How to make a tattoo at home and not be disappointed?

Drawings on the body are becoming increasingly popular. Previously, such “decorations” meant one of two things: either belonging to the “sitters,” or the hallmark of the underground. Now, in a respectable society, it is customary to brag to friends about new unusual patterns on the body, like a blouse from a famous designer.

how to make a tattoo at home
At the same time, some very fastidious comrades strive to save money here, believing that getting a tattoo at home is not so difficult, but you do not need to take very substantial amounts to the salon.

Of course, in specialized stores you will not be required to present a license or permission and they will quietly sell a typewriter, needles, mascara. But here it will cost no less than the work of the artist. You can also try to assemble a homegrown aggregate from improvised means, but will you risk experimenting with your own health? In addition, if we make a tattoo at home, then we must be one hundred percent sure of our own artistic abilities and strong nerves. Blood cannot be avoided in the process, and it will be very inappropriate if the master dizzy from her appearance .

Therefore, perhaps, it is worth abandoning the crazy idea of ​​opening a full-fledged salon at home. We will leave long-term drawings on the conscience of professionals.

make a tattoo at home
Let's get to know better how to make a tattoo at home using plant material. Simply put, everyone knows henna. And do not think that the drawings will be inferior in beauty to the patterns applied by ink. On the contrary, bizarre ligature attracts no less attention of others. And the historical roots of such art are lost in the mysteries of the ancient East.

So, we have a bag of henna in our hands. Now you need to understand how to make a tattoo. At home, you must carefully sift the purchased vegetable powder in order to get rid of possible impurities and lumps. Then proceed to the preparation of the paint.

There is a quicker option, which involves the dilution of the powder with lemon juice and its immediate use, but there is a longer option. When choosing the latter, be patient. It all starts with the same as the previous recipe: henna is diluted with lemon juice. But then only the mixture after that is left in a warm place for twelve hours. And to create a greenhouse effect, it is wrapped in cellophane. Then the second stage begins - basma is mixed in the pulp (it will give the picture brightness and saturation). Again, forget about the paint for twelve hours. And only after the expiration of the time we throw a little sugar into the mixture for density. Some lovers of oriental exoticism also use aromatic oils.

fill a tattoo at home
Getting to the most important thing - how to make a tattoo at home mixed with henna paint. Before applying the drawing, we carefully consider the composition. It is better to draw a sketch on paper in general and strictly follow it. So you will not spoil the whole thing with one inaccurate smear. Remember, vegetable paint is quickly absorbed into the skin! Now, actually, about the skin. We remove the extra hairs, degrease the place of application of paint with alcohol and, armed with a syringe or tube with a tip, we begin to carefully display the patterns. Apply the thinnest lines with a toothpick. Keep cotton swabs on hand, they will help to quickly remove blemishes.

How to make a tattoo at home, we learned. Now a few words about caring for such a pattern. The beauty of temporary plant patterns is their fragility. Gradually, henna is washed off, brightens, and then completely disappears. This does not happen right away, so you have time to enjoy the ornament. Want to extend it? Then lubricate your tattoos before taking a shower with oil or greasy cream. A kind of film will protect them from the effects of water. And, of course, do not rub them with a washcloth and soap.


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