Books about music, musicians, composers, music styles

It is hard to find a person who does not like music. One is impressed by rock, the other by dance music, the third by classical music. Each finds for himself pleasant melodies of completely different styles and directions. Nowadays, thanks to advanced media equipment and the Internet, anyone can easily find and listen to their favorite piece of music.

music books

If you ask different people what music means to them, the answers will be completely different. However, one thing is certain: it is a wonderful gift for humanity. For many, music becomes a hobby, some express themselves in it, but there are those for whom it becomes the work of a lifetime. Not surprisingly, in a society filled with melodies, books about music are always in demand. The audience of their readers is huge: from children who have barely learned to read, to people of retirement age.

The influence of music

The beneficial effects of music on human intelligence have long been noticed. Scientists have proven the fact of an increase in the productivity of the brain of people listening to classical works. Doctors examined the effect of music on blood pressure and on the treatment of certain diseases. Thanks to such studies, an independent type of therapy, ornithotherapy, has been substantiated and is now being used.

Readers are introduced to similar facts by books about the influence of music on humans:

  • “Energy of music” (Svetov Mikhail).
  • “Music is the power of life” (Yusfin A.G.).
  • “The influence of music” (A. Klimenko).
  • “Music and the secret influence” (Cyril Scott);

Music. First meeting

Many parents try to instill a good tone in their children from an early age, give them to study at music schools. Undoubtedly, they are useful for expanding the horizons of young readers of books about music. Which one should you start reading from?

To direct the children’s first steps, using accessible and interesting examples, helping Rimko Olga Danilovna's composition “The First Musical Journey” to help them learn the concepts of fret, measure, interval. The hero of this work is a fabulously short boy named Vasily. He and his grandfather travel and talk, introducing the basics of musical knowledge to young readers.

classical music composers

Also, for the first acquaintance of a child with music, the following literature is recommended:

  • "Creative diary of a young musician" Ivanova A. P.
  • “Your friend is music”, “Tales from the music box”, “Music and musicians” Levasheva G. Ya.
  • “In the country of musical instruments” Hitz K. R.
  • “Little stories from the life of great composers” by S. D. Laevsky.

Supporting literature for music school

Children's books on music are also useful when teaching a child in a music school. Sometimes it is not easy for him to study musical scales according to standard textbooks. In this case, a bright, fascinating “Music Alphabet” from Konchalovskaya Natalia and Sinyavsky Peter can become a lifesaver . A child with her help will be able to cope in a playful way with tails and notes that are incomprehensible to him.

The younger schoolchildren learning to play the piano will be helped by the bright and not boring book by Elena Alekseevna Koroleva, figuratively and not boringly explaining the specific concepts of flat and sharp, staccato and legato, etc. Specially selected literature contributes to the diversity of children's education in a music school:

  • "Fun Musical Alphabet" by Tolkunova Elena.
  • "Solfeggio in fairy tales" by Kamozina Olga.
  • “Musical prescriptions for beginners” by Olga Abrosova.
  • “Reference on musical literacy and solfeggio” by Tatyana Vakhromeeva.

Classical Music Books

As you know, classical music was created in the historical period from Baroque to modernism and is intended to be performed by a symphony orchestra. It, without losing its relevance over the centuries of performance, has become for musicians a kind of model, canon. From here came its name. Classical music composers wrote in different genres. Famous all over the world are Chopin's polkas, Strauss waltzes, Tchaikovsky and Mozart symphonies, violin concerts by Vivaldi, oratorios and Bach cantatas. Who considers classical music literature? This can be answered with the words of Dmitry Shestakovich: "He who loves to listen to her."

rock music books

Books about music, designed for lovers of the classics, are quite diverse. In particular, for experienced musicians and music critics, the course of lectures by American composer and Ph.D. Robert Greenberg, “How to Listen to and Understand Great Music,” will be most valuable.

Persons with a musical education can be recommended to read also the following three compositions:

  • When to Applause by violinist Daniel Hope.
  • The "Incomplete and Final History of Classical Music" by the British playwright, Rector of Dundee University Stephen Fry.
  • The Shortest History of Music, created by former musician and now editor-in-chief of the British radio company CLASSIC FM, Darren Henley.

A fascinating educational program for beginners who like to listen to the classics but have little understanding in it, was offered by conductor Bernstein Leonard in his book “Music for All”. This magnificent storyteller spent many years giving successful lectures on music on American television. After reading this composition, even the “teapot” will understand the basics of the structure of leitmotifs and symphonic cycles, the basics of the work of the orchestra and conductor.

About classical musicians

Biographical and memoirs about the life of classical music authors are numerous and in demand. Those interested in this aspect of musical culture, we recommend that you pay close attention to the works of the series “The Life of Wonderful People” (ZHZL). The biographical books collected in it acquaint readers with outstanding personalities. Connoisseurs of classical works will be interested in books about music and musicians:

  • “Beethoven” (author B. Kremnev).
  • “Bach” (author S. Morozov).
  • “Paganini” (author of Tybaldi-Chiesa M).
  • Verdi (by Tarozzi Giuseppe).
  • “Mozart” (author Brion Marcel).
  • Vivaldi (author of Boccardi Virgilio).
  • “Schubert” (author B. Kremnev).
  • “Tchaikovsky” (author A. Poznyansky).
  • “Mussorgsky” (author Fidyakin D. R.).
  • "Rachmaninoff" (author Bazhanov N.).

Specialists in the history of music can recommend the Great Masters lecture course by the American composer and Ph.D. Robert Greenberg, which tells about the creators of the classics.

Children's literature about composers

The genre of biographical and memoir literature is too heavy for mastering by younger schoolchildren. They understand the classics to read a little prose. Although the composers of classical music are very worthy and spiritually rich people, children usually only want to learn about them from the most vivid moments of their biographies.

Interesting and accessible for children, Boris Evseev wrote about P. I. Tchaikovsky, M. P. Musorgsky, M. I. Glinka, S. V. Rachmaninov, N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov, I. F. Stravinsky in the book “Russians composers. " This composition leaves after reading a feeling of acquaintance with a sublime, creative beginning. After all, each of his heroes treated music creatively and with complete dedication. The book is beautifully illustrated by the artist A. I. Chauzov. However, this work will equally interest both the student and the student and the teacher.

book alexei kozlov rock music origins and development

In the book "Tales of Great Composers", compiled by N. Astakhova, the heroes are European composers of classical music. The writing is adapted for children. It shows the ministry of these people to music, overcoming poverty, ailments. After all, the writers, whose works we are now listening to with such pleasure, often lacked sleep and worked hard.

Rock Music Books

Rock music, which appeared in the USA and Britain in the middle of the last century, outgrew the scope of the genre and became the direction of youth culture. Today's rock is multifaceted, it shows either a mirror exposing the vices of society, or rebellion of children against fathers, or opposition of personality to society.

In view of the above, it can be noted that, starting from the middle of the 20th century, each generation of youth has its own rock. This direction of music, based on its nature, initially cannot be irrelevant, therefore, literature on rock is so numerous. It is she who allows readers to understand his directions and artists.

The person seeking the shortest way to comprehend the phenomenon of rock, will help the book by Alexei Kozlov "Rock music: the origins and development." It made a rather successful attempt to present the history and directions of this style in historical and logical sequence.

However, acquaintance with the literature on rock will be incomplete without reading the articles of journalist No. 1 writing about it. It is difficult to overestimate the mission of popularizing Russian rock, which was fulfilled by Artemy Troitsky.

The books of this author are widely known among music lovers: “Rock in the Union”, “Back in the USSR”, “Explosive skeletons in the closet”. They are valuable because they express the competent opinion of a person familiar with all the nuances of Russian rock.

Also, fans of this musical style are interested in literature on the periods of its evolution, as well as narrating about individual rock stars. For them - our subsequent presentation.

Birth of rock: 50s, 60s

It's no secret that rock appeared as music of protest. His fathers, black 50s musicians Chuck Berry and Little Richard, each of his songs denied American discrimination in color. In the 60s, the famous Liverpool four Beatles, contrary to world political confrontations, aroused in young people the dream of spiritual unity and love.

Artemy Trinity books

Books about the mentioned stars are quite popular today. A contemporary can get acquainted with the work of Chuck Berry thanks to the audiobook of the publisher "IDDK" "Rock and Roll. Chuck Berry (CD). " Literature about the Beatles group is still very popular today and, accordingly, is plentiful:

  • The Beatles. Authorized Biography ”(Hunter Davis).
  • "John Lennon. Letters ”(Hunter Davis).
  • “Eight arms to hug you” (Oh! Chilap).
  • The Beatles (Hunter Davis).

70s Music - Punk Rock

In 1976, rock again showed its bold face to the hypocritical official world: the punk band Sex Pistols shocked official Britain with the single “Anarchy in the United Kingdom”. Her bright musicians created the phenomenon of punk rock, but with the collapse of the super-group in the 80s, the direction they created did not find worthy followers. About the charisma of Sex Pistols - a team that has become an icon of a new style - tell books:

  • “Sex Pistols. The True Story ”(Fred Vermorel).
  • “Sid Vicious. Too fast to live ... ”(Alan Parker).
  • “Please kill me!” (Gillian McCain, Legs McNeill).

Heavy Rock, Heavy Metal

Then, in the 70s, Jimmy Hendrix guitar chords told about the birth of hard rock. The new direction was followed by the British bands Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple.

Another British team, Black Sabbath, with its work marked the birth of another style - heavy metal. The genre was developed by their compatriots from Iron Maidan and Judas Priest, as well as the German group Helloween.

children's books about music

At this stage of development, rock was already in the focus of attention of writers and journalists. It was in the 70s that books about rock music became cult among young people. Dozens of them are published annually, among them:

  • “The Saga of Led Zeppelin. Hammer of the Gods ”(Stephen Davis).
  • "Deep Purple. Motorway Star ”(Dribushchak V.V.).
  • "Iron Maidan. Biography ”(Alexander Morozov).

The 80s were marked by the work of U-2, Duran Duran, Depeche Mode. The merit of these groups in rock culture is to create the perfect concert concept. They created a spectacle, a show, captivating the audience. Below is the literature about them:

  • U2 by U2 (Neville McCormick).
  • Kiling Bono (Neville McCormick).
  • “The Rises and Falls” (Jacques Taty).
  • Depeche Mode (Jonathan Miller).

Thrash style rock

The obvious progress in the development of young music was the emergence of the thrash style. Among its representatives are Metallica, Motorhead. The new music, incorporating the Beatles ideals, went further in its development, calling for action, for movement. Thrash is very popular these days. Readers often mention the book “The Truth About Metallica” by Joel McIver.

"Nirvana". Kurt Cobain

In the 90s, the star of the group Nirvana was lit. Its phenomenon occurred during the crisis of post-industrial society. The genius of its leader Kurt Cobain was an impromptu and unique musicality. He lived one day, and the work of the soloist eloquently testified to this. This kind of nihilism initiated him crazy popularity among young people.

Due to the attention of the fans, the list of books about Kurt’s music and biography seems pretty impressive. Journalists and writers were attracted by the ambiguous personality and powerful talent of the American. At the age of 27, he became a rock idol, a drug addict, gave birth to a daughter, created 5 wonderful albums.

books on the impact of music on humans

Last year, Kurt Cobain used a $ 400 a day mixture of heroin and cocaine! However, he wrote music that brought him world fame. Fans of his work can be advised to read the book:

  • Journals (Kurt Cobain).
  • “The Life and Death of Kurt Cobain” (A. Galin).
  • “I am here to take you to Nirvana” (Sanford K.).
  • “Courtney Love and Kurt Cobain. About me ”(Vise N.).

On the rock of the 21st century. What to read?

In the past decades of the XXI century, rock crumbled into many areas - viable and one-day. Among this diversity, the American group Linkin Park, the Canadian Three Days Grace, the American Kings of Leon stand out.

Mariah Carey, who started with pop music, migrated into the rhythm and blues. Informal youth listen to the music of the Gothic Nightwish, HIM, The Rasmus.

In view of the pace of development of show business, books about contemporary performers demonstrate a phase of lag. Journalism in this respect is more dynamic by several orders of magnitude. Therefore, sharks of the musical world (including the aforementioned Artemy Troitsky) recommend that readers of modern rock do not read books, but magazines.

For connoisseur readers, solid editions of Billboard, Down Beat, Music Week, Music & Media are preferred. Bravo, Smash Hits editions are suitable for teenagers. Glossy lovers can recommend Uncut, Q, Mojo.


Books about music are extremely diverse. After all, music is a whole universe of sounds. There are many areas of musical literature.

list of books about music

Children's performs familiarization and educational functions. She, figuratively speaking, opens up a young portal to the wonderful world of tunes. Books on music for adults provide an opportunity to get to know their favorite works more closely and imagine the personalities of their authors. Books about classical composers develop their horizons and allow people to plunge into the atmosphere of genius creativity. Compositions about rock music are traditionally in demand by the younger generation. Rock for young people is not just music, it is part of their subculture.

Thus, the literature on music is extremely diverse in form and universal in content. Any person can find in it the person that interests him personally. What we wish the readers of this article.


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