How to correct mistakes in the sick leave? Rules and Sample

A sick leave allows a person to legally be absent from work and observe bed rest in case of illness. For the period of absence, the employee retains average earnings. However, the social insurance fund carefully monitors the correctness of filling out a sick leave both from the outpatient clinic and from the employer. Therefore, inaccuracies and errors can cause a refusal to pay for a document. But in some cases there is the possibility of making corrections.

Features of registration of sick leave

Sick leave has a dual function:

  • is a confirmation of a good reason for the absence of an employee in the workplace;
  • it is a financial document based on which benefits are paid.

It is important for the employee to know: a folded document is recognized as valid two or more times. Therefore, the refusal to accept the employer several times folded sick leave is illegal.

correct a mistake in the sick leave certificate by the employer sample

What does the law say?

How to correct errors in the sick leave and who can do this is provided for by federal law. First of all, a document can be recognized as valid if no more than two corrections are made to it.

Other conditions:

  • mistakes made by the doctor cannot be corrected;
  • minor defects of the employer are subject to correction;
  • the use of corrector is prohibited;
  • strikethrough of incorrect values ​​is allowed exclusively with black paste;
  • absolutely all adjustments are made only on the back of the sick leave.

If the employee brings the sick leave to the employer with errors that were made by the doctor, then such a document is returned. The employee will have to re-apply to the medical institution to receive a new and correctly filled out sheet.

Valid Corrections

The Insurance Fund, in its explanations on how to correct errors on the sick leave, provides the following information:

  • if the name or surname, other data is not placed, then it is allowed to go beyond the boundaries of the form;
  • partial stamping is allowed in places where the fields are filled;
  • small blots, extra dots or check marks are allowed;
  • it is allowed not to put dashes in empty cells;
  • extra spaces allowed;
  • Incorrect indication of the name of the employer by the doctor;
  • entering information about the medical institution in an inaccurate sequence.

how to fix an employer sick leave

General Adjustment Rules

The procedure for how to correct errors in the sick leave requires the following measures from the employer:

  • the record to be corrected is crossed out in black ink;
  • on the back of the sick leave in the free field, adjustments are made, that is, the correct information;
  • next to the corrective record is the entry “Corrected Believe”, a signature and a seal, a transcript of posts, last names.

The main thing is to remember that all corrections are written exclusively on the back of the sick leave, and not on the front.

It is no secret that the doctor prescribes the name of the enterprise where the patient works, from his words. The FSS's explanations on this issue are unequivocal: the spelling of the name of the company is not a mistake if it seems possible to clearly identify the company where the patient works, according to the entries made by the employer.

But if the medical institution does not make any record about the employer, in the column where it is necessary to put such marks, the employee will have to be sent to the hospital so that the sick leave is reissued or all the data is entered. Without the name of the enterprise, the employer administration is not entitled to accept the document.

If the doctor “did not fall” into the allotted boxes or the name of the employing company did not fit in the allotted cells, then these records do not require adjustment.

how to correct mistakes in the sick leave

Mistake in the name of the employer, calculations

How to fix a mistake in the sick leave: sample adjustment in terms of the name of the company filled in by the employer:

JSC "Error"

Incorrect title that is crossed out

LLC “Error”

Adjusted record

The following adjustments are made to the back of the document:

  • Place of work - name of the employer.
  • LLC “Error”.
  • Corrected to believe.
  • Director, signature, full name
  • Ch. bang. signature, full name
  • M.P. if available.

In this case, the next record, namely the registration number, allows you to fully identify the company.

The place of work must be registered in full or in accordance with the abbreviated name, which is approved in the statutory documents. For individual entrepreneurs, the generally accepted abbreviation "IP Surname I.O." is used.

We correct errors in the sick leave, an example when adjusting the calculations is shown in the table.

Counts on sick leave

An example of an error and its correction

Benefit amount: at the expense of the employer

8 5000 p. 00 K.

If an error is made in this column, then the erroneously entered amount is crossed out

8 500 p. 00 K.

At the expense of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation

8 500 p. 00 K.

Below, the following entry is entered:

Benefit amount: at the expense of the employer.

2 500 p. 00 K.

Corrected to believe.

Director, signature, full name

Ch. bang. signature, full name

M.P., if available.

In the topic of how to fix a mistake in a new sick leave, the question often arises, is it necessary to enter the employee TIN, and will the absence of a code be considered an error? To date, entering the TIN code is necessary only at the discretion of the employer. The code is not provided even on the sick leave, which is issued in the case of registration of maternity benefits.

how to correct sick leave

Date of issue

The next question that interests accountants in resolving issues is how to correctly correct errors on the sick leave: if the document is not issued correctly, what should I do? For example, a later date is put in the field, the patient was discharged on the 11th, and the sick leave issued on the 15th of the same month.

Such a document is unambiguously returned to the employee so that he receives a correctly completed new document in the hospital. Federal law provides only three terms for the issuance of sick leave:

  • when treated only in the outpatient department, the sheet is issued on the first or last day of the disease;
  • if after the clinic the patient is in the hospital, then the certificate of incapacity for work is issued at the clinic, with the date of the first visit and opening of the document, and is closed already in the hospital, the date of discharge;
  • if the employee immediately went to the hospital, then the sheet is issued at the time of discharge, and the date of issue is the date of the last day of hospitalization.

Combiner sheet

A common question is how to correct an error in the sick leave certificate by the employer if the employee is an external part-time job?

In cases where the patient is an internal part-time worker, then he does not need a second certificate of incapacity for work, because the employer is one.

If the patient of the medical institution is simultaneously an employee of two or more companies, then in the hospital he must be provided with several original samples of the sheet, one for each employer. In the appropriate column, the doctor or other representative of the hospital issuing the sheets ticks off at which place of work the document should be submitted - at the main or at the place of combination. The absence of such a mark is considered a mistake.

how to fix a mistake in the sick leave sample

When will I have to replace sick leave?

In some cases, the usual adjustment of records is indispensable; you will have to replace the previously issued document. Cases when a disability certificate will have to be replaced without fail:

  • if the name of the dispensary does not coincide with the name prescribed in the charter documents of this institution;
  • hospital address does not match the place of issue of the document;
  • the seal of the medical institution does not contain the inscription "For sick leave" or "For sick leave";
  • the position of the doctor is not deciphered;
  • there is no decoding of the initials and surname of the doctor.

Naturally, it will be necessary to replace the sheet if the employer made more than two mistakes when filling out it.

Consequences of Incorrect Adjustments

Depending on how the mistakes are corrected when filling out the sick leave , the possibility of receiving payments by the employee also depends. After all, part of the payment is made from the Fund, therefore, department employees carefully monitor the correctness of the preparation of the document.

So, for an employee, a negligent attitude to filling out a sheet threatens that he will not be settled. For the employer, incorrect or repeated (more than 2 times) corrections in the document entail the imposition of an administrative fine.

how to fix a mistake when filling out a sick leave

Where do the damaged blank forms of disability go?

If the employer has not coped with the task for the second time, how to correct errors in the sick leave, then the document must be replaced at the hospital where it was issued. More precisely, a duplicate of the old is issued, with already correct data. But what happens to damaged forms? Such documents are not subject to destruction, but are transferred for storage to the responsible persons of the hospital for storage. Shelf life is 3 years.

Procedurally, everything looks as follows:

  • the doctor draws up a new sick leave with corrections, passes it to the patient in return for the previously issued;
  • the damaged form is handed over by the doctor to the registry, where the responsible person keeps records of such documents;
  • the responsible person, writes the details of the damaged sheet in a special journal, and the damaged document is filed in a folder.

After the expiration of the storage period, the forms are written off and subject to destruction, about which an act is drawn up.

how to fix a mistake in the new sick leave

Fake or genuine disability certificate?

Along with questions, how to correct an error in the sick leave certificate by the employer, sample records, the administration of the company is interested in how to determine the authenticity of the document?

First of all, you should pay attention to the color of the form, it should be blue, in the middle of a lighter tone. At the same time, the cells where entries are made are necessarily white.

On the form must be present a barcode consisting of 12 digits. Microtext is present. If the binary code is missing, then this is not a fact confirming that the document is fake. The number of the form must be printed. In any case, if the sick leave does not look like a fake, but there are certain suspicions, then you can contact the FSS, a special department, or write an official request in free form. A list of stolen or lost leaves can be found on the official website of the fund.


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