Names for rabbits girls and boys

Whatever the pet, it is often perceived as a new member of the family. And that means that the attitude towards him must be appropriate. It all starts, of course, with the choice of a nickname - somehow you need to turn to a new friend. Names for rabbits, as well as for cats, hamsters and rats, can be very diverse: someone names pets in the same way as the names of their favorite characters from books and cartoons, someone likes unusual foreign names. This, of course, is a matter of taste. But if you really care about the names of the bunnies, consider this topic in detail.

About decorative rabbits

Such a pet will certainly become an adornment of any home. Rabbits are not picky about food, like to play and spend quite a lot of time in the cage, which, of course, is a big plus. While the owner is at work or in any other place, he can be sure that the pet will not turn the whole house upside down.

names for rabbits

If you bought a rabbit, keep in mind that it requires special care. It is necessary to clean the cage regularly, change water every day, and litter twice a week. In this case, you also need to allocate time for education, then the animal will better understand what you want from him. And in order for the pets to make better contact, you need to immediately choose the names for the rabbits. By the way, they get used to nicknames pretty quickly and respond well to them.

How to choose a name

names for girls rabbits

Each animal lover is well aware that the chosen nickname should be simple and understandable. You should not choose names from 4 or more syllables - they are hard to pronounce and difficult to remember. You want the rabbit to hear the nickname and immediately run towards you. But if the name is complex and long, the pet will need time to understand it. When a nickname has already been selected, it is important that the owner at first repeats it in the same key. If the rabbit responded, it is necessary to encourage him with a treat - so he will quickly get used to the new nickname.

Some choose names for rabbits, based on the habits and characteristics of pets. The color of the fur, unusual spots, the shape of the muzzle, excessive activity or a quiet character can prompt the choice of a name. Take a closer look at your decorative rabbit, and perhaps the nickname will come to mind by itself. By the way, you should not come up with a name before the first meeting with a pet - it may turn out that it does not suit him at all, and you are already tuned in and categorically do not want to consider other options. It is likely that over time you still decide to change the nickname, and this is by no means recommended.

Names by color

If you decide to rely on the characteristics of the pet when choosing a nickname, then this item suits you perfectly. Depending on the color, the names may be as follows:

  • White. The name for the boy’s rabbit may be Snowball, and Milka, Blondi, Snezhana or Snowflake will suit the girl.
  • Gray. Male - Smoke, Gray; female - Haze.
  • The black. Chernysh, Ugolok, Agate, Night, Blueberries, Bagheera, Agate.
  • A beige or red rabbit , depending on the shade, can be called so: Ginger, Peach, Fox, Pers, Tiger, Goldie, Zlata, Freckle or Squirrel.

In addition to flowers, names for rabbits of girls and boys can be affected by other features. For example, someone clearly looks like Ushastik, or behaves like Shurshik, Minx, Sonya or Toptyzhka.

Feminine names familiar from film and literature

name for boy rabbit

The scope for imagination is provided not only by the characteristic features of a pet. As a basis, you can take the names of your favorite cartoon characters, series, movies or even books. Almost any source can give a whole list of suitable nicknames.

Names for girls' rabbits, taken from cartoons or books, can also be selected depending on the characteristics of the animal. The light female can be called Elsa, and the dark one is Anna, based on the popular cartoon Frozen. Red-haired girl - Fiona from the picture "Shrek". If the rabbit stands out among its peers in large dimensions, you can name it in honor of the hippo from the cartoon "Madagascar" - Gloria.

But if you don’t care how much the pet will look like the hero who gave it a name, you can choose absolutely any girl: Ariel, Jasmine, Assol, Alice, Bella, Gadget, Eve, Lassie, Amelie, etc. It’s hard to imagine your rabbit looked like one of the Greek goddesses, but you can also borrow the name of one of them - Hera, Venus, Athena, Nick or Selena.

Names of male characters

what names do rabbits give

Everyone knows perfectly well the most famous rabbit in the world - Roger. But the owner of the nickname does not have to have long ears. Any other cartoons, books, and films can also help you choose a name for a boy rabbit. The same "Madagascar" offers several options at once - Alex, Marty and Melman. Perhaps your pet’s temperament or characteristic coloring will tell you which of these characters it looks like. Names can be given by many other heroes: Chip and Dale, Dobby, Mickey, Nemo, Ralph, Rex, Flint, Balu, Caesar, etc.

You should not be limited only to foreign sources. The choice can fall on Russian-language cartoons or a book. Soviet cartoons offer many different options: Nathan, Kesha, Antoshka, Kuzya, Funtik, Timka, Znayka, Donut, Vintik, Shpuntik, etc. The main thing is not to get stuck on one thing, then it will be easier to choose names for rabbits.

Human names

Some try to simplify the search for a suitable nickname for a rabbit as much as possible. Someone calls pets by numbers - First, Second, Third, etc. And someone closer to human names that belong to relatives and friends or just like for a long time. They can be both Russian and foreign, but the main thing is that they are easily pronounced. Imagine that you have to say a name several times in a row in order to suspect a pet. Among the most suitable male names are Vanka, Afonya, Max, Gosh, Zhora, Nick, Rudy. And for girls, for example, Rose, Fields, Nora, Dan, Varia and others will do.

names for decorative rabbits

Do not limit your imagination by choosing names for decorative rabbits. Consider Your Pet: Does He Look Like Someone? If not, remember your favorite books, films, cartoons, and interesting characters from them. Perhaps in childhood you had a favorite toy with a simple and sonorous name - so why not name the rabbit in her honor? The main thing is that it is easy for you and your pet to remember a new nickname.


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