Aydarkul Lake in Uzbekistan: photo with description

Aydarkul Lake is a large reservoir of artificial origin located in the north-eastern part of Uzbekistan and has become a real natural attraction of this country. Its area is 3478 km² and is currently continuing to increase. These vast expanses of water lie in the middle of the desert, which is why Aydarkul is otherwise called the "sea in the sands."

How did Lake Aydarkul form in Uzbekistan?

Aydarkul is a very young lake. It was formed about 50 years ago as a result of artificial flooding of the solonchak basin, which was made to prevent further flooding of the Chardarya reservoir. The spring flood of 1969, which arose due to its overflow, became a real natural disaster. To eliminate the elements, it was decided to drain part of the flow of the Syr Darya River into the Arnasay Lowland. So on the site of salt marshes a huge lake appeared, comparable in size to the sea.

At present, Aydarkul is fed by sewage from agricultural fields. Since the lake is closed, the regular flow of water leads to its expansion.

General description and photos of Aydarkul Lake in Uzbekistan

Aydarkul belongs to the Aydar-Arnasay lake system and is located in the salt marshes in the north-east of the Kyzylkum desert. This is the largest body of water in Uzbekistan, with the exception of the almost dry Aral Sea. The length of Aydarkul is almost 250 km, and the width is 34.8 km.

photo of Aydarkul lake

Currently, the lake is a popular holiday destination and is not inferior in beauty to prestigious resorts. The water in Aydarkul is salty, which really reminds sea water. The lake is notable for the contrast of the beach and desert landscapes. From the fruit of human economic activity, it has turned into a real natural reservoir with a high level of biodiversity.

Geographical characteristics and hydrology

Aydarkul Lake is located in the Jizzakh and Navoi regions of Uzbekistan, 50 kilometers from the city of Nurata. The water surface is located within the coordinates 40 ° 53 ′ north latitude and 66 ° 55 ′ east longitude. The coastline of Aydarkul extends for 1,535 km. The height of the lake above sea level is 247 meters.

Aydarkul is conditionally divided into low and high water. The first unites the coastal zone of the so-called kultuks - small ponds that arise in the period of shallow water and are separated from the main body of the reservoir by land areas that now look like islands and peninsulas, which used to be hills that framed the Arnasay lowland. Aydarkul also abounds in small straits.


During the spring rise in the water level, the lakes are connected to the main body of water, hiding land areas under them, but in these places the depth remains relatively shallow. The road to large water from the coast always involves forcing several kultuk. The average depth in the lake is 12.33 m and the maximum is 33.64 m.

The water in Aydarkul is not very salty. The percentage of mineralization varies from 1.5-2% in the eastern part of the lake to 8% in the western. Winter glaciation is absent.

Ecological situation

The lake has a very favorable ecological climate, because it is located far from large settlements in a virtually uninhabited place. According to rough estimates, only 1,760 people live in the coastal zone.

Aydarkul is a very quiet place with an established biosystem that is not disturbed by the economic activities of people. The water in the lake is crystal clear, which not only favors the development of ichthyofauna, but also pleases the spa guests. Here you can relax from civilization, immersed in the atmosphere of nature and the traditional lifestyle of nomads.

Nature and landscape features

Aydarkul Lake is one of the most picturesque places in Uzbekistan. A huge pond in the middle of a hot desert is a rather unusual sight, very attractive for tourists.

turquoise waters of Aydarkul

In the photo, Aydarkul Lake looks like a real sea, surrounded by low steep banks with small beaches. The blue expanse of water creates a magnificent contrast with the sand dunes of the Kyzylkum desert. The shores are washed by low waves, giving a resemblance to the sea beach.

Aydarkul beach

In the vicinity of the reservoir, you can visit attractions such as:

  • yurt camps - traditional nomadic settlements;
  • the city of Nurata;
  • Sarmysh Gorge is remarkable for the presence of cave paintings dating from the Stone and Bronze Ages.

Aydarkul Lake extends along the Arnasay depression. When looking at a pond from the side of the desert towards the opposite shore, you can see the mountains. The water surface of Aydarkul is very beautiful and has a bluish-turquoise hue.

The collision of desert and water ecosystems gave rise to a unique biotope. The coastal zone is covered with vegetation that is not characteristic of sandy, hot expanses. Many birds settled here, including species that previously inhabited the shores of the Aral Sea. The fauna is rich in endemic and representatives listed in the Red Book.

Recreation and fishing

Recreation facilities on Lake Aydarkul in Uzbekistan are contrary to ideas about the traditional resort infrastructure. Instead of equipped beaches, shops, hotels, houses or campgrounds, here are the traditional nomad settlements, where real yurts serve as dwellings. Such an atmosphere allows not only to plunge into history, but also to enjoy the pristine natural landscape.

Camel rental organized for tourists along the coast, as well as various cultural programs, are an excellent addition to the rest. In addition, you can taste traditional Uzbek cuisine.

camel ride in the Aydarkul region

The beaches on Lake Aydarkul are very clean and, unlike many popular resorts, do not bear the imprints of civilization. There are many uninhabited wild places where you can enjoy the view of pristine nature. The beaches of Aydarkul are especially picturesque with birds that have chosen the coastal zone of the lake. Here you can find even exotic feathered inhabitants (flamingos, pink pelican, etc.).

Within Uzbekistan, Aydarkul Lake is the best place for fishing. There are many representatives of the ichthyofauna, such as:

  • carp;
  • silver carp;
  • rudd;
  • catfish;
  • Chukhon;
  • crucian carp;
  • snakeheads;
  • Aral roach.

Fishing can be done both in large water and in kultuk. However, in the latter case, it must be borne in mind that in early spring and before the start of winter, the fish floats to a depth.

Yurt camps

The traditional nomad settlements on the Aydarkul coast are called yurt camps. Here people live in Kazakh dwellings made of wood and felt. Such camps are located along the coastline, but at a decent distance from the lake itself (the road to the water by car usually takes an hour and a half).

yurt camp

One of the largest and most comfortable yurt settlement for recreation is called Aydar. It is located 7 kilometers from the coast. Yurts are comfortable enough for guests to stay. The camp is adapted to the needs of tourists (there are showers, clean beds, etc.).

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F13172/

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