Coat of arms of the USA. The history of the coat of arms of the United States. What is the bird on the emblem of the USA?

Unlike most powers in the world, the state emblem of the United States of America has two sides, like a coin. This symbol of the country is also called the Great Seal. It is used to certify only certain documents approved by the government of this great power, such as Presidential addresses and international treaties. The Secretary of State of the United States of America is responsible for keeping the seal. But it is not hidden from the general public: anyone can see a valuable original in Washington, in the State Department showroom. The US emblem flaunts on the obverse of the Great Seal. What is depicted on the reverse, who invented these symbols of statehood, as well as the magic number 13, which is repeatedly repeated in the emblem and flag of the country, read in this article.

US coat of arms

US coat of arms history

On the very day when the independence of the newly emerging state was declared on July 4, 1776, the Continental Congress was tasked with developing a national emblem confirming sovereignty. It is interesting that the creators of the idea of ​​the Great Seal were by no means artists, but people far from heraldry. But they were prominent figures who made a lot of efforts to free thirteen states from the dictates of Great Britain. Three members of the Continental Congress committee — John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, and Thomas Jefferson — developed their designs. They tried to connect together Secretary of Congress Charles Thomson. But it took six years and the involvement of the artist and heraldist Pierre Eugene do Simiter to put together all the projects and put the state seal on paper.

Usa coat of arms history

Coat of arms designs

All three authors of the idea of ​​the Great Seal drew their inspiration from the Bible. In particular, B. Franklin drew a parallel between the liberation of the American people from the overseas yoke with the history of the exodus of Jews from Egypt. The US emblem , according to this version, crowns the motto "Rebellion against tyranny - in the will of God." T. Jefferson saw in the act of sovereignty the people of Israel, led by Moses to the promised land. The reverse was supposed to feature two Saxon leaders Hengist and Khorsa, whose form of government was adopted by the Americans. Option J. Adams was perhaps the most erotic. On the obverse flaunted naked Hercules, leaning on a club, and on the reverse - slightly dressed Virtue, pointing to the ascent path, and Sloth, offering to lay on the lawn among the flowers.

Second committee

However, no matter how hard Pierre Simiter tried to creatively comprehend and express in heraldic symbols the ideas of the authors of the Big Seal, its design was rejected at the Congress. Francis Hopkinson joined the second Committee for the Development of the Symbols of the New Country. He had already developed the emblem of the state of New Jersey, and set about the emblem of statehood. It is thanks to him that the thirteen red and white stripes with the same number of stars adorn the US flag and coat of arms. Hopkinson also has the idea of ​​reversing the Seal: the unfinished pyramid and the Eye of Providence. However, the obverse, which was attended by two goddesses with an olive branch and arrows, did not like Congress, so a third Committee was created.

Coat of arms of the usa photo

Final version

A young lawyer William Barton was involved in the work of heraldry. In just five days, he submitted to the Congress court a sketch of the Great Seal. On the obverse was an eagle with spread wings, the reverse remained almost the same as the first committee drew. Congress was not too pleased with the proposed emblem, but there was no time for rework: it was necessary to certify important state documents under an agreement with Great Britain and the exchange of prisoners. Therefore, the sketch was taken as the basis, and Charles Thompson was instructed to finalize it. This talented Secretary of Congress created the final version - the emblem of the United States, a photo of which you see in all encyclopedias. Thompson took into account all the interesting ideas of the three Committees. He retained the magic number 13 - the number of states that became the fundamental core of the new state. The olive branch and arrows, symbols of peace, but also readiness for war, were also preserved. Only they were not already held by the goddess, but by the claws of an eagle. This layout was approved on June 20, 1782, and already in September the Great Seal was placed on a document authorizing Washington to exchange prisoners.

Usa flag and coat of arms

So which bird is on the emblem of the USA?

Barton decided that the eagle is too common a heraldic symbol. He wanted a truly American bird to be depicted on the national symbol of the country. Such was the bald eagle (Latin name Haliaeetus leucocephalus). It was previously believed that this species of feathered predators is found only on the American continent, but now it is known that its representatives live in Russia, on the island of Bering. Interestingly, the bird that now adorns the coat of arms of the United States could be ... turkey. It was proposed as a symbol of the country by B. Franklin. And all because turkeys often attacked the British grenadiers dressed in red uniforms. However, most Americans judged that these birds are universally considered symbols of arrogance and stupidity, and therefore chose the eagle.

What bird on the coat of arms of the usa

Magic number

The number "13" is found in the Great Seal both on the obverse and on the reverse. By the way, the reverse side of this emblem of statehood can, if you wish, be considered by taking a dollar bill in denomination. There is an unfinished pyramid of thirteen blocks with the eye of providence. However, Thompson supplemented the flip side with a 13-letter motto: "Annuit Coeptis," which means "God is supportive of our endeavors." The second Latin slogan, Novus Ordo Seclorum, translates as “New Order for Ages.” Below is the date - 1776. This is the year symbolizing the beginning of American statehood. The obverse of the seal - in fact, the emblem of the United States - is also replete with the number "13". In the beak of an eagle there is a ribbon with the inscription “E Pluribus Unum” (with a magic number of letters). Red and white stripes on the shield, stars in the cloud above the bird’s head, arrows in the left paw, leaves and olives on the branches in the right - all this reflects and glorifies the 13 first states. The symbolism of flowers in the coat of arms is traditional: white - innocence, red - courage and vitality, blue - a sign of vigilance.


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