What does "chickens count in the fall" mean? Interpretation of the Proverb

Proverbs and sayings are a collection of folk wisdom. In them we find advice, comments, warnings. The proverb “chickens in the fall count” also has a wise interpretation. It is of a recommendatory nature. In this article, we will look at what it means to "count chickens in the fall." We learn in connection with what this proverb appeared.

The meaning of phraseology

Sometimes people prematurely rejoice, anticipating positive results. But wise people say that much can change over time, it is necessary to wait for the final results. It’s worth making the results when the work is completed. This is what “chickens count in the fall” means.

This proverb is very popular, so many probably already know its meaning. But does everyone think about where it came from, why did our ancestors say that? Let's find out the reason for the creation of this expression, understand its deep meaning.

Proverb Origin History

Our ancestors knew the world around them, and transmitted their life experiences through various expressions, which over time became stable phrases, sayings with an edifying meaning. Many of them have survived and have survived to this day, like the proverb that we are considering. She appeared due to the observation of peasants over the life of chickens. Many of these chicks born in the summer did not survive until the fall. They could die for various reasons: because of the wrecking of predators, diseases, etc. Therefore, they said that chickens should be counted in the fall, that is, in the fall.

what do they mean chickens in the fall

This expression began to apply not only to poultry. It was used in various cases when someone wanted to express the idea that judging cases is based on the final results.

We examined where the expression came from and what it means to “count chickens in the fall.” And how the proverb is applied in practice, we learn further.

Expression Usage Examples

This proverb is found in the media, literature and colloquial speech. Due to its relevance at all times, it is used often.

Especially the proverb was actively used during the five-year periods, when everyone was chasing large-scale results. For example, we meet her in Sergei Voronin’s novel Two Lives. It has a dialogue in which one side says that at the end of the fourth year of the five-year period the party will get good results, and the other answers that they consider the chickens in the fall.

proverb chicks in the fall count

This proverb is also used in the novel by Semyon Babayevsky, “Cavalier of the Golden Star”. In it, Ragulin notes that it is still unknown who will do more in this five-year period: in the fall, chickens are counted.

You need to wait for the results before drawing conclusions. This is what “chickens count in the fall” means. This is also shown by examples from Soviet classical prose.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F13159/

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