be downloaded through the Internet resource of the social service site or directly in this organization). Now the application is filled out by the department specialists;
  • birth certificate of the child for which payments are made, and birth certificates of other children of the family;
  • a certificate from the employment service stating that you are not receiving unemployment benefits;
  • certificate of average income for citizens who receive a payment of 40% of income (who have lost their jobs in connection with the liquidation of the organization);
  • extract from the work book (liquidation of the organization) and a photocopy of the dismissal order;
  • certificate that the child’s father does not receive this payment.

Ways to submit documents to the social welfare department

According to 81 Federal Law on state benefits, documents for assistance can be submitted in one of the following ways:

  • submitting a package of documents in person to the department of social protection or a multifunctional center (MFC);
  • sending a letter by mail with a notification and a list of attachments;
  • Internet resource "State services". To use this service to apply for benefits for a child under 1.5 years old, you need to register on the site and fill out the form in the "personal account";
  • power of attorney to another person to submit your documents.

The deadlines for filing documents in social security for child allowance are also limited to reaching a child of two years of age. After submitting the application, the allowance is credited to your bank account until the 26th day of the next month.

Payments from the regions

In addition to paying the basic allowance for caring for a child up to one and a half years old, Russian citizens are paid benefits from the regions. For example, compensation payments up to one and a half years are charged to residents of St. Petersburg. With these funds you can buy goods for children and food.

There are additional types of assistance that are accrued in the following cases:

  • low-income family;
  • the family brings up a disabled child (money is paid both for a disabled child and a small child in whose family a disabled child is raised);
  • a child who is entitled to pay according to age;
  • if the family has an HIV-infected child;
  • if the baby needs special dairy products (this payment is charged until the child reaches 3 years old).

Citizens, even temporarily residing in St. Petersburg, are also entitled to regional payments. Monthly payments are made in most constituent entities of the Russian Federation, but not in all. The amount of social benefits for children, the requirements for applicants, the required package of documents in different regions, regions, republics may vary. In the regional social security agency you can learn more about the amount of the regional payment, what documents need to be prepared to receive it, how the procedure goes.

Help for single mothers

Social benefits for the birth of a child, as well as payments for his maintenance up to one and a half years, are made to single mothers without any restrictions. Thus, at the federal level, any additional assistance is not provided.

However, there are a wide variety of regional types of assistance. How much do single mothers pay? This is regulated by local law. To find out about the size and frequency of payments, you need to contact the regional branch of social protection. For example, in Moscow, the help offered to single mothers is as follows.

Compensation for the increase in the cost of living. Such assistance can be received for a child until they are 16 years old. If mothers transfer a monthly allowance for the maintenance of the baby up to one and a half years, the size of such an additional payment will be 750 rubles. If the allowance is no longer paid, the amount of monthly assistance is 300 rubles.

Compensation for rising food prices. The size of these payments is 675 rubles. You can get them before the child reaches the age of three.

If the child is a disabled person of the first or second group, until he reaches the age of majority of the mother, a benefit is paid to care for him. If the child is disabled since childhood, you can count on such assistance until he reaches 23 years of age, if he is not employed. In both cases, 12 thousand rubles are paid monthly.

In addition, if the income of a single mother is lower than the established cost of living, she can count on special assistance for the poor. For children from birth to the age of three, the amount of such a payment will be 15 thousand rubles. For a child aged three to 18, such assistance will be provided monthly in the amount of 6 thousand rubles.

In order to receive any type of specified support, you need to contact the social security department at the place of residence. You’ll need to provide revenue information for the last three months. For this, it’s best to document the period in which payments did not fall due to the departure of the decree.


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