Buying a home under maternity capital: documents, conditions. Loan for the purchase of a house under maternity capital

State support as maternity capital provides an opportunity for families to improve their housing conditions, purchase real estate on credit (on a mortgage), and pay for children's education and more. It is possible to manage the allocated funds after the child reaches the age of three. Prior to this period, it is possible to use the family certificate ahead of time to make a down payment on a loan / mortgage for residential real estate or to pay off the remaining debt on an existing loan, which was also issued for the acquisition of real estate. Buying a home under maternity capital is a convenient, and often the only, option for families to purchase or improve their living conditions. In many ways, this program of state support was extended to 2018.

buying a house under maternity capital

Buying a home under maternity capital: conditions

You can send the funds of a family certificate to the acquisition of real estate. In 2016, this amount is more than 450 thousand rubles. As with any other event, buying a house under maternity capital has its own characteristics and nuances, which will be discussed later.

  1. The house must be adapted for living at any time of the year: there must be relevant documents confirming this. "Country" options will not work - to acquire such a building it is impossible to attract state support funds.
  2. The land on which the house is located should be classified as “Land for individual construction”. Otherwise, the receipt of support from the state in the acquisition of such a house will be refused.
  3. At the expense of state support it is impossible to acquire a land plot for the further construction of a residential building. Since the empty plot is not suitable for life, it is impossible to regard its purchase as an improvement in living conditions
  4. In order for the purchase of a dwelling house under maternity capital to be possible, a sales contract with the current owner is required.
  5. Purchased housing should be divided into shares between all family members. In order to fix your readiness for the division of real estate, you should notify this obligation to a notary and provide it along with other documents to the pension fund at the place of residence.
    buying a house under maternity capital conditions

Where to go to use maternity capital?

The redirection of state support funds occurs through the branch of the pension fund. You should go there, taking with you a list of documents, which is given below. Please note that depending on each situation, this list can be changed. Details should be specified directly at the PFR representative office.

documents for the purchase of a house under maternity capital

Documents for acquiring a home using maternity capital

In order for the pension fund to cover part of the housing costs, a number of mandatory securities must be provided. The family will have to collect the following documents for the purchase of a house under maternity capital:

  1. The application of the established form (you can fill out the application in advance by downloading the form on the official website of the department or in the FIU branch).
  2. An identity document of a family representative who submits an application and copies of this document.
  3. SNILS.
  4. Certificate of state support.
  5. Birth certificates of all children and their copies.
  6. Copy of the contract for the purchase of residential real estate.
  7. A copy of the document confirming the fact of ownership of the purchased residential property.
  8. Help with information about the amount that still needs to be paid under the contract of sale.
  9. A notarized document confirming that the registration of real estate in common ownership is planned.

With this set of documents, you should visit the representative office of the pension fund at the place of residence. The term for consideration of such an application will be no more than 30 days.

Buying a home on credit with state support funds

If it is not possible to use only your funds to purchase a house, you can use the services of banking or credit organizations and arrange a loan. At the same time, the fact that it is impossible to get a loan from a bank and state support funds under a certificate at the same time is important.

purchase of a house under maternity capital
At the moment, a family certificate when applying for a loan can be used as a down payment on a loan or as an amount to pay off a debt on an existing loan.

When can I use a certificate to buy a home?

No need to wait until the child is three years old - for such a case, early use of funds allocated by the state is available. It is theoretically possible to use maternal capital as an initial contribution on a home loan, but in practice it is quite difficult to do. The main difficulty lies in the fact that there are very few credit and banking organizations that are ready to accept certificate funds as the first payment. Even if it is possible to find such a financial organization and obtain a loan to buy a house under maternity capital, then, most likely, the interest on the loan will be slightly higher than when making the initial payment with your own funds. A much more successful option is to use your own savings to pay the first installment and to channel maternity capital to reduce the amount of debt on a loan.

loan to buy a house under maternity capital

Maternity loan for the purchase of a house: instructions for registration

In this case, the scheme looks a bit simpler:

  • you need to contact a bank or a credit institution and get a loan there, using your own funds to pay the first installment;
  • to purchase residential real estate by receiving a document proving ownership of residential real estate;
  • apply to the representative office of the PF of the Russian Federation at the place of residence with the aim of writing an application to send funds to repay part of the loan, due to which the purchase of a house under maternity capital was made;
  • Having received a positive decision after considering this application and obtaining the necessary information, you should contact the bank to clarify further actions.
    home equity loan

Final stage

When applying to the pension fund after writing the application, you should take with you all the same documents that were listed in the section “Documents for the purchase of a house with state funds. Support ”and an agreement with the bank. You should also get a statement from a credit institution that indicates the presence of debt and its amount. After submitting all the documents to the representative office of the RF Pension Fund, it is necessary to wait for its decision, as in the first case, the review period does not exceed 30 days.

Buying a house under maternity capital will take a lot of time, but using this form of state support, you can pay off part of the debt on a home loan.


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