De Caen Anemone Flowers: Planting and Care

Often, gardeners grow beautiful and perennial flowers in their personal plots, in particular, such as de kaen anemones. This variety is characterized by long flowering, ease of planting and care of it.

Basically it is planted to create bright floral arrangements near the borders. Many gardeners decorate windows and balconies with these plants.

What types of anemone are there?

Anemones are divided into many different types and varieties. The difference in species is that some develop with the help of rhizomes, while others develop with a tuber. Varieties of flowers with rhizomes are absolutely not demanding on the conditions for planting and caring for them is extremely simple. Tuberous anemones require prior preparation, as otherwise they may die. Among the main varieties can be distinguished such as:

  • Japanese anemone;
  • Anemone de Caen;
  • the anemone is tender.

Japanese anemone was obtained by crossing different varieties. This is a perennial plant with a fairly high and thin stem, reaching a height of about a meter. This variety blooms in large soft pink flowers, the size of which reaches 8 cm. These flowers form lush inflorescences. Thanks to numerous experiments, scientists have bred a variety of Japanese anemones, blooming with red double flowers.

Anemones de Caen
Tender anemone belongs to undersized species and is very popular among gardeners. The maximum stem height can reach 10-12 cm. This anemone begins to bloom in late April and is distinguished by beautiful small flowers of blue, cream, pink or white. With the onset of summer, stems and flowers die off almost completely. The main advantage of this plant is its unpretentiousness to moisture and temperature.

Anemone "de kaen", whose photo clearly shows the beauty of this variety, refers to the subspecies crown. This variety begins to bloom in early summer, and in the dry period, its foliage dries. In the autumn, young shoots reappear. This plant has single and simple flowers, however, its main advantage is the variety of colors. Variety de Caen has a well-branched root system and high stems reaching up to half a meter in height. He can easily decorate any garden plot in the autumn season.

Features landing anemone

Landing of the β€œde kaen" anemone is carried out in the spring, since it is during this period that the juices in the tubers are minimally moved, as a result of which their division practically does not harm the plant. It is worth remembering that prepared tubers without appropriate treatment can be kept without soil for no more than 1-2 days, because, otherwise, the flower may simply not sprout. To preserve the tubers throughout the year, they must be thoroughly cleaned and dried in a shaded place.

Anemone De Caen Landing
Only plants with a minimum age of 5 years can be propagated, since otherwise you can simply destroy the flower. For planting, it is advisable to separate the tubers, carefully brushing them off the ground, as this will allow the flowers to take root much better in a new place.

Planting tubers requires prior preparation. To do this, they need to be soaked for 1-2 hours in warm water. This is considered the key to successful germination.

How are seeds planted?

Planting in the fall of anemones de Caen can be carried out using seeds. In this case, winter sowing is carried out. If in the fall it was not possible to plant them, then approximately 1.5-2 months before sowing seeds in the spring, some preparation is required. To do this, you need:

  • immerse the seeds in a container of sand;
  • the container must be regularly moistened to prevent drying out;
  • when the seeds swell a little, the container must be moved to the refrigerator;
  • sprouted seeds in the ground, covered with straw or sawdust, and then snow;
  • in early spring, move the plants into a container with a nutrient substrate.

The grown seedlings need to be transplanted into the soil only in autumn, and for the winter to cover young shoots with rotted leaves. They will bloom only after 3 years.

Features of the division of the root system

Many are interested in when to plant "de kaen" anemones, how to do it right. In early spring, you can plant bushes by dividing the root system. To do this, you need to very carefully dig out the anemone bush, divide it into several parts and plant it in separate holes well fertilized with ash, peat and sand. Rhizome should be sprinkled with earth and well watered.

Where is it best to plant a flower?

Planting and caring for the β€œde kaen" anemone is largely dependent on the chosen place in the garden. This plant prefers open space, quite spacious and somewhat shaded. This delicate and fragile flower, although it is called anemone, however, does not tolerate drafts and wind, which is important to consider when choosing a place for planting.

departure of anemone de kaen
The bright rays of the sun also negatively affect the plant, therefore, it is best to choose a place that is closed from the wind and in a small shadow. It is better to plant an anemone "de kaen" on a small hill, preferring light and loose soil. Water should not stagnate, therefore, before planting, you need to make a good drainage layer.

What should be the soil?

To appreciate the beauty of the plant, it’s worth looking at the photo of the de cayenne anemones. Planting and flower care are not difficult, however, they require some preparation. Loamy, loose soil with a neutral alkaline balance is well suited for planting this plant. To do this, in the prepared soil you need to add mulch from dry leaves, wood ash, humus and sand. The root system does not tolerate too dense soil. That is why, in the summer, you need to loosen the soil several times, add sand, mulch, pebbles. The root system requires regular oxygen supply.

Anemones de Caen Landing and Care
In some cases, just a simple weeding is enough to provide air access to the root system. However, it is worth remembering that loosening should be carried out very carefully so as not to damage the fragile root system.

Plant care

Caring for the anemone "de kaen" is quite simple. In too dry and hot times, care consists in regular heavy watering. In addition, the root system needs periodic top dressing with organic and mineral fertilizers. When planting plants in the soil, it is necessary to introduce organic fertilizers into the soil that stimulate growth and abundant bright flowering, and in the fall, mineral fertilizers are introduced into the soil that contribute to the restoration of phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium.

Anemone de Caen photo
In winter, special care for the plant is not needed, however, it is recommended to cover them with dry leaves, straw or sawdust so that they do not freeze. It is important to remember that anemones do not tolerate acid soil and an excess of moisture, since it can provoke rotting of the roots. These flowers are resistant to diseases, and only snails and slugs can harm them, therefore, you need to periodically spray the bushes with a solution of metaldehyde.

Lighting and watering plants

Planting anemone "de kaen" flowers and caring for the plant are pretty simple. The most important thing is to do everything sequentially. The level of lighting should not be very bright, therefore, it is best to plant plants in a few shaded places. In addition, caring for anemone requires maintaining the required level of humidity throughout the entire growing season. The danger can be in excessive moisture, as the root system can simply die from rot.

Lack of moisture, especially during bud formation, can cause them to dry out before they bloom. This will interfere with the growth and flowering of anemones. After planting, it is advisable to mulch the soil with a layer of leaves of fruit trees or peat. In spring, you need to moisten the soil once a week.

Fertilizer application

It is necessary to feed the "de kaen" anemones during the flowering period with organic fertilizers. However, it is worth remembering that they do not tolerate fresh manure. In addition, you need to make complex mineral fertilizers in the autumn. If, during the planting of flowers, fertilizers were introduced into the soil, then additional top dressing can be excluded. It is recommended to regularly loosen the soil and remove weeds. Weeds are best pulled out manually, because during weeding, the fragile root system can be damaged. When a plant is damaged by a nematode, it is best to completely destroy them, and replace the soil in which they grew.

Features of winter care

In the middle zone with a temperate climate in autumn, anemones must be removed from the soil and prepared for wintering. For winter storage, tubers need to be well dried, cut off the ground part and stored in a dark, cool place, placing the tubers in sand or peat. It is best to store tubers in a dry basement.

anemone de caen landing in autumn
You can not dig up tubers, leaving them in the soil for the winter. To do this, you need to fill the area with flowers with fallen leaves or lapnik so that severe frosts do not destroy the plants. After this, you need to fill the foliage with a layer of snow. Tall bushes need to be cut to the ground to prevent freezing.

How is flower propagation carried out?

Reproduction of the anemone is carried out using seeds, tubers, division of the bush and rhizome. Propagation of plants by seeds is rarely used, as it requires a special approach, and seed germination is only 25%. Despite all the difficulties of the seed method, many gardeners use it to produce healthy shrubs.

Tuber is considered the most common method of propagation, however, shrubs suitable for this are more than 5 years old.

Growing Anemones at Home

Landing and caring for anemone at home does not cause any difficulties at all. You can plant flowers using seeds or tubers. If seeds are used for planting, then initially you need to grow seedlings in containers with drainage holes filled with nutrient soil. Then a little grown seedlings need to be planted in pots of 4-6 pieces each. The containers should be roomy enough so that the anemones are not cramped. This method of planting will be able to provide the grower with 100-150 beautiful flowers in a pot, blooming one after another throughout the entire vegetative period.

Anemones de Caen landing and care photo
Growing anemone from flowers is much easier. All that is needed is just to acquire tubers and plant them in loose fertile soil with good drainage at the bottom of the pot. Subsequent care should be exactly the same as the contents of the garden specimens.


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