Starling chicks: how to feed?

starling chicks
It often happens that the nestlings of the starling fall into the hands of man. This is due to the fact that babies can fall out of the nest at any time, since it does not provide a degree of protection. In addition, the cubs are rather timid and begin to back away when they feel the danger is approaching. And given that the chicks still cannot fly, they have no opportunity to climb back. On earth, they are as vulnerable as possible - most predators will now be able to feast on small chicks. In this case, a person becomes the only savior, and if he tries, he will be able to grow a healthy starling.

The main mistake in caring for the baby is feeding him bread. The fact is that only adult individuals can digest breadcrumbs ; starling chicks are not yet able to do this. You can soak a soft roll in milk and give it to the cub, but you should not do this often. In addition, babies should not eat salty foods, as salt is toxic to them. In fact, the diet should be as close as possible to what the birds would have in nature: small insects, worms, larvae, caterpillars, sometimes meat (both raw and boiled). Starlings with appetite eat fish, the main thing is that it is not salty. It should be remembered that you still have to get natural food, because cubs will grow poorly on one meat or fish. Remember that in your hands is a baby who feeds on grains. Therefore, it is necessary to add various cereal plants to the diet. However, it is not worth abusing such food, because it is too hard, the body of the cub will not be able to cope with a large portion.

starling chick photo

After you have decided what to feed the starling chick , you should understand the dosage. Since the bird in question is quite large, it should have enough food. The total weight of the food that the starling chicks should eat within two hours should equal half the mass of the baby. If the cub eats everything that you prepared for it at a time, then you are lucky - you are dealing with an adult enough, which increases the chick's chances of survival. If he doesn’t eat all at once, then you need to feed the bird in several approaches.

Plus, we should not forget that the starling chicks must quench their thirst, otherwise they will die from dehydration. As a rule, babies do not immediately begin to eat and drink from the hands of a person. In order to prove to them your good intentions, you need to lightly press on the sides of the beak, revealing it, then the squirrel will feel that it satisfies hunger and thirst, and subsequently will not resist feeding. Kids are usually watered with a pipette.

what to feed the starling chick

If you are interested in knowing which breed your starling chick belongs to, the photo will help you. The fact is that you can determine the type of this bird at a young age. Chicks are significantly different from each other. In addition, information from books can help you determine the gender and age of a foundling. In any case, if you find a chick that is not capable of feeding itself, help him, because you have all the possibilities for this!


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