Bronnitsky jewelry factory. Wedding rings - Bronnitsky jewelry factory

Bronnitsky Jewelry Factory is part of the Bronnitsky Jeweler holding. In addition to the plant, the company has a trading house and a retail chain of stores selling precious metal products.

From the history of the formation of the enterprise

The jewelry factory is located in Bronnitsy. This settlement is included in the list of historical cities of Russia.

jewelry stores of the Bronnitsky factory

The first mention of it dates back to 1453. Even then, the village was famous not only for its ability to trade, but also for skilled artisans.

Until 1924, craftsmen who were not part of a single enterprise were engaged in jewelry production. But there was a group of initiative people who decided to create an artel of jewelers. Thanks to the actions of several people, the Bronnitsky jewelry factory began to officially exist.

Over the long time of its existence, the enterprise experienced both ups and downs. The history of the plant noted several events that were crucial in its development.

  • 1935 - the beginning of weaving chains of silver and gold.
  • 1951 - the work of the first workshops of the factory, before that, home work prevailed.
  • 1963 - merger with the Sinkovsky jewelry factory, expansion of the enterprise.
  • 1972 - the factory was renamed the Bronnitsky Jewelry Factory, begins to work on imported equipment in new workshops.

With these events begins an extraordinary growth of the enterprise. The plant becomes a leader in terms of production and product quality.

The difficult nineties were another turning point in the history of the enterprise. By this time, the plant was operating at minimum capacity. The appearance of investors represented by Sudkomgroup changed his life. Bronnitsky jewelry factory has entered a new stage of development.

Bronnitsky jewelry store at the factory

Modern production

Today, the jewelry company once again entered the position of one of the best in Russia and the CIS countries.

Volumes of production impress with their indicators - about two tons of silver and four tons of gold jewelry per year.

High performance is achieved through the use of advanced technologies used in production, the latest modern equipment from leading companies from Switzerland, Japan and other countries. Qualified personnel is the pride of the enterprise.

Product quality

Excellent quality of manufactured products is one of the principles of the Bronnitsky Jewelry Factory enterprise.

rings of the Bronnitsky jewelry factory

The company can confidently guarantee the quality of its jewelry to customers, as the products have several degrees of protection - the company’s brand name, assay supervision, the Bronnitsky jeweler brand, the mark of conformity of the Rostest-Quality system and the requirements of the international standard.

The displays of individual jewelry models and unique collections at domestic and foreign exhibitions are a great success among true jewelry connoisseurs. Repeatedly, the plant's products were awarded high prizes (1958 - Brussels, 1967 - Montreal).

Product range

Today in the catalog of the company there are about five thousand items of jewelry. Products are presented in separate models and as part of collections.

Address Bronnitsky Jewelry Factory

The manufacturer offers customers rings and earrings, necklaces and chains, bracelets, pendants and pendants, piercings, brooches and other products.

In the manufacture of jewelry used gold, silver, base metal. Products acquire a unique look thanks to different options for combining the color of metal. The type of weaving, the chosen style, the use of various inserts from precious and semiprecious stones make each model a unique piece of jewelry.

The plant accepts orders for the manufacture of semi-finished products from precious metals of the declared sample. The brand of the company and assay chamber is not applied to the product. Where is the enterprise located, what is its address? Bronnitsky Jewelry Factory is located in Bronnitsy (Moscow Region), Komsomolsky Lane, 53. It is widely known among entrepreneurs who want to develop their own jewelry production.

Jewelers from many cities of Russia appreciated the exclusive development of the Bronnitsy craftsmen - carbines and springel. Strong wear-resistant fasteners are an important detail in the product, so many jewelry companies purchase them at the factory in Bronnitsy.

The presence of modern metalworking machines allows the company to provide services for the production of instrumental products - dies, dies, chain knitting tools, molds, etc.

wedding rings Bronnitsky jewelry factory

Chains - modern fashionable jewelry

For many decades, chains have remained a sought after decoration. The jewelers of the plant are fluent in the art of their manufacture, and 60% of all products of the enterprise are these products.

The catalog contains about 270 varieties of this jewelry made of gold and silver. Models differ in the way weaving. It can be automatic and manual. The color of the metal (white, yellow, combination, red, gilded, rhodium, blackened) gives the product a unique look. And the various types of weaving used inserts - sophistication and style.

Rings are always in fashion

The rings of the Bronnitsky jewelry factory are able to surprise any buyer with an unusual imagination and skillful work of masters.

The catalog offers more than 150 names of rings made of precious metals. Extraordinarily diverse models with inserts of natural and artificial stones. The decoration will emphasize the individuality of the owner, his style and status.

Wedding rings are a special category of jewelry. The Bronnitsky jewelry factory does not change traditions and adheres to the classical style in the manufacture of models of this invariable attribute of a wedding ceremony, a symbol of marital fidelity. Although here the variety of ring models is quite wide. Product color can be yellow, red, white, combined. Perhaps decoration with diamonds and cubic zirconias. High-quality metal processing makes the rings stylish, elegant, attractive.

Jewelry for men

There is an opinion that jewelry is a whim of women. But practice shows that most men also do not refuse expensive, high-quality jewelry. Given this, Bronnitsky Jeweler has developed a series of jewelry for men.

Bronnitsky Jewelry Factory

Gold and silver cufflinks, wedding rings, handmade chains, tie clips, bracelets became the leaders in sales.


Silver jewelry is very popular among all categories of consumers. The assortment includes collections of silverware for women, men and children.

Rings, earrings, pendants, chains, religious items, accessories are made in different styles using original designer finds. This enables customers to fully satisfy their needs.

In addition to jewelry, table silver and ionizers are made by the hands of skilled jewelers of the plant.

Product Promotion

Branded jewelry stores of the Bronnitsky factory are located throughout Russia. Own network of trading enterprises enables the company to successfully sell products. For this, a large team of managers has been created who are trained in all the secrets of actively promoting goods in the jewelry market.

Bronnitsky jewelry factory

All efforts of consultants, managers, jewelers and other employees of the company should be aimed at satisfying customer requests. It is this approach that gives an excellent result in the promotion of plant products.

The Bronnitsky jewelry store at the factory and its branches very often hold all kinds of promotions that increase the demand of buyers for jewelry. Some of the shares are constantly acting, for example: “On the birthday”, “Exclusive custom-made rings”. Some of them offer to use the discount only in a certain period of time.

Gift certificates are very popular. They can be purchased at company stores or ordered through the online store. Certificates have a value from 1,000 to 10,000 rubles.

Cumulative discount card and VIP-card enable visitors of any income level to use the discount system when buying jewelry.

The purchase of jewelry on credit is another service provided to customers. Favorable credit conditions, a simple document processing procedure attract even more buyers to the Bronnitsky jeweler salons.

Invaluable help in promoting goods on the market is provided by the official website of the company. Any visitor, without leaving home, can get comprehensive information about the company, its products, conditions for the sale of jewelry.

Here you can find tips on caring for products made of gold and silver, rules for the selection of jewelry, which can also be useful to a potential buyer.


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