Nickname for a French bulldog girl: options, popular nicknames, dog features and the meaning of names

The French Bulldog is a rather specific dog. Someone like her, someone not. These dogs have a good flexible character. But appearance, frankly, is for lovers.

If you are one of those, and dream of a French bulldog bitch - that's good. And here we have prepared names for the French bulldog girls. Want to familiarize yourself? Then go ahead.

Tiger Bulldog

It all starts with the letter

What it is? This is the first letter of the name given to the puppy with the pedigree. What does it depend on? First of all, from what litter in the account. Suppose a female has a third litter. So the names for puppies should be in the letter "B".

A pedigree book is kept in each kennel, where the date of birth of the puppies, time, gender are entered and they necessarily indicate the first letter of the name. Parents of babies are also indicated here.

Something like this looks like this:

  • Litter for the letter "Z". (metro Hayka f. Rus Linderberg - about Sam Couscousland). Date of birth 12.07.2010. There are 5 puppies in the litter, all live-born. 3 females and 2 males. The first female was born at 12:33, nicknamed Xena. Second Bitch - 12:50 - Zorri. Third male - 13:20 - Zers. The fourth bitch - 13:50 - Zayn. Fifth male - 15:10 - Zerro.

Now you can clearly see how names are selected for the dog-girl of the French bulldog.

Many bulldogs

Home name

Did you know that a dog can have two names? The first is indicated in the pedigree, and the second is used for home. So, a bitch named Lacoste is called Fanechka, for example.

How to come up with a home nickname for French Bulldog girls? Based on your own taste, character of the puppy, his appearance. Let's dream a little.

Name by color

What is the nickname for a brown French bulldog girl? And for the beige beauty?

  • Brown color - Tigrash, Brownie, Bounty, Nesqui, Brainy.
  • Beige color - Blondie, Milky, Beja, Svetti.
Beige bulldog

Name by character

Each puppy is individual. Pugs are usually very calm and docile dogs. But there are exceptions everywhere. What to call a French bulldog girl? Nicknames by nature are presented below.

  • For a calm bitch, such names as Floya, Tisha, Masya, Sonya are suitable.
  • For the active and perky - Batka (from the Battery), Buzz, Skokki, Jump.
  • For affectionate - Sissy, Paw, Lyalechka, Weasel.
  • For the cowardly - Boyaka, Tikh, Tikhonya.

By season

What nicknames for a French bulldog girl can you think of based on the date of her birth? If the pet was born in the winter, it can be:

  • Packet, Zimushka, Snezhana, Snowflake, Christmas tree, Snow Maiden.
  • The names Autumn, Cloud, Haze, Silence are suitable for the autumn bulldog.
  • Was the girl born in spring? Apreline, Vesenka, Marta, Mike, Teplushka, Suns.
  • Summer baby can be called Grass, Letka, Sunset.
French bulldog puppy

The most common nicknames for French bulldog girls

No desire to puzzle? Give the dog the name that many give. The list is presented below:

  • Aphrodite, Aurora, Anika, Annie, Asya, Bella, Beauty, Barbie, Vax, Volta, Vanessa, Virginia, Gella, Gressia, Hestia, Hebe, Gloria, Daina, Danae, Dineris, Dobby, Daniela, Dora, Eve, Jazy, Xena, Zola, Zanti, Zera, Zika, Ina, Ica, Ista, Iveria, Kandy, Candida, Kelly, Clara, Kurt, Kami, Cameo, Camellia, Cleopatra, Lucy, Lana, Lizzy, Lori, Loni, Loki, Lotta, Hatches, Maya, Megan, Martha, Matty, Monica, Minerva, Missy, Mausi, Nola, Nala, Nana, Nikki, Nika, Nora, Olda, Osta, Pani, Panya, Pretti, Sunny, Cindy, Cynthia, Simone, Sally, Tootsie, Tori, Trixie, Twixie.
Bulldog with a ball

Beautiful names

What nickname for a French bulldog girl can I choose? Yes, so that she is not hackneyed? I want something rare and beautiful. Let's try to find together:

  • Athena, Abia, Asia, Antei, Alika, Alice, Arnie, Alika, Astia, Aika, Aina, Aisa, Aurika, Amelia, Argentina, Arida, Army, Arissa.
  • Barry, Barney, Bestia, Brunny, Bastia, Barca, Buffy, Binara, Bilda, Berry.
  • Verona, Vernia, Verna, Vestia, Vesta, Varia, Vivi, Vivea, Vivian, Velor, Will, Wanda, Velda, Wurma, Vixie.
  • Gerda, Grani, Gordy, Gorda, Gobbi, Glammy, Glafi, Gann.
  • Darra, Dara, Dina, Diana, Deinira, Dejanira, Dorri, Dukki, Dick, Diza, Dlara, Dotti.
  • Evgeniya, Europe, Eromira, Erona, Emilia, Esta, Yetti, Essi, Elra, Efiza, Ena.
  • Zhazira, Zhura, Zhulfira, Zhenya, Jenny, Zheka, Zhodi, Zhurmin, Zhurima, Georgia.
  • Zora, Zemfira, Zyama, Zina, Zurika, Zanri, Zenia, Grains, Zodi.
  • Irna, Irma, Irona, Toffee, Iris, Iressa, Other, Eli, Istia, Ibi, Ivi, Ilsor, Isold, Inta.
  • Claudi, Kirma, Kellary, Kenny, Casey, Catty, Katie, Kloufin, Roots, Cresia, Carrie, Camry, Constance, Kutti, Keith.
  • Lufia, Lucia, Lucia, Lyubava, Lumira, Lutta, Lusta, Lucca, Larry, Lorenz, Lorena, Lopi, Lisa, Lyric, Lyra, Laffi, Lacosta, Layart, Layla.
  • Mora, Motya, Matilda, Monita, Monisa, Mara, Mrs. Misi, Maldives, Malvin, Maretta, Morena.
  • Nicole, Novella, Nerika, Nesti, Nadine, Naurika, Nautica, Nokia, Ninzana, Niffi.
  • Alder, Olara, Old, Olika, Olivia, Olira, Ota, Ora, Obby, Oter.
  • Pappi, Paisy, Palra, Palmyra, Paekki, Pestia, Pruddy, Parma, Party, Pascal, Peron, Padwig.
  • Ruzanna, Rufina, Ruffy, Ron, Ritti, Rani, Roni, Rubin, Rubia, Ore, Rocky, Rossi, Rivzana, Rihanna, Rary, Reba.
  • Torah, Tina, Troy, Thera, Terra, Teira, Tessa, Tofi, Trema, Tema, Tuleyma, Tokki, Tosa, Terminal, Terima.
  • Ulm, Urn, Una, Ufi, Urra, Ustia, Ulmira, Ulrika.
  • Fenya, Fanya, Fanny, Phlox, Phoebe, Firr, Franz, Francis, Foren, Folly, Foxy, Fetti.
  • Hannah, Hussie, Hillary, Heron, Chloe, Harty, Hocky, Hulha, Hattie, Hota, Hoda, Chora.
  • Tsona, Tsetsa, Cera, Tsusa, Tsushima, Tsura, Zoffi, Tsabi, Tsetsei, Tsircei, Zora.
  • Chami, Chuzana, Chinzana, Chara, Chold, Chuf, Churim, Chunir, Chuck, Chub, Cholly.
  • Eron, Erna, Est, Everia, Erd, Eggy, Essy, Elon, Evia, Enir, Ersan, Erk, Erd, Ekki.
  • Yuna, Yunira, Utah, Yudwig, Yunzan, Yuviya, Yurn, Yuffi.
  • Iasi, Yaska, Yasna, Yarn, Yafia, Yaddi, Jadwiga, Jamaica, Jaffa, Yakki, Yast.

A little about the nature of the "Frenchmen"

Bitches of the French bulldog are very patient and complaisant. You rarely see a choleric dog. In general, representatives of this breed are somewhat phlegmatic and immersed in themselves.

They are difficult to learn. Dog science is not given to bulldogs, so you have to work hard to master elementary teams.

In the family, these dogs are second children. Affectionate, loyal to the owner, follow him on the heels and are ready to accompany at least to the ends of the world. If the owner sat on the sofa, the dog will be there. The owner has gathered for a walk, and his girl is waiting at the door, wagging a short tail.

Patient with children, even the smallest. They love attention on their part, and who besides a child is able to simply provide this pet with this attention?

Long walks are not included in the taste of French ladies. They are thermophilic and prefer to lie on the sofa or eat tasty food.

Representatives of the breed have a very difficult birth. Therefore, it is better not to knit them without the supervision of a breeder and veterinarian.

French Bulldog Bitch

Maintenance and care

We figured out how to pick a nickname for a French bulldog girl. Now let's touch on the maintenance and care of beautiful ladies.

First of all, the young lady needs her place. It can be a cage for dogs of small breeds or a stove bench. It is important that the pet has a place where she can relax.

The second point is the daily preventive examination of the ears, teeth and muzzle. Be sure to pay attention to the nose of the dog, if there are any mucous secretions from it. To clean, in case of occurrence, with a damp cotton swab or swab.

Wipe the eyes with infusion of chamomile, if they began to watery or discharge went from them.

Bulldog lies

Ears are cleaned with a cotton swab or stick.

Claws cut as they grow. As a rule, this is done every two months.

Combing the French Bulldog is necessary once a week.

Strictly monitor the hygiene of the dog during estrus. The pet is not too neat, is able to ignore its toilet. Wipe the genitals carefully with a damp cloth.

French bulldogs are fed special food. Homemade food is not for these dogs.


We talked about what a nickname for a French bulldog girl can be picked up. We highlight the main aspects:

  • It is not necessary that the dog bears the name given to her by the pedigree. The home version is not excluded.
  • A pet can be called based on its nature.
  • The time of year in which the bulldog was born can be the basis for the nickname.
  • No desire to come up with a name? Call the most common. The list is presented in the article. The most beautiful names for French bulldogs are selected in it.

Now the future owner can choose a name for the pet. Brief information on the nature, care and maintenance of the French Bulldog is also given.


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