Types and amount of monthly allowance for children in the Russian Federation

The social support system is focused on stimulating fertility and maintaining the income level of families in which the child appears. Along with lump sum benefits, there are monthly child support payments. What are the monthly allowances for children?

2018 monthly child allowance

Payments of these amounts are made from the federal and local budgets, paid by funds - social insurance and pension. Indexing of certain types of benefits to the inflation rate is regularly carried out, new benefits appear. The following types of child benefits are available.

For children up to one and a half years

It is charged at the request of the working parent in the accounting of the employer, is assigned at a rate of 40% of earnings. The salary is taken as the average for 2 years before the year of commencement of payments. Starting February 1, 2018, the amount of the monthly allowance for a child up to 1.5 years of age cannot exceed the maximum amount of 24,536.55 rubles. per month, but it cannot be less than 3,142.33 rubles, if the child is the first, and 6,284.65 rubles. - if the second, third and subsequent. When caring for two or more children up to one and a half years old at the same time, the amount of benefit cannot be more than 100% of the calculated average salary.

monthly child allowance up to 1 5

Payments of this allowance are assigned to one of the parents (or to another relative who is actually caring for the children) after the termination of the mother’s maternity leave. A caregiver for a child, upon application to the name of the employer, prepares maternity leave. The allowance will also be paid if you switch to an operating mode on conditions of a 1-2 working day shorter. Non-working, this payment is assigned by the local department of social protection from the day of birth of the baby to a minimum (the size of the monthly allowance for a child under 1.5 in this case will be 3,142.33 rubles if the first child was born, 6,284.65 rubles - the second or subsequent).

Monthly compensation up to three years

Compensatory monthly payments for children under three years of age were not indexed and set at 50 rubles. per month (at the expense of the employer). This amount of monthly child allowance rightly causes a lot of criticism. Perhaps this amount will undergo indexation in the coming years.

This is due to the fact that when a child reaches one and a half years, the family is often in a difficult financial situation. In this situation, the mother has to go to work, but there are problems with the nursery in many regions. In 2015, it was proposed to extend children's payments to the age of three. However, such a law has never been adopted in practice. This is explained by high costs for the budget. Instead, a variety of material assistance arose, which will be discussed in more detail below. It is intended for low-income families.

Payments to military children

There is a payment for a child up to three years old whose father is called up for military service. It has been paid since February 1, 2018, the monthly allowance for a child of a military serviceman totals 11,374.18 rubles. The benefit is allocated by the social protection department throughout the entire life of the father of the child in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the level of family income is not taken into account.

Moreover, a woman can receive all other payments that are prescribed to her under the law. At a minimum, this is a child allowance of up to one and a half years. You can also apply for various regional types of assistance.

monthly child allowance 2019

The allowance for a child of a military serviceman is issued, being calculated from the birthday of the baby. The only condition is the beginning of conscript military service of the father at the time of the birth of the child. Such payments are made until the child reaches the age of three years, or until the father completes the service. The payment of such benefits is made by the OSZN (social protection authorities). The decision to make payments is made within ten days from the date of submission of documents. They pay this allowance every month, usually no later than the 26th.

The package of documents required to receive these payments includes the following:

  • application for benefits;
  • copy of the document confirming the fact of the birth of the baby (certificate);
  • a document from the military unit confirming the passage of military service by the father (upon conscription), the term of service must be indicated;
  • certificate of paternity or marriage between the parents of the child;
  • passport of the mother of the baby and its copy.

Once service completion is complete, documented evidence of this should be provided.

What is meant for low-income families (assistance with children under 3 years old)?

A working mother with a child up to one and a half years old is entitled to a benefit amounting to 40 percent of her income or the established minimum level (minimum wage). Compensation payment from an employer to an employee with a child under three years of age offers only 50 rubles. This amount of the monthly child allowance in 2019 is only bewildering.

Unfortunately, the presidential initiative of state support for low-income families in the form of payments for children under 3 years old has not yet been launched. But there are regions where programs for the payment of benefits for children under 3 years old have been implemented. If this practice is implemented in your region, a family with children from 1.5 to 3 years of age and income per person less than the local PM can apply for such assistance, which is often paid as an increased child allowance to the poor.

monthly child allowance up to 18

Below you can see the sizes of the monthly allowance for children in 2018, which is offered to Moscow low-income families:

  • low-income family with a child up to one and a half years - 1.5 thousand rubles., age from one and a half to three years - 2.5 thousand rubles .;
  • single mother with one and a half year old child - 2.5 thousand rubles, from one and a half to three years - 4.5 thousand rubles .;
  • the family where the father is in the conscription service, or one of the parents dishonestly pays alimony (delays or evades), if the baby is 1.5 thousand rubles under one and a half years old, 3.3 thousand rubles up to three years.

In other regions, families with an income per member below the local PM can count on the following monthly allowance for children: 3.3 thousand rubles.

  • In the Samara region for children from one and a half to three years who cannot be allocated a place in a kindergarten - 1 thousand rubles, 1.5 thousand rubles. and 2 thousand rubles. respectively for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd child.
  • In the same situation with a kindergarten in Kirov - 2.5 thousand rubles. for each of the children.
  • In the Lipetsk region - 1 thousand rubles. for a family with a child from one and a half to three years, excluding the number of children.

However, studies have been conducted and average values ​​of such payments have been established. According to these data, the size of the monthly allowance for children under three years of age on average in the country is about 8-9 thousand rubles.

Benefits for large families

What is the monthly allowance for a third child? This year, at the birth of the 3rd child, the family is entitled to the same payments as the first-born, but with some reservations. For example, parents have the right to draw up a regional payment, which is allocated for children under the age of three years of the child, plus maternity capital, if the parents did not apply for it earlier, after the birth of the 2nd child.

the size of the monthly allowance for the second child

The size of the monthly allowance for 3 children up to the age of one and a half years can vary from 6 131.37 rubles (minimum amount) to 23 089.03 (maximum prescribed by law). In addition, a one-time payment is provided after the birth of the baby - it amounts to 16,350.33 rubles. This amount is fixed, it has been fixed since 2017.

Newly introduced payouts

From 01.01.2018, the legislation defines new additional monthly payments for a baby up to a year and a half to low-income families. Moreover, the monthly allowance for the first child can be up to twenty thousand rubles, depending on regional statistics. The amount of these payments is equal to the cost of living in your area:

  • at birth from January 1, 2018, the first child in a family with an income for the last year for each member not exceeding one and a half values ​​of the subsistence minimum in a certain region;
  • for the second (subsequent) child born on 01.01.2018 and later, in the form of payments of part of the maternity capital, subject to the same amount of income.

As you can see, the size of the monthly allowance for the second child will be much larger. The purpose of each allowance and cash payment is not conditional on the payment of other allocated funds. For each minor child, the family has the right to receive several types of payments, if it meets the conditions for receiving each of them.

monthly child allowance

How to apply for receiving such payments?

When applying for benefits, take the following documents with you:

  • your passport and its copy;
  • work book and copy;
  • birth certificates of children (also attach copies);
  • certificate that you do not receive unemployment benefits;
  • when applying for benefits for a child up to one and a half years old, take a certificate stating that the second parent did not receive such an allowance (from his work);
  • when applying for benefits, the condition for which is the level of income, you need to confirm it with certificates of salary.

Open a bank account in advance to transfer payments to you and receive payment details - provide them also in social protection. The established term for granting benefits is up to ten days after the application is submitted and a package of documents is provided.

What can I get after three years

In accordance with Federal Law of May 19, 1995 No. 81, each subject of the Russian Federation establishes its own procedures for processing and issuing child allowances, which is prescribed in the relevant regional laws.

To apply for payments, one of the parents needs to personally visit the regional department of social protection (OSZN) upon registration or come to the Multifunctional Center (MFC). If this is not possible, you can draw up an electronic application and submit it together with scans of the necessary documents on the public services portal.

According to the fourth article of the above law, benefits are paid at least once every quarter. The frequency of transfers for each region is set in accordance with regional standards. The size of the monthly allowance for a poor child can range from several hundred rubles to several thousand.

The OSZN bodies are determined with the assignment of benefits or withholding no later than ten days from the date of submission of all requested documents. In case of a change in the family income level or other similar changes that may affect the amount of payments or the receipt of benefits in general, the recipient must inform the HSS.

monthly child support allowance

Periodically, OSZN employees check documents for authenticity. If the social security inspector determines that the recipient has submitted false information, his application is reviewed and the payments are recounted. If benefits continue to be paid, then the overpayment is withdrawn in the form of 20% of each subsequent receipt. If the recipient is denied benefits, he must refund the overpayment from his own funds.

Payments for children under 16 or 18 years old

This benefit, its size, conditions and procedure for payment are determined by the subject of the Federation, regional laws. Payments will be assigned at your place of social security at the place of residence, taking into account the category of family (large families, disabled children, mothers raising a child without a father, etc.) or financial situation, are issued to one of the child's parents. The amount of monthly allowances for children in 2018 was very different, depending on the region.

For the issuance of child benefits, certain deadlines are set by regional legislation. Often, payments are made when a child reaches the age of 16. In addition, every year it will be necessary to confirm the right to receive funds. To do this, you need to provide a specific package of documents.

In the most common case, benefits are paid to low-income families who have an average family income below the established minimum. It is calculated for the last quarter for each region. For a specific subject of the Russian Federation, this compensation is established separately. The amount of the monthly child allowance for low-income families varies by region.

The social welfare service makes payments at the place of residence of the applicant himself. Its design is carried out by one of the parents for each of the children until they reach the full age of 16.

How do you define the criteria of need

Material criteria of need are one of those that are necessary to receive benefits and status for poor citizens. But there are conditions of a different kind. They should be observed in order for the family to be recognized as needy. These include the following:

  • Family cohabitation and general housekeeping. A family in which the parents are registered in the registry office but live separately does not have the opportunity to submit documents in order to be recognized as low-income.
  • A family where parents are unemployed due to drug addiction, drunkenness or other reasons will also not be recognized as poor. To be eligible for additional support, all family members who are able-bodied must study or work. In addition, there are criteria that give a certain priority to the provision of assistance as needed. This is a large family, the presence of disabled people or pensioners. According to statistics, it is in such families that the average income may not reach the PM.

To receive this type of benefit, you must have the following:

  • application for benefits, which should contain the account number for the transfer of money;
  • birth certificate of each of the children with copies;
  • document from the place of residence proving the fact of cohabitation with the child;
  • documents from the place of work of family members on incomes for 3-6 months before applying;
  • if the parents are unemployed, a copy of the work book and information from the employment center will be needed;
  • a certificate from the registry office of form 25 on children of a single mother in the event that the birth certificate contains the instructions of F. I. O. according to her;
  • a copy of the certificate of marriage or its dissolution.

A decision is made to refuse to assign benefits or to pay them no later than ten days if the entire package of documents has been submitted.

Who is paid the allowance before the age of 18

This benefit is a continuation of the previous one if a child who is a minor is in school. The main condition for receiving payments is the monthly income of the family is less than the subsistence level.

The allowance (children's monthly) up to the age of 18 is assigned by the social protection department (OSZN) to one of the parents. What is the amount of the monthly child allowance in this case? It has differences in size in different regions of the Russian Federation and is regional.

To receive this allowance, you will need to collect a package of documents, which is used to pay until the age of 16, adding to this a certificate that the child is studying at school. Payment will occur until the month he turns 18 years old, inclusive, with a confirmed right to receive. In this case, you constantly need to update the necessary documents. If the child has moved to the next class, a certificate with the number of the transfer order is provided.

If the school is completed before adulthood, then this payment will occur inclusively until the last month in the school year.

If the documents have not been updated for a long time, then one of the parents can apply in order to receive the allowance after the expiration of the payment term for six months. OSZN will be forced to pay the amount that is due, but no more than 6 months, and, of course, after the decision on payment is made. The size of the monthly child benefit will remain unchanged.

Speaking more fully, the main recipients of such material assistance are:

  • disabled people;
  • low-income families;
  • families with three or more children;
  • single mothers.

Disabled child benefits

As before, for each disabled child a pension is paid, the amount of which is about ten thousand rubles. In addition, families with such children are entitled to social assistance in the amount of 1,600 rubles. For the care of a disabled child, one of the parents is paid about 6 thousand rubles. In some regions, there are local types of assistance that should be recognized locally.

What promise in 2019

An official statement has already been made that some payments will be indexed. 2019 . , 4 512 , – 6 284, 65 . , , 26 152,39 . 18 , .

, - . .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F13222/

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