How to get rid of weed in the garden? Think together

Any gardener strives to ensure that his garden is the best and to bring as much yield as possible. The main problem will always be weeds. For all gardeners, this is a pretty sore subject. Many people wonder how to get rid of weed in the garden. For those who do not want to constantly weed, there are some ways to destroy harmful plants. Try mulching the soil with straw, sawdust or film. In the aisles, cover the special material agroperlite - this is a black fabric that prevents the appearance of weeds. Effectively removes many weeds of lawn grass. Infected areas are seeded under a lawn or simple clover. Do not forget to mulch with straw, sawdust or agroperlite. The very first help in weed control is mowed grass. Try to lay the mulch in a thick and dense layer so that weeds cannot break through. Some people prefer to use various chemicals to control plant pests, but it happens that they are not able to completely exterminate the hordes of weeds.

How to get rid of weed in the garden

Weeds in the garden

Take a look at what weeds are more on your site. They are both annual and perennial. When you dig a garden, do not take away absolutely all the roots - some can rot in the ground. If you come across lignified roots, then it is better to remove them - these are the roots of perennial plants. Annuals multiply by seeds, so such diligent removal is useless. For example, a weed such as sow thistle will help destroy a substance called Roundup. But it should be used very carefully, the main thing is that the chemical does not fall on the shoots of your cultivated plants. An abundantly growing wood louse indicates that your soil is too acidic. Because of her vitality, she will have to fight her all summer. To destroy this plant, you need to bring chalk, lime or ash to the ground in the autumn (during digging). The most harmful weed is considered to be wheat grass, which can attract harmful insects - a stem scoop, wireworm and Hessian fly. The photo of the weeds in the garden looks great.

Weeds in the garden

But how to get rid of the weed in the garden without excipients? As it was said at the very beginning: try to lay mowed grass between the beds or buy a special fabric that will prevent the weeds from growing. Also, many are advised to plant cultivated vegetables seedlings. Thus, beneficial plants drown out harmful ones. Well, if you do not want to have a garden and you have money, then the best solution is a roll lawn. This is the most suitable option for how to get rid of weed in the garden: there is where to play, and there are no more weeds.

Weeds in the garden photo
It also happens that it was not possible to get rid of the annoying plant. Then you can try to find him a use. For example, nettle, plantain, dandelion, burdock, etc. are considered to be useful weeds. Now you know all the subtleties of successful gardening, and if you are asked how to get rid of the weed in the garden, you will have the answer. Have a good harvest!


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