Veterinary clinic "Medvet" on Vernadsky: reviews

Each owner wants his pet to spend a long and happy life nearby. However, it is difficult to expect that it will be possible to do without professional veterinary care. Moreover, a doctor or a treatment center must be chosen in advance, when you have just thought about taking your pet. What factors need to be considered? Remoteness from home, availability of round-the-clock reception, quality of equipment, as well as feedback on the work of specialists. Today in the focus of our attention is the veterinary clinic "Medvet" on Vernadsky. This is a unique complex that allows you to get all kinds of help in one place.

Veterinary clinic Medvet na Vernadskogo

Short description

The purpose of our article is extremely informative. Based on the material presented, everyone will be able to conclude whether the Medvet Veterinary Clinic on Vernadsky is suitable for him or not. More precisely, today it is an already developed network of medical centers in Moscow and Moscow Region, which provide a full range of services to our smaller brothers. The team includes experienced surgeons and therapists, cardiologists and anesthetists, rehabilitation therapists and narrow-profile specialists. An excellent team of doctors is ready to come to the rescue at any time, make a diagnosis and provide the necessary assistance.

Separately, it should be noted how the veterinary clinic "Medvet" on Vernadsky is equipped. Not a single doctor, even the best, can work without a diagnostic base. Here they have everything they need: advanced equipment, a laboratory, an excellent operating room and a hospital, where each patient will be assisted throughout the day, while the owner is at work. Doctors use the latest methods of research, treatment and rehabilitation of pets.

Diagnostic Principles

If you went to small veterinary clinics, you are well aware of their shortcomings: tiny rooms, one or two general practitioners who are involved in vaccination and complex operations, and a complete lack of a diagnostic base. Only from hopelessness can you trust them with your pet. Veterinary clinic "Medvet" on Vernadsky is devoid of these shortcomings.

This center works on the same principle as a regular clinic, which we contact ourselves. Any disease should be confirmed by diagnostic tests. Moreover, doctors prefer to confirm the diagnosis twice or even thrice. For this, an initial medical history is collected at the initial examination, the necessary tests are taken, and an examination is prescribed using ultrasound and an x-ray machine. While the results are being prepared, the patient can wait in a special room or receive emergency assistance if the situation does not endure.

Medvet Veterinary Clinic at Vernadsky

Veterinary network "Medvet"

In total, it includes five full-fledged centers, each of which is ready to receive its patients around the clock and seven days a week. Two of them are located in Moscow. This is a clinic on Vernadsky Avenue and Leninsky. In addition, there are three centers in the suburbs. It is very convenient for those who travel to the capital is problematic and long. One of the clinics is located in the residential complex "Dubrovka", the second - in the city of Domodedovo, the third - in Troitsk. Today in the focus of our attention is the veterinary clinic "Medvet" on Vernadsky (in Moscow). All the others we mentioned are for information only.

One of the most advanced centers

In December 2012, the opening of a new branch of Medvet. The veterinary clinic on Vernadsky is a separate two-story building with parking and an entrance. Just a 15-minute walk separates it from the Yugo-Zapadnaya metro station. Since this center was opened recently, it was originally equipped with the latest technology. In many ways, he is superior to everyone else. However, progress does not stand still, and two years after the opening, the center was supplemented with new devices that made the work of doctors even more effective.

medvet veterinary clinic at Vernadsky reviews

Diagnostic base

What can you count on when contacting Medvet? The veterinary clinic on Vernadsky is divided into two parts. The pet shop and the pharmacy are located in the small one, and the clinic itself is large. The medical unit is represented by two reception rooms, an ultrasound diagnostic room, an operating room and an X-ray diagnostic center. Today, doctors can perform ultrasound on a color display, which allows you to examine the heart and blood vessels. In addition, animals from other regions can be brought here, and the diagnostic results recorded on USB-drives.

Latest equipment

The fall of 2014 was marked by a significant event. Veterinary clinic "Medvet" on Vernadsky (Moscow, Russia) received a magnetic resonance imager. That is, now it is possible to have an MRI. This level of diagnosis was previously unavailable to veterinarians. Using MRI, you can identify problems that previously remained in the shadow and could not be detected by other methods and means. And this is another step towards saving time as much as possible and solving the very problem that caused it.

MRI has several advantages. First of all, such a study allows you to get the full amount of high-precision information about the patient’s health status. Moreover, the reliability of this information reaches 100%. Due to the high resolution, this type of diagnosis allows you to notice the slightest changes in the tissues and organs, and therefore, start the right treatment in time. In addition, the procedure does not involve the introduction of radioactive substances or radiation and does not violate the integrity of the tissues.

A digital X-ray machine is another pride of the clinic. It allows you to take pictures of the highest accuracy, and the software processes the received data. Such a diagnosis can be important not only in orthopedics, but also in neurology, as well as intensive care.

Veterinary clinic Medvet at Vernadsky Moscow Russia

Modern operating room

This is another achievement that the Medvet Veterinary Clinic on Vernadsky (Russia) can boast of. Of course, it would be much better not to fall under the surgeon’s knife, but sometimes this is the only way to save a life. The operating room is equipped with a comfortable table with mounts for animals of any size. It maintains absolute sterility. This is one of the few clinics where an apparatus for giving inhalation anesthesia is installed. This helps the surgeon a lot when working with old animals that have severe heart, kidney, and liver abnormalities.

One of the new directions is dental activity. Part of the operating room is allocated for manipulations with the teeth of patients, in particular ultrasonic cleaning, which is very relevant.

Small clinics have one problem. There is no place for postoperative rehabilitation, and the animal, being under anesthesia, goes home. The Veterinary Clinic Medvet on Vernadsky Avenue is deprived of this drawback. There is a postoperative hospital where, as noted by the reviews, the animal will calmly come to its senses in an individual compartment. The continued presence of an anesthetist reduces the risk of complications. And the owner can go home. As soon as the pet’s life is in danger, he will be allowed to take.

], veterinary clinic medvet on Vernadsky Russia


The 24-hour veterinary clinic "Medvet" on Vernadsky offers an individual approach to each patient, a high level of service and quality of care, as well as a comprehensive treatment plan. This is very popular with pet owners. You can be sure that they will do everything possible to help your four-legged friend. Reviews note that the Medvet Veterinary Clinic in Moscow (on Vernadsky Avenue) provides its patients with:

  • The establishment of an outpatient card from the first visit. This is very convenient if you bring a puppy that will be observed throughout life.
  • Quick reception. At any time, day or night, you can be sure that you will receive the necessary assistance without waiting in line.
  • Convenient access and parking.
  • The most advanced diagnostic equipment.
  • Professional staff.
  • Special department of rehabilitation and herbal medicine.
  • 24 hour hospital.

Medical staff

It is very difficult to list all of them, because about 40 specialists work in this clinic. As you can see, there are enough personnel to provide full-fledged duty at any time of the day. Veterinary clinic "Medvet" on Vernadsky (you see the photo in the article) is constantly working on continuing education for doctors, sending them for additional training.

Today, I.F. Vilkovysky, the magnificent orthopedic surgeon who brought up more than one generation of veterinarians, is in charge here. PhD, he is the director of the Medvet network. The head doctor of the clinic is P. A. Kuznetsov. Despite his young age, he is a promising specialist who is dedicated to his work. He is engaged in training interns and at the same time conducts practice. The chief physician of the Porada call center V. B. saved the life of a huge number of animals, the transportation of which to the hospital was impossible. A zoopsychologist also works at the clinic, who will help you find a common language with your pet and teach you the basics of training. If a pet refuses to obey, it means that you are giving him the wrong signals, you just have to understand the mistakes, and the situation will change.

Veterinary clinic Medvet na Vernadsky in Moscow

How to get there

How can I find the Medvet Center? The veterinary clinic on Vernadsky (address: 89 Avenue of the same name, building 1) is located very conveniently. You can come here by car. To do this, go to the indicated avenue and move towards the center. Pass the Yugo-Zapadnaya metro station, then the Gazprom building and turn right. Literally after 800 meters you arrive at the place. Parking is very convenient, and if your pet cannot move independently, then request a gurney.

Walking distance from the metro station. Only 15-20 minutes - and you are there. To do this, go past the Gazprom building, after filling up Tatneft, turn right and then left. Now you need to follow the road to Troparevsky Park. After 800 meters, a veterinary center will be right in front of you. Of course, if you have a sick pet in your hands, it is better to use a private car or taxi. You can also call emergency assistance from the clinic itself.

Veterinary clinic Medvet on Vernadsky photo

Preventive actions

A very important direction in the work of doctors is the training of the owners. Often, precisely because they are careless about anxiety symptoms or begin to self-medicate, the disease becomes chronic or leads to the death of the pet. But everything could have been warned. Therefore, do not listen to experts who, for any signs of malaise, recommend that you drink the animal vodka. In addition to a burn of the mucous membranes and problems with the liver, this will not give anything good.

In order to give competent advice, an on-site service works, as well as therapists in the clinic itself. Take a little time. If the situation is not dangerous, they will let you go home. However, if a specialist notices disturbing symptoms, he will refer you to the right doctor. In addition, during the consultation, the hosts are told about the first symptoms of viral diseases and pyroplasmosis, that is, the most dangerous ailments that will easily take your pet's life (without emergency intervention). Do not be afraid to call the clinic at night. Even if your observations do not seem to the doctor dangerous to the animal’s health, he can give a competent recommendation.

Good news

In 2016, a rehabilitation center began to operate at the clinic. The initial appointment with a rehabilitation doctor will help you plan the necessary activities, schedule and duration of treatment. Physiological rehabilitation is aimed at a comprehensive recovery of the body after orthopedic and neurological pathologies. Using modern methods, it is possible to prevent injuries of the musculoskeletal system, as well as to rehabilitate patients after diseases of the central nervous system and PNS. Often such animals cannot be operated on due to age and the presence of chronic diseases. Then physiotherapeutic methods come to the rescue. According to reviews, they show good results in cases where it is necessary to restore the lost function and ability to move independently. A promising area is keeping older dogs in shape and controlling or losing weight. A hospital is provided for animals that need a long-term rehabilitation course.


It is very interesting what patients think about the work of the Medvet center. The veterinary clinic on Vernadsky reviews in most cases has very good. The owners note the cleanliness and order, the absence of queues and the attentive attitude of doctors to the patient. Almost every review includes a "big human thanks" to the nurses serving the hospital. They put so much heat into any shaggy patient that the latter does not want to leave the clinic. The doctors who work here are really not indifferent to the suffering of the smaller brothers. They are ready to stay even after the end of the shift, if the reception is not finished.

Special thanks to the pet owners say to specialists who work with patients in the hospital. Each of them is worried about a pet. The doctor in the morning, after the examination, calls the owner and tells how his child spent the night, how his condition changes, when you can visit him. Such an attentive attitude is characteristic of the Medvet center (veterinary clinic on Vernadsky). Reviews, unfortunately, are not very good, but this is easily explained by the grief of the owners, whose pet could not be saved due to objective circumstances.


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