How to see the sights of Murom in one day?

The ancient city of Murom with a unique history is interesting for travelers with its many attractions. There are many worthy objects for inspection, places for walking and recreation. Despite its small size (the area of ​​the city is 43 sq. Km), sightseeing of Murom in one day is not easy. And you need to carefully consider the route so as not to miss anything meaningful and interesting.

Murom attractions in one day

Geographical position

Murom is one of the oldest cities in Russia. It stands on seven hills on the banks of the Oka. The settlement was located on the border of the Vladimir and Nizhny Novgorod regions and is located 137 km from the capital of the region. The settlement belongs to the medium-sized cities of Russia, a little more than 110 thousand people live in it. In our country there are several cities spread over seven hills, and one of them is Murom. Complex hilly terrain may interfere with sightseeing in one day.

Murom attractions in one day

History of the city

For the first time, the annals “The Tale of Bygone Years” mention the city. The records of 862 indicate that among the settlements subject to Prince Rurik, there is also Murom. The name comes from the name of the Finno-Ugric tribes and roughly translates as "a place of fun and singing."

In the time of Ancient Rus, several princes ruled the city in turn: Gleb Vladimirovich, Yaroslav Svyatoslavovich, three sons of Yaroslav, Fedor Glebovich. In these times, Murom is a major shopping center. Pottery, blacksmithing, bone carving and metalworking were well developed here. During the Tatar-Mongol invasion, the city was badly damaged, it was subjected to arson and ruin. For 50 years he generally remained in desolation, until in 1351 Gleb Fedorovich could not get a label from the Mongol khan and begin to revive the settlement. In 1392, Murom was annexed to the Moscow kingdom. The city becomes an outpost of the state, and it is significantly strengthened, at this time defense walls are being built.

Murom squads were distinguished by great heroism, and their exploits were repeatedly described in the annals. In 1552, Ivan the Terrible decided to conquer Kazan, and his path lay through Murom. A squad was recruited here, which played a key role in the capture of Kazan. More than once, Murom helped the Moscow kingdom to confront enemies. The regiment, led by A. Suvorov, fought with the Turks, fought for Ochakov, marched through the Alps. In the war of 1812, Murom warriors marched from Smolensk to Moscow.

In times of peace, the city continued to develop. Local craftsmen were famous for their products far beyond the borders of their region. Many businessmen of a nationwide scale emerged from Murom. The end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century became the “golden” time for the city. Factories, a power plant are being built here, and shipping is developing. Soviet times brought the same changes to the city as to the whole country. In Murom, temples are being ravaged, new industrial enterprises are being built. The post-Soviet period also brings typical events: population decline, destruction of the industrial complex. From the end of the 20th century, the city began to revive past traditions, restore temples and monasteries, work on the tourist attraction of the region.

Today, in order to explore the main attractions of Murom in one day, you need to try very hard. The long history of the city left numerous traces in it, which are worth a detailed inspection.

Murom sights what to see in one day

Myths and Traditions

The main myth of the region is a legend about the epic hero Ilya Muromets, who was born in the village of Karacharovo, which today has become part of the city. According to legend, after the baptism of Rus, the supreme god Perun turned into the Nightingale the Robber. He began to destroy the villages, and the people suffered greatly from him. And Ilya Muromets defeated the robber and freed the people. Today, some of the sights of Murom are dedicated to these events. In one day you can explore several places associated with the hero: a monument to the hero, the alleged place of birth and the relics of Ilya, which are located in the Transfiguration Monastery.

Another legend of Murom is associated with Saints Peter and Fevronia. This story became the basis for an outstanding work of ancient Russian literature - "Tales of Peter and Fevronia." The relics of the saints are stored in the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the city of Murom, they pray for family well-being. In 2000, a special holiday was established in honor of this couple - Family and Fidelity Day, which is celebrated throughout Russia, and the center of celebrations becomes Murom.

Murom attractions in one day where to go

The main attractions

There are five very ancient cities in Russia, and Murom occupies a worthy place in this list. Attractions - what to see in one day? This question is interesting for tourists who come to get acquainted with this unique city with so many interesting places. Choosing a route, a tourist should decide on priorities. For lovers of temple architecture, it is worthwhile to focus on four existing monasteries, each of which has its own attractions. Those who want to see not only religious shrines, but also other places, should include in their route a cable-stayed bridge over the Oka, the monuments of Ilya Muromets and Peter and Fevronia, an epic stone, several old churches and a water tower. You also need to walk along Moskovskaya Street, look at the Oka.

Description of Murom sights in one day

Main route

To see the main attractions of Murom in one day, it is advisable to start excursions early. In summer, when daylight hours are longer, there are more opportunities for inspection. In the winter, in the afternoon, it is better to plan a trip to the museum so as not to waste valuable time. The route should be built so that at least from the outside you can see all four churches of Murom, special attention should be paid to the Transfiguration Monastery. The main attractions are next to each other. To the side is Bylin stone and the native village of Ilya Muromets. Therefore, the route should start from the railway station, then go to the Stone, then it is better to get to the center, where you can see monasteries, churches, monuments and buildings of the 19th century. Then you can go through Oksky Park to Karacharovo, and from there you can return to the station by transport.

murom sights in one day reviews

Educational excursions

A trip to Murom will allow you to expand your knowledge of Russian history: there are many places with great cognitive potential. The most popular sights of Murom in one day to see quite real, especially if you take care of transport. The best place to start is from the Museum of History and Art, which presents an exposition about the city and its inhabitants. Here you can see ancient artifacts telling about the glorious military past of the Muromites, see an exhibition about the famous inhabitants of the city, learn about the development of merchants and entrepreneurship. And after such an immersion in history, you can go for a walk around the city. It should include a visit to the oldest monastery, the village of Karacharovo, as well as an inspection of the old part of Murom. You can end the walk on the banks of the Oka River, from where you can enjoy beautiful views. For the convenience of tourists, several thematic tours are offered that allow you to solve the problem of how to see the most interesting sights of Murom in one day and learn about this city the most important.

Murom's most interesting sights in one day

Temple architecture

For those who want to see the places where Russian history took place, and to get acquainted with the basic techniques of ancient Russian architecture, it is worth seeing Murom (sights). What to see in one day in this interesting city? It is better to start not from the monasteries, but from the Cosmodamian Church, which was erected in honor of the capture of Kazan in 1565. The temple is an excellent example of Russian church architecture and the oldest cathedral in the city. And after that it’s worth starting a tour of the monasteries, which, although founded long ago, have a later appearance.

The first and obligatory to visit is the Transfiguration Monastery. This is the second oldest monastery of Russia (after the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra). The monastery today is a replica of ancient buildings, but the spirit and shrines that make this place so interesting are preserved here. Famous Murom kalachs are baked in the monastery, which must be tasted.

The Holy Trinity Convent, founded in the 17th century, retained a more ancient appearance. Part of the ancient buildings has been preserved in it, of particular interest is the building of the Trinity Cathedral, made in the style of Russian patterned. It will also be interesting to see the wooden church of St. Sergius of Radonezh of the 18th century, transported from the village of Pyangus.

Holy Resurrection Monastery was founded in the 12th century, but the first documentary evidence of its existence dates back to the middle of the 16th century. Buildings of the 17th century have been preserved in this monastery, special attention should be paid to the building with 5 chapters - these are the Resurrection Church and the Vvedensky Church.

Murom attractions in one day with children

The Annunciation Monastery was founded in 1553 by order of Ivan the Terrible. Today it is worth exploring the Annunciation Cathedral of the 16th century, which is a real masterpiece of ancient Russian temple architecture. One can argue for how to see the sights of Murom in one day. Only the inspection of each monastery will take from 1 to 3 hours. Therefore, it is worth focusing on the main objects. Although visiting monasteries and temples in a hurry - this means not feeling the main thing: their special atmosphere. Those who want not only to see the cathedrals, but also to touch the shrines that are stored in them, should lay more time to visit each monastery. In addition to the monasteries in Murom, there are several interesting churches: these are the cathedrals of St. Nicholas Naberezhny (Wet), the Resurrection of Christ, Juliania Lazarevskaya, Ascension. And this is not the whole description of Murom's sights, which are not easy to get around in one day.

Historical places

Murom can rightfully be proud of its history, and tourists have something to see here. Already at the entrance to the city it is worth stopping by an epic stone, on which a quote from the "Tale of Bygone Years" with the first mention of the city is engraved. Since monasteries are an important part of the history of the region, it is very difficult to see the sights of Murom in one day. Monasteries exist on their own schedule, you can not come there when you want. It is best to use the services of local guides who build their walks taking into account the specifics of the monastery.

For history buffs, the village of Karacharovo is a must. This is one of the most interesting places. Trinity Cathedral, which today is not in the best condition, has been standing here since the 19th century. Near the temple is the holy spring of Ilya of Muromets, the water from which has a wonderful effect. There is a font in which you can immerse yourself in order to gain strength and health. There is also a place where you can get water for drinking. In the village museum it is worth looking at the stumps that the hero pulled out of the earth with his hands.

Murom attractions and surroundings in one day


To think how to see all the sights of Murom in one day, where to go in the first place, is in advance. But a too busy route around the city, in which there are really many interesting places, will not allow you to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the city, to feel its soul. Therefore, it is worth part of the time in Murom to devote simply to walks, especially since there are so many beautiful parks and cozy streets. The main historical “highway” of the city is Moskovskaya Street, few merchant houses have been preserved here and the spirit of the 19th century is well felt. You need to walk to the ancient water tower, take a picture near the sculptural inscription “I love Murom”, go to the banks of the Oka River, see the cable-stayed bridge, which has become the hallmark of modern Murom. A walk is a great way to see the sights of Murom in one day, photos of which will later remind you of a beautiful day. Here the least of all I want to hurry, the city is good precisely for its calm provincial atmosphere.

popular Murom attractions in one day

Day with children

For tourists traveling with their families, the question is acute: what sights of Murom in one day with children should be seen? Kids in the city will be interested in playgrounds in the form of ancient Russian cities. But school-age children will be interested in visiting places associated with Ilya Muromets. The city has special routes, for example, “Murom is the birthplace of a hero”, and guides that talk about how the legendary hero fought with the Nightingale the Robber and defended the Russian lands from enemies. Also, children should be taken on an excursion to the "Bread Chamber" and show a monument to Kalach. The guys will learn about the Russian traditions of baking and try delicious pastries. I work in the Oksky park for children, although whether it is worth spending a single day on them in Murom is a moot point.

City surroundings

When planning how to explore the sights and surroundings of Murom in one day, you should decide on the route. Some interesting places are located outside the center, and in order to reach them, it will take time and transport. An important place, as we have already said, is the village of Karacharovo. Also in the vicinity of Murom you can visit the unusual Holy Lake near the village of Dedovo. Once there was the appearance of the Virgin, and it is believed that the waters have miraculous powers. In addition, the lake is located in a beautiful - real dense forest, which will be interesting to visit for both adults and children.

Murom attractions in one day photo

Interesting places and objects

When planning how to explore the sights of Murom in one day, where to go, do not forget that the city has several interesting objects worthy of attention. First of all, this is a monument to Ilya Muromets, which stands on the banks of the river. Tourists have taken pictures with him. The second most popular monument is a sculptural image of Saints Peter and Fevronia at the Trinity Monastery. It is worth knowing that besides this famous monument there is also a bas-relief on the wall of the Transfiguration Monastery. In Murom, you can see the unique armored train "Ilya Muromets", or rather its layout. It was created at the beginning of World War II and went to Frankfurt. Of the transport facilities, it is also worth taking a look at the steam locomotive of the L series on Railway Station Square.

Recommendations and reviews of tourists

When planning a trip and solving a problem, how to see the sights of Murom in one day, traveler reviews can be a good helper. According to tourists, for a mandatory visit you need to plan the monasteries, the village of Karacharovo, as well as the city center. Vacationers note the compactness of the city, therefore, they advise using transport only to visit distant objects, in other cases it is worth counting on your own legs. Tourists note that the city is worthy of a 2-3-day visit, although in 1 day you can see all the most important.

Things to do

To learn better Russian history and imbued with the spirit of traditional Russian culture, it is worth coming to Murom. You can see the sights in one day, but is it worth it? Murom is a city for leisurely walks. Therefore, you should not try to embrace the immensity, but it is better to take a leisurely walk through the streets, dine in a monastery, adhere to the relics of the saints, and admire the Oka.


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