Trellis size for grapes. Grape bush formation

Summer residents who grow grapes on their site, from their own experience were able to verify the need for the construction of the right support. In this case, the plant does not fall to the ground, its leaves receive more light. This allows the grapes to grow harmoniously. Yield of shoots when using the correct support will be higher.

A beginner gardener should know what size of trellis for grapes will be optimal, as well as what types of similar structures exist. In this case, growing a crop will be simple and interesting. There is no hassle with this.

Plant features

The arrangement of the vineyard is an interesting occupation. This plant is a vine. It braids with its stems the plants standing next to it to get more sunlight.

Grape trellis size

Grapes bear fruit well even in the middle climatic zone of our country. It is grown even in the suburbs. Special grape varieties are suitable for cold climates. Its berries will be smaller, but their taste and benefits will not decrease. Summer residents also grow decorative varieties of the plant.

Support for grapes should be installed in a well-lit area of ​​the site. In this case, the plant will quickly braid with its green shoots the crossbars prepared for it. This will create a decorative composition, and in the fall to collect a gorgeous harvest of bunches of grapes.

Trellis advantage

The formation of a bush of grapes using trellis has several advantages. This approach allows you to fully form the skeleton of the bush. This process must be carried out from the first years of the life of grapes. This tactic allows you to specify a certain form of climbing mass of vines.

Grape prop

The trellis allows the shoots to be evenly spaced across the entire support plane. Shoots do not interfere with each other. The leaves in this case receive more light. Sun rays grapes will catch the entire surface of the leaf.

Grapes in the spring, pruning of dry leaves will be faster if there is such a support. Plant care will be faster and easier.

Growing away from the ground, the leaves are provided with good ventilation. This significantly reduces the likelihood of fungal diseases on the leaves, the appearance of rot.

Design features

The size of the trellis for grapes is determined on the basis of considerations of comfortable care for the plant, as well as the type of support itself. To install it, you should choose the right place. It should be a well-lit spacious plot. Watering the plant should be convenient. Light-loving or afraid of high humidity plants should not grow nearby.

Grapes in the spring

Rows of trellis are set in the direction from north to south. The distance between the posts can be large. This will give grapes the opportunity to grow over the years. The minimum distance between the posts should be about 2 m. Nearby you can plant vegetables that prefer to grow in the shade.

There are several options for arranging trellises. There are single-plane, two-plane and arched structures. The first option is the easiest. Two-plane supports require a lot of free space between the rows. In this case, occupying free space by other cultures will not work.

Trellises for plants in the form of an arch usually have a large height. They are usually used for decorative purposes. Their size should be larger than a person’s height, so that you can walk under the arches.


The material for the construction of the support may be different. Its posts can be wooden, metal. There are also plastic trellis for grapes. Supports create from pipes or corners. The main requirement that is put forward to the material is increased rigidity. The design must be strong and reliable.

plastic trellis for grapes

Today, plastic is the most demanded material used for the manufacture of trellises. It is easy to mount on the site. Modern materials of this category have increased strength and low weight. In this case, the installation will be quick, does not require a significant investment of effort and time.

Wooden structures require quality processing. Over time, they can begin to collapse. This also applies to metal arches. Rust can damage the integrity of the structure. Plastic is considered durable, maintenance-free material.


The support wire must be strong, not subject to corrosion. Grapes can grow for about 50 years. Therefore, it is better to choose high-quality materials once than to repair several years later.

The metal thread should have a high content of zinc. This increases the life of the wire by 3 times. The density of the metal should be about 230 g / m². Such material is lengthened by only 5%. This is a good indicator that allows you to grow heavy branches of grapes on a trellis.

Grape bush formation

Also, the wire may contain carbon. It also has a positive effect on its longevity. The thread does not rust, does not sag. It will be extremely rare to pull it up.

The size

The size of the trellis for grapes should provide convenient care for the plant and its harvest. The diameter of the pipes is recommended to be selected from 32 to 57 mm. The cross-section of the support pillars can be not only round, but also square, rectangular. Such designs are cheaper. To assemble the structure in this case will be easier.

Vineyard arrangement

The optimum height for the trellis is recognized as 2.2 m. This rule applies to the construction of a vineyard. If the vine rises up the pergola or arbor, the height of this structure should be at least 2.8 m. The maximum permissible height for such structures is set at 3.2 m. If the support is higher, it will be extremely difficult to take care of the vineyard. To do this, you need to use a ladder.

On high trellises, grapes are tastier and larger. However, in such conditions it is allowed to grow only frost-resistant varieties (capable of surviving at temperatures up to -32 ° C).

Strength reinforcement

The support under the grapes should have a solid crossbar on top. The diameter of the pipe in this case may be smaller than that of the supporting posts. This is necessary so that the design can withstand the weight of the vine along with the fruits. If there is no upper crossbar, the support bends, turns out of the ground. Too thin cross-section of the crossbar leads to its deflection. The wire may sag.

The crossbar can be only half an inch in diameter. However, even this will be enough to keep the design in shape for a long time. According to experienced gardeners, such supports can last about three decades or even more.

It should also be noted that the supports must be buried in the ground to a depth of about 60 cm. The pit should be 80 cm deep. Its width and length are also 60 cm. The first 20 cm of the indentation should be covered with ordinary sand. Further, the supports are dug up with soil, tamping the ground well. A thrust bearing should also be used for the support post. So it will be harder to loosen.

Single-Plane Varieties

Single-plane trellis for grapes is the simplest kind of support. It is easiest to build on its site. All green mass is located on one plane of the support. The height of such structures is 1.7-2.2 m. In this case, the growth of the gardener, who will look after the plant, should be taken into account.

Single-plane trellis for grapes

Intermediate supports should be separated from each other at a distance of 3-4 m. The first wire, which is closest to the ground, should be stretched at the level of 0.5-1 m. Here, as a rule, the fruit links of the vine are located.

The second wire is stretched 25 cm from the first crossbar. Here you should perform the first garter shoots. Subsequent threads should be placed at a distance of about 40-50 cm from each other. The cable thickness should be at least 3 mm.

To determine the distance between the rows, you need to multiply the trellis height indicator by 1.5. This is the minimum value. Better to put the rows a few centimeters further.

Two-plane designs

A two-plane trellis for grapes is most often used for vigorous varieties. This design will withstand a large mass of shoots, clusters with large berries. Such supports can be used on a site with a small area.

At its core, this design consists of two single-plane trellises. They are combined at the base and divorced at the top (distance 1-1.5 m). All recommendations presented regarding the arrangement of single-plane varieties are also characteristic of these plants.

The distance spacing between the rows in this case is 2. The trellis height is multiplied by it. This determines the minimum distance between the rows.

This design allows you to get a large yield. However, caring for the plant will be difficult. Such a design is more difficult and expensive to manufacture.

Arch, gazebo

The formation of a bush of grapes can be made for decorative purposes. For this, the design has the appearance of an arch, arbor or pergola. In this direction, many varieties of support forms have been invented.

Supports can also form whole tunnels, transitions. Such designs are individual for each vineyard. There are no clear guidelines for organizing the form. To build such supports is quite expensive and difficult. Plant care is carried out with certain difficulties.

But such designs allow you to decorate the site, as well as to obtain high productivity. This is the most beautiful form of growing vines. There are a great many variants of shapes and sizes in this direction. The choice depends on the taste preferences of the owners of the suburban area.

Bush formation

There are several ways to shape a bush of grapes. The fan-and-sleeve approach is recognized as one of the most convenient. Saplings should be buried in the soil so that the upper eye is underground at a level of about 7-10 cm. In this case, the likelihood of formation of the stem is significantly reduced. The vine easily bends with this method of planting to the soil.

If you want to give the correct shape to the bush, molding is performed over several years. In the first year, you need to grow 4 healthy durable shoots. Weak vines are removed immediately. In autumn, the plant is shortened to 80-100 cm in height.

Next year, grapes are garter in spring . The fan principle applies. On these branches you need to grow 2 more shoots. Eyes should be removed immediately after swelling. Only two upper shoots are left. If the crop appears, you do not need to leave more than half of the bunch on the sleeve. In autumn, the buds on the lower shoots are removed.

In the third year, you need to tie up all the shoots horizontally. On the shoot of substitution, you need to trim the inflorescences. Only two are left. One of them is directed away from the center. He will be replaced in a year. About 5 kg and more are harvested in autumn.

Having considered what size of the trellis is necessary for grapes, you can properly grow this crop in your area.


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