Fern Nephrolepis: Home Care and Reproduction

Ferns are ancient representatives of the flora. They existed on our planet since the prehistoric era. Judging by archaeological excavations, these amazing plants appeared on Earth almost four hundred million years ago. At a certain period, they were dominant in the ancient flora. The huge size and incredible biological diversity are some of the main characteristics of these plants.

general information

In ancient times, ferns were not only grassy, ​​but also woody. Modern representatives of the genus are modified species of giants that once existed on our planet, which belong to the group of spores. However, even despite the loss of their former greatness, they in certain areas still remain out of competition.

Interior decoration

The forests of our country, occupying the temperate zone, are literally completely covered by dense thickets that formed the ostrich, bracken and other varieties of wild fern. But today in many houses you can find the indoor culture of this amazing plant - fern nephrolepis. Home care for this crop is quite simple. Therefore, many lovers of indoor gardening prefer to grow at home this beautiful spectacular plant - a representative of the relict forest.

Today it is difficult to imagine that this home culture is the same age as dinosaurs. Moreover, ferns were often found in English homes during the Queen Victoria era. Then they began to decorate palaces and estates in Russia. In this article we will talk about how to grow fern nephrolepis. And home care, and transplantation, and reproduction, and many other questions that interest most beginner growers, we will try to cover in more detail below.


The aerial part of the fern, which is not considered leaves, is called waiyi by specialists. These are leaf-like organs, which are also called flat-woven or pre-run.

Fern Shoots - Vayi

Newly hacked waiyi look like a comma or snail. They have a seal at the end, which gradually, as it grows, unfolds and turns into a twig dotted with small leaves. This is the main feature of the structure, which fern nephrolepis owes to its ancient ancestors. Home care of this plant involves a close proximity to light. Nephrolepis is an epiphyte. This is the name of the plants that use larger representatives of the flora, such as trees, as their place of residence. Growing in the dense tropics in Africa, Southeast Asia and in the forests of Australia, these ferns always tend to be closer to the light, and besides, they are water-loving. It cannot be said that nephrolepis is a flower. Home care, even the most thorough, will never lead to the dissolution of the buds. This crop does not have a pronounced flowering.

Fern Nephrolepis: Home Care

Care, reproduction - all these processes will not require special efforts from a person. This plant is quite unpretentious, apparently, which is why it is so often found in homes. And although there are many representatives of this family in indoor floriculture, the most famous of them is fern nephrolepis. Room care at home implies that the owner has certain knowledge related to the features of growing this crop.

Luxurious fern

It got its name from a combination of Greek "nephris" ─ kidney and "lepsis" ─ scales. Among the other representatives of the family, nephrolepis is considered the most enduring. Even a novice can do it at home. Subject to all agricultural standards, a plant will be flaunted in the house, which is a messenger of the ancient flora. To maximize the effect and beauty of this fern, many use hanging planters, since in a regular pot the plant looks less elegant.


This is one of the important events in the life of any plant. In order for the fern to take root normally at home, the gardener should prepare in advance for planting. To do this, you need a flower pot, selected by size, as well as soil and, of course, drainage.

Soil can be bought at any specialized store. But you can cook it yourself. In the latter case, this will require mixing in equal proportions of leafy soil, humus and peat. Experts recommend that you carefully pay attention to such an indicator as soil acidity: it should fluctuate between pH 5-6.5.

Do not forget about drainage. It can be either expanded clay or crushed brick, or medium-sized pebbles. When the planting is completed, the plant must be properly watered.


Nefrolepis fern, home care which implies several mandatory conditions, with an optimal location and the provision of suitable agricultural activities will look truly luxurious. According to experts, he is not picky about lighting. This culture can equally well grow in a medium-lit room, and not far from the south window. The main condition is to avoid direct rays falling onto the wai. Otherwise, they will be covered with burns. Of course, this does not mean that it is necessary to completely deprive nephrolepis of sunlight.

Disputes of Nephrolepsis

Home care in absolute shadow will lead to stunting. In order for this fern to develop normally, it is enough to simply place it in a bright room, at a certain distance from the window.

Temperature mode

It is very important to find the right place for nephrolepis. It should be a bright, ventilated and warm room. The kitchen should be completely excluded, since stuffy air with heat coming from the stove will negatively affect the plant's health. A signal that the culture has adapted will be new vaiyas. Nephrolepis, home care which requires knowledge of certain nuances, is a thermophilic plant: it does not like cooling. The most optimal temperature regime is more than +16 degrees. In the summer season, the pot with this plant can be taken out to the balcony or to the garden. Fresh air will only benefit him. But at the same time, the plant should be provided with a windless place so that the fragile vaiyas from gusts are not damaged.


In general, ferns are “water chowders”. They tolerate very dry conditions. Nephrolepis is no exception: home care for this crop involves slightly moist soil constantly. However, you can not overdo it with watering to prevent acidification of the soil in the pot. Therefore, before applying moisture, you need to try with your finger the top layer of the earth. If the soil crumbles and does not stick to your hands, you need watering, and if it is still wet - no. The root system of the fern is quite large. Therefore, the top watering should be done along the edges of the pot, while trying not to damage the wai.

Cache-pot with nephrolepsis

Accustomed to subtropical conditions, nephrolepis literally loves daily spraying. Moreover, in the winter season, when dry air is installed from the heating in the room, this procedure must be carried out even several times a day.


Caring for nephrolepis at home involves feeding. Fertilizer supply should begin in April. And although the rest period of this culture is not pronounced, still in winter it is in a state of “half-nap”. Therefore, this season, it is better not to add additional trace elements to the soil. As a top dressing, universal mixes sold in specialized stores and intended for decorative and deciduous crops are ideal. The main condition is that iron and magnesium must be present in their composition. They will support the formation of pigment in the leaves and will contribute to healthy growth. Organic fertilizing, alternating with minerals, will have a good effect on the development of nephrolepis fern. Home care also involves periodic flushing of the soil with infusion of ash, sapropel and chicken droppings.


Before growing this culture at home, it is better to first familiarize yourself with all the information regarding what the fern nephrolepis loves and needs in an unnatural environment. Home care, reviews of those who have it growing well - all this is presented in this article. Reproduction of this plant occurs in three ways: division of the rhizome, shoots and spores. The first option is considered the most effective.

nephrolepis home care

When dividing the rhizomes, each part should be planted in the ground, covered with glass and often ventilated. In the case of propagation by shoots, the formed terrestrial processes should be rooted by pressing them to the ground, and then separated from the mother bush. The third method involves the collection, drying and subsequent sowing of spores in greenhouse conditions.

Diseases and Pests

Each plant is susceptible to parasites. Nephrolepsis is no exception. Inadequate home care can lead to serious troubles. It can be both serious diseases and the negative impact of pests.

If in the room where the fern is located, the humidity is not high, the plants may begin to dry and then fall off the vaiyas. Such a pest as a spider mite may appear on it. It will be possible to get rid of the latter only after spraying with insecticidal agents.

It is strictly forbidden to use drugs that add shine to leaves when growing nephrolepsis. They are very harmful and often lead to the death of the plant.


In addition to its spectacular appearance, this plant is also attractive for its beneficial properties, for example, it purifies the air. Nephrolepis absorbs substances such as toluene and formaldehyde. In addition, this fern kills microbes that are released into the air by sick people. That is why nephrolepis, home care for which, judging by the reviews, is quite simple, is often found in medical institutions.

Care for nephrolepsis

The plant has many varieties, but at home only varieties belonging to two subspecies are raised - sublime and heart-like. The former include, for example, nephrolepis Boston. Home care for him is not particularly difficult.

This plant is incredibly popular both among breeders and among ordinary lovers of indoor floriculture. Its distinctive feature is direct growing vayi, reaching a length of up to 120 centimeters. Another common nephrolepis is Sonata. Caring for it at home requires strict adherence to certain conditions: ambient light, high humidity and mandatory spraying. Only in this case, this miniature fern with large leaves collected in sockets will look like a neat green ball.

Very often in offices and public institutions you can find a spreading lush plant with cirrus leaves collected in a rosette. This is Nephrolepis Green Lady. Care at home for him does not imply special requirements for light. This plant, whose homeland is Southeast Asia, in the wild grows well in partial shade, under the crowns of tall trees. He has openwork foliage that departs from a vertically located rhizome.

Problems encountered with growing nephrolepis and home care

The leaves are dry - this is the most common problem for beginners of indoor gardening. It often occurs as a result of mechanical stress during improper transplantation or transportation. If the tip of the young vaya is damaged, its growth stops, and as a result, the new shoot dries out. Therefore, judging by the reviews, this rather vulnerable plant should be handled quite carefully. Another reason specialists call an overly tight pot. Improper care, such as lack of moisture, lack of nutrients in the ground, or dry air, can also cause leaf drying.

In addition, young or old waiyi can darken and curl due to low indoor temperatures or watering with excessively cold water. The fact is that nephrolepis is a warm-blooded plant. The leaves of the fern began to crumble ... This problem, which often worries the owners of this plant, cannot be considered the result of poor care. Leaf fall can be a regularity, as old ferns gradually die off in a fern. And if at the same time new shoots continue to grow, there is no reason for concern. But if nephrolepis in the literal sense of the word goes bald, this may be a signal of too high a temperature in the room.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F13223/

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