Oleander flower: poisonous or not?

Oleander is a beautiful plant that adorns a good half of office buildings, and it is found regularly in residential apartments. This is an ornamental perennial shrub that belongs to the kutra family. Many legends and myths are associated with it, and the mistresses who grow an oleander in their living room, whether this flower is poisonous or not, sometimes do not even know. But it is precisely this property that gave rise to the legend of the soldiers who were preparing dinner for themselves on its long leaves. Is it worth adding that in the morning none of them woke up.

oleander poisonous or not

Outside and inside

This is a very attractive plant with fragrant flowers, but it is not recommended to grow it at home. It is much better to leave a giant for office halls, where it would not occur to anyone to break a branch. Even if you do not have young children or pets, fumes that cause headaches can be dangerous. Of course, a small plant in the hall is unlikely to harm, but if it is in a tiny bedroom, which is rarely ventilated, then a negative effect on your body is quite possible.

What to fear

Even in the most dangerous plants, only certain parts can be toxic. But this is not an oleander. Poisonous or not, it is better not to check in practice. All parts of the plant can cause poisoning. Even when dried, they retain toxins. Leaves and stems, fragrant flowers and roots, but fresh and dried juice, which is secreted by an incision, is especially dangerous. Getting into the eyes, it leads to blindness, and vision can not be restored. But the most harm will be if the juice enters the digestive tract. Even a tiny amount leads to the fact that a person can die without quality and timely help. Such is the handsome oleander. Poisonous or not, now you can no longer doubt. And for the safety of curious kids it is better to β€œevict” the plant to one of friends.

oleander poisonous plant or not


Where did the β€œpink laurel" come from? This shrub with leathery leaves, brownish stems and vibrant flowers came from Morocco. Whether oleander is poisonous or not, most gardeners did not even know, but fell in love with the plant for its ease of cultivation. Its homeland is the western part of China, it is also found in Portugal. Like many other African plants, it is not recommended to use it for growing in closed, small rooms, so that harmful fumes do not affect the health status of households.

Why "pink laurel"

In fact, this is a completely different plant, but has similarities with laurel. Its brown stems are strewn with the same dark green leathery leaves of a pointed shape. In nature, it grows into two human growths. At home, it does not exceed two meters, but only if you provide good lighting, a large pot and top dressing. Therefore, it is recommended to be placed in spacious halls and lobbies with good lighting. A poisonous plant or not, the oleander is so fond of flower growers that no one is going to refuse it.

oleander flower poisonous

Decorative flowering shrub

Beautiful, fragrant corollas are collected in carpal inflorescences. They can be simple or terry. Today there are quite a few varieties, so the process you purchased can please you with yellow or red, pink or white panicles. Of course, a terry oleander can be considered the most beautiful. A poisonous plant or not, today it is already known for certain. Toxic juice makes all its parts dangerous. Therefore, care must be taken very carefully. Even an experienced gardener must follow certain precautions, wear gloves and a mask for any interaction with the plant.

But there are also positive aspects. In addition to the decorative function, the oleander also very well purifies the air. This means that in the room in which he settled, there will be much less toxins and toxins.

is oleander poisonous

Plant species

Poisonous oleander flower happens:

  • Ordinary.
  • Indian.
  • Fragrant.

But that is not all. In turn, an ordinary oleander has many varieties. Hybrids are especially good. Their flowers reach huge sizes, are lush, plain and variegated.

The Indian oleander cannot boast of such a variety of shapes and colors, but this does not lose its attractiveness. But it blooms from June to October with large and very fragrant flowers. They can be yellow, red, pink or white.

Cultivation and care

Pink laurel is an unpretentious plant that even a beginner grower can grow. When choosing a room decor, it is important to know in advance whether the oleander is poisonous. If there are cats in the house, then their passion must be tasted. To save the animal in this case will be quite difficult.

In order for the oleander to grow and develop well, it really needs lighting. If the pot is in the back of the room, then artificial light will do. Southeast windows are best suited for placement. For magnificent and plentiful blossoming it is recommended to take out a pot on a loggia in the summer period. At the same time, do not forget about protecting the plant from rain and direct sunlight. Daylight hours should last at least eight hours, otherwise the buds will not form.

oleander poisonous plant poisoning treatment


A room oleander is poisonous, but this does not prevent him from remaining the most favorite plant among thousands of gardeners. In order for him to grow really beautiful, you need to choose suitable conditions for him. Pink Laurel loves humid air, stable temperature and nutritious land. It is not worth ignoring these requirements, because otherwise the plant will not bloom. So, when leaving, you must observe the following conditions:

  • The air temperature in the summer should be at least 23 degrees.
  • With the onset of winter, it is important to lower it to 10 degrees and ensure a period of rest.
  • The plant needs abundant watering. Therefore, immediately after drying of the topsoil, it is necessary to moisten.
  • But with the onset of autumn, you can safely reduce watering. Monitor the condition of the soil, usually enough twice a week.
  • Water must be defended. Do not neglect this rule.
  • Souring of the soil should not be allowed, therefore, first of all, you need to provide the pot with good drainage and loose soil, and in the second - do not overfill.
  • The oleander does not like dry air, so in the heat it is necessary to spray the plant.
  • In early spring and summer, he needs top dressing. Choose any option for decorative flowering plants.

oleander toxic properties

Transplant and pruning

Do not forget that this is not an harmless chlorophytum, but an oleander. The poisonous properties of the plant must be taken into account in any interaction with it, whether it is transplanting or pruning. Gloves, a mask are required, and after finishing work, all tools must be rinsed, clothes washed, hands washed with soap. And do not let children into it.

However, you still have to transplant the plant. To do this, you need to prepare a nutrient substrate, which may consist of garden soil, manure and peat. Young oleanders are transplanted as they grow out of the pot, sometimes several times a year. In order for the plant to bloom well, it is necessary immediately after flowering to prune all branches exactly half. This will make room for new growth, and the bush below will not be exposed.

poisonous oleander

Possible consequences of negligence

According to doctors, even one leaf of a plant can lead to tragedy. In Israel, he once nearly caused the death of six girls. Expecting the leaves to have a narcotic effect, they chewed a small piece. The girls were discovered on time and taken to intensive care. They did not know that the oleander is a poisonous plant. Treatment for poisoning is symptomatic, but first you need to remove toxins from the body.

In case of ingestion of any part of the plant, a rapid deterioration, slowing of the heartbeat, bloody diarrhea and loss of consciousness, and cessation of breathing are observed. But the beauty of its flowers is so attractive that no one will refuse to have such a plant at home. An exception is if children, kittens or puppies live in the same territory. They are all too curious.

Possible growing problems

Despite all its unpretentiousness, it is easy enough to destroy a flower. Therefore, let's give a few words to the most common problems that flower growers regularly encounter.

  • Situation number one - leaves are drying. Most likely, he lacks moisture or the air is too dry.
  • The plant discards leaves. The reason for this may be a low room temperature. Therefore, even in the summer you need to monitor it, and on cold nights it is better to bring the flower into the room.
  • Yellow spots on the leaves indicate improper fertilizer or excessive watering.
  • The lack of flowering most often indicates a lack of light. The oleander can drop the buds after irrigation with cold water or at a low temperature in the room.
  • Black dots on the leaves indicate that the plant is affected by fungal diseases.
  • White clusters are thrips, spider mites and other pests. It is necessary to use special insecticides.

Plant propagation

Even beginners have no problems with this. There are three effective ways, among which you can choose the one that you like more:

  • During pruning, cuttings capable of rooting always remain. The cut point should be treated with coal powder and put into a mixture of sand, perlite and charcoal. After about a month, with good lighting and regular watering, they will give roots.
  • Air layering. Another great way to get new plants. In this case, you need to cut a branch, remove the bark from it and lower this place in moist sand or a bag of water. After the roots appear, you can cut the branch and plant it in the mixture prepared for it.
  • Propagation by seed. Quite a problematic way, because they have low germination. Before planting, the material is soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate and aged in Zircon, which gives a chance of success.

Instead of a conclusion

Whether the oleander flower is poisonous or not, there will always be those who wish to plant it at home. In fact, there is nothing wrong with that. If all family members are adults, and the room is quite spacious, then the oleander will be a wonderful decoration. You only need to be careful when caring for the plant, transplanting and pruning. Then the plant will regularly delight you with beautiful flowers.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F13161/

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