Let's talk about how to make a portfolio for elementary grades for a girl

When parents hear that they need to make their child’s portfolio for an educational institution, they simply become perplexed. Of course, some professions require a folder with samples of their work. But how to present your child in the best light, if the child is not a model, not an actor, or even an architect-designer? Let's consider in the article how to make a portfolio for elementary grades.

For the girl for the folder, you should choose a delicate coloring with your favorite characters. But here you need to consider the requirements of teachers. In some schools, documentation with cartoon characters is allowed, while in others, a neutral-classical design is allowed, where the inscriptions do not get lost in the “forest wilds”. Third institutions buy ready-made portfolios.

Ready-made portfolio of elementary school students

If the school requires you to buy a ready-made portfolio, then here parents with a child fill it out during one academic year or 4 years of primary school. The prepared achievements folder includes the sections: “Data about me”, “My achievements” (for each year of study), “My friends”, “My subjects”, “Moral education”, “My responsibilities at school and at home”, “Wishes parents, students, teachers ”,“ Photo class and school. ”

primary school portfolio for girls

A ready-made portfolio for elementary grades (for girls) is convenient because you do not need to look for information. It is enough to tick off the necessary achievements in the subjects and complete the corresponding tasks. But such works are standard, typical and boring.

Another type of ready-made portfolio is the outline sheets with headings that can be downloaded on the Internet and printed at a photo shop. These are bright sheets with cartoon characters and empty places for photos. But sometimes it is necessary to write inscriptions on dark sections of the forest, houses, etc. It is on this factor that teachers draw attention.

Design and content

Portfolio for elementary classes   it’s important for the girl to create, given the tastes of reenka. The student herself can choose a suitable design. The main thing here is to take into account the goals of this achievement folder. Firstly, a portfolio can be exploratory, the purpose of which is to get to know each student better and their abilities. Secondly, it can be designed to collect information about the personal achievements of the child over several years.

primary school student portfolio sample

In the first case, a “dossier” is collected on the student about his hobbies and achievements that were received in the first grade, and in the second case, the portfolio is collected during the period of study in the elementary school. In any case, this project should include the following sections:

  • The title page with the data of the child, educational institution and class.
  • The portrait of the girl includes photos and mottos for every day.
  • The meaning of the name of the child.
  • Information about the city and the route from home to school.
  • The good deeds section is especially important as an indicator of moral qualities.
  • Daily regime.
  • Friends section with photos and a story about friendship.
  • Tab goals and dreams.
  • The study section includes an assessment of their successes and failures in each subject.
  • The column on family, family traditions, travel discloses information about family leisure.
  • More information is collected about the child’s personal and educational achievements in the tabs “Grades in subjects”, “Creative works”, “Books that you read”, “School events”, “My awards”.

Primary school student portfolio sample

The goal of the portfolio is to collect information over several years about the individual achievements of the child in subjects, circles, and personal growth. Such a project should include information not only about educational activities, but also about extracurricular activities, communication between students, teachers, parents, people, about creative projects, fitness and health and labor achievements.

primary school student portfolio

An example portfolio includes 9 large sections, but you need to consider that their volume will be replenished within 4 years. Therefore, it is better to make such a project in the form of a folder with files, and by the end of training in primary school, you can make it like an album or a diploma.

School Portfolio Sections:

  1. Title page (full name of the child, school, class, home address, phone, photo).
  2. “My world” (“My name”, “My family”, “My city”, “My friends”, “My hobbies”, “My school”, “Favorite subjects”).
  3. “My study” is dedicated to a specific subject where a child can apply the most successful tests, essays, tell about books he has read, about an interesting lesson, etc.
  4. “Public work” includes duties and assignments at school and at home, as well as participation in extracurricular activities.
  5. “My work” includes poetry and prose of my own composition, drawings, photos of crafts, etc.
  6. “My travels” include family and school trips around the city, country, and abroad.
  7. “My achievements” include various diplomas, diplomas, grades for the year not only in educational activities, but also in other areas (sports, dancing, olympiads).
  8. “Reviews and suggestions” include recommendations of teachers, parents, friends.
  9. "Content" will be constantly updated as new sheets arrive, so do not spend a lot of time on it.

Now you know how to make a portfolio for elementary grades. It is important for a girl to first create her project with her parents, but as she acquires the skills of the corresponding work, she will be able to replenish it herself.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F13176/

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