How to make crafts from tires for kindergarten?

Children are big game lovers and tireless inventors. Unusual jewelry will help bring mood to their daily lives. In the article you will learn how to make cute crafts from tires for kindergarten. There are various ways to independently make them from available materials. Let's get to know some of them better.

crafts from tires for kindergarten

Currently, the appearance of the courtyard can be transformed0 using various improvised tools that do not require special financial costs. The main thing is that there is a desire and time, the rest is the work of hands! It is recommended to use for decoration of tires of foreign manufacturers either old winter tires, as they are thinner, more flexible and obedient.

Flowerbeds - original tire crafts

Step-by-step instruction:

1. First of all, you need to prepare the tools: tires, knife (jigsaw), paint.

2. Cut the tire with a knife or jigsaw.

3. Mark in a circle in the form of petals

4. Cut out the marked circles without making an incision below.

5. Remove excess and turn the petals inside out.

crafts from tires step by step instructions

6. Paint the tire in the desired color: yellow, orange, red, blue. You can make interesting patterns.

7. When the product dries, you need to plant flowers in its center.

8. Unusual flower bed is ready!

If you don’t want to spend time on the petal shape, you can simply paint several tires with unusual patterns, lay them on top of each other and arrange flowers on the top. The view will be magnificent!

Flamingo - a great option for crafts from tires

For kindergarten, this bird will be a wonderful decoration! To make it you will need:

  • tires;
  • crayon;
  • pink, black and white paint;
  • knife;
  • wire;
  • sticks for legs;
  • drill.

1. We mark on the tire the upper and lower parts of the body (neck and small tail).

2. We outline two wings.

3. Cut out all the details, turn the bird's body out.

4. We make two holes for the legs using a drill.

5. Connect the two parts of the tire and the wings using screws.

6. Fix the wire, forming the neck.

7. Insert the sticks, legs, pre-painted in black.

8. The head of a flamingo can be made separately, then fixed.

9. Paint the bird.

Snails - simple tire crafts

For kindergarten, without much effort, you can make a snail. To do this, follow the algorithm described below.

1. Cut off the side parts from the tire so that a continuous strip forms.

2. We outline the snail’s head and horns using a pre-prepared paper blank.

3. We wrap the rubber plate in the roll and fasten it with screws.

4. You can use a wire to fix the neck.

5. Paint the resulting product in a suitable color and finish the eyes, smiling mouth, nose.

6. The snail is ready!

Crafts from tires for kindergarten - parrots

making crafts from tires

The creation of this product is troublesome, but it will perfectly decorate the playground of the kids. To work, prepare:

  • car tire;
  • paints, brushes;
  • strong sharp knife;
  • Drill and drill (diameter 10);
  • the rope.

So, let's get to work.

1. Divide the tire lying on the ground into three equal parts and leave the marking.

2. Using a knife or an electric jigsaw, at one of the three parts we separate the side of the tire on both sides.

3. Turn the tire sideways. A narrow strip is the tail, and a wide one is the head of a parrot.

4. From the scraps of the tire we cut the beak of the future bird.

5. Trim part of the bird’s neck so that its head looks straight.

6. We fix the head.

7. Make a marking of the tail and cut it with a knife.

8. We connect the lateral parts of the tire in the middle with a rope.

9. Color the bird.

10. The parrot is ready!

Making crafts from tires is a very exciting creative process, which allows not only to get rid of unnecessary material, but also to turn the playground from the usual into a fairy-tale and fun!


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