"The Flying Ship" is a Russian folk tale. Description, plot and heroes

Tales of the peoples of the world are always distinguished by unprecedented wisdom, which expresses the aspirations of generations of ordinary people. So the “Flying Ship” is a Russian folk tale, very interesting in this respect. And not so much in terms of plot development, but from a moral point of view. However, few people today know that there are two versions of it: the original and the musical animated one. Although they differ quite a lot in both the plot and the main characters, the main moral in both variations is identical. Consider each of these versions.

Russian fairy tale "The Flying Ship"

If we talk about the story in a fairy tale, the beginning of the development of the storyline is not much different from most of these stories.

flying ship tale

As usual, there lived a grandfather and a woman, and they had three sons. True, very similar to many other stories? Naturally, The Flying Ship is a fairy tale in which the two eldest sons were smart, and the third (youngest) was a fool. Probably, there is no need to explain that the whole plot will be developed around him.

True, in this whole story there is one small nuance. The “Flying Ship” (fairy tale) says that the old woman loved the eldest sons, surrounded them with attention and gave the best materially. She didn’t give a damn about the fool, to put it mildly. And precisely because of this, from the very first lines we see that the eldest sons, although smart, were absolutely callous. The third, although he did not get anything worthwhile and did not differ in intelligence, was a kind and sympathetic person.


It so happened that a certain king of a state, on a whim, issued a decree, saying that he who builds a flying ship will receive his daughter as his wife. The elder brothers, having received a maternal blessing and been traveling, rushed into the woods to cut trees to build a strange thing. The youngest also gathered up, but his mother did not want to give him a chance. He was stubborn, and in the end the old woman gave him water and black cakes.

Russian fairy tale flying ship

How long, briefly, his grandfather met him on the road and asked where the fellow was keeping his path. The guy said, but complained that he could not build such a ship. To the old man’s question about why he was going into the forest, the fool answered: “God knows him!”

Then the grandfather advised the guy to come to the forest, do one action there and go to bed, and then the ship itself will be done. But just to fly, you need to put in it the first comer. So did the guy.

Storyline and main characters

When the ship was ready, a young man flew on it to the king and met a man who was listening to the earth with his ear. As it turned out, he found out what was happening in the other world. Then they met a man with a tied leg, who could skip the whole world if she was untied. The third was a daredevil with a bag of bread, and all was not enough for him. The fourth was a man who wanted to get drunk, but he lacked a lake. Next to the whole company there was a hunter who could shoot a thousand miles. Then there was an uncle with magic firewood, they turned into an army of myriad. The last was a traveler with a bundle of firewood, who could arrange a fierce winter from any heat.

A guy flew with his new acquaintances to the king. And he saw that the ship was a rootless fool, and decided not to give his daughter away, but to ask the guy such tasks that he could not complete them.

I overheard this first daredevil and told the guy. Our hero twisted, but friends promised to help someone who could.

The first task was to bring kissing water until the royal dinner was over. A walker took to rescue him, but fell asleep on the road back, but the hunter woke him with a shot. Then the king gave the task to eat twelve bullfried roasts and twelve buns of bread. Then Already took over his work, but everything was not enough for him.

folk tale flying ship

Then the king ordered the company to drink forty barrels of wine in forty buckets. Opivalo did his job. After that, the king sent the guy to the bathhouse so that he would bake there, but his new comrade scattered straw, and the guy almost became overwhelmed by the cold. Finally, the ruler gave the task to the foolish army to collect countless. A man with firewood scattered them on the ground, and an army appeared.

There was nothing to do, I had to give the princess. But the fool dressed up, and became so handsome, smart and sensible became that the princess and the tsar and the queen did not look for souls in him.

Folk Tale "The Flying Ship": animated version

As already clear, the victory turned out to be just for the fool. It so happened in Russia that all stories come down to just that, and The Flying Ship is a fairy tale that also has such an ending.

In the animated film, the plot develops in much the same way, only in terms of the antipode, instead of siblings, is a certain greedy Polkan, who himself has his eyes on the princess, and the main character is not some peasant, but a cheerful and disorderly chimney sweep.

But here there is a trick, because in order to take off and land, you had to know the magic words. Polkan took possession of the ship and presented the king with the business as he had built it. But he overheard only one phrase for take-off. So the helpless king flew to himself, but did not know how to land.

flying ship Russian folk tale

Another interesting point lies in the fact that in the plot the chimney sweep to perform all sorts of tasks help completely different characters, say, funny Grandmother hedgehogs or Water. But in general, the general direction is not violated. All the same, the logical conclusion will be the same. By the way, quite a strong emphasis is placed here on music, which plays not the last role in the production.


As for morality, “The Flying Ship” is a fairy tale that gives any person an idea that it is necessary to help anyone they meet, and his deeds will be thanked. Look, because first the grandfather helps the boy, and then other heroes with unimaginable abilities.

Incidentally, Christian customs are mentioned in passing. After all, the grandfather ordered the protagonist in the forest to approach the first tree, cross himself three times and hit him with an ax. From this we can conclude that this story was invented after the Baptism of Russia.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F1323/

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