Winged expressions about life. Philosophical phrases about life. Statements of great people about life

Each person sooner or later begins to think about the questions: why do I live in this world, what is my mission, what is the enduring meaning of my stay here? Winged expressions about life are by no means accidental. At different times, scientists and self-sufficient philosophers pondered the essence of being and tried to find answers to their questions. Short phrases about life emphasize the depth of existentially everyday experiences and their inherent significance in our modern reality. In fact, even today people's minds are concerned about eternal themes and enduring values. The statements given in this article reflect the basic idea of ​​all great thinkers - the search for truth in the diverse manifestations of life.

Boris Pasternak: “Living a life is not a field to cross”

The meaning of this wonderful phrase is that life is always new and constantly remains a mystery. It opens before us gradually, like the greatest mechanism: segment by segment, moment by moment. Years pass, some events give way to others, but one thing remains the same: the beauty and grandeur of this world. A man, having been born, begins step by step to master the horizons of his capabilities, tries himself in different areas of activity, builds relationships with people. Not everything turns out right away smoothly and easily. The difficulties we encounter temper our character, teach us to overcome obstacles and not be afraid of their appearance in the future.

winged expressions about life

Beautiful expressions about life, such as this, add harmony and integrity to our worldview, teach an optimistic attitude towards reality. The author of this phrase does not hide the fact that life is difficult, but, at the same time, says that there are no impenetrable barriers, all issues can be solved with the help of wisdom and mind.

Alexander Block: “Only a lover has the right to the title of man”

By this short phrase, the greatest poet of the Silver Age meant the following: only love revives a person’s soul, fills it with invisible joy and happiness. To find love, it takes a lot of trials, to overcome selfishness, vanity. Willingness to give is the most important thing that a loving person should learn. Maturity comes only when you want to take responsibility for the fate of another person, when you want to live not for your own sake.

statements about the meaning of human life

Winged expressions about the meaning of life never do without mentioning the great and powerful power of love and its influence on the person. There are many interesting cases when love transformed a person, endowed him with strength, made him better and spiritually richer.

Mikhail Bulgakov: “Manuscripts do not burn”

The point here is that genuine art never dies. Creative impulses, converted into whole and completed works, remain to live in Eternity. Often, artists do not receive true recognition of their talent in life, but this does not mean that the efforts made are in vain. They are needed for the spiritual transformation of the soul, the true germination of personality. Therefore, nothing is accidental and everything has its own reward, for each act we will someday be responsible. Philosophical phrases about life are remarkable in that they allow you to think about the higher meanings of being. The topics considered by geniuses of all generations directly affect modern people, their lifestyle, experiences. Writers, musicians, artists invariably remain living in their works.

Oleg Gadetsky: “True happiness is always within us”

All people want to achieve a state of blissful satisfaction and harmony with life. Many people make significant efforts for this, but do not have great results. Why? What is the reason? In the efforts made or in the wrong approach to achievements? After all, if we act according to our inner nature, then we can achieve any goals, make the wish real. Winged expressions about life emphasize the omnipotent nature of man. In fact, the possibilities are unlimited. This we ourselves often doubt ourselves, do not trust our intuition, we are afraid to implement ideas.

beautiful expressions about life

Statements about the meaning of a person’s life would be incomplete without discovering a simple truth that Oleg Georgievich repeatedly says at his seminars: we are responsible for our actions, but how often do we try to achieve a state of happiness by acting outside without turning inside ourselves? A true master of psychology and an expert in the field of the human soul, he no doubt knows what he is talking about.

Omar Khayyam: “I came to this world, has he become richer? Will I leave, will he suffer great damage? Oh, if someone would explain to me why I was born out of dust, should it become nothing again? ”

Thinkers of different times sought to leave beautiful expressions about life. Omar Khayyam is known to the world for its original quatrains, which are called "rubai". In his lines, he touches on significant topics related to the presence of man on earth and emphasizes the importance of each day lived. Khayyam selflessly sought the meaning of life and tried to explain it to himself in all possible ways.

Valery Sinelnikov: “We create diseases and problems for ourselves”

It has long been known that thought is material. The famous homeopath and psychotherapist Valery Sinelnikov in his books repeatedly emphasizes that people themselves are able to control their emotions. In other words, we ourselves choose what to feel and how to act in certain situations.

phrases about life

The winged expressions about life presented in the books of this author help thousands of people get rid of ailments, gain self-confidence, become a more holistic personality, able to rise above the circumstances of their own existence and constantly improve. Personal growth, according to Valery Sinelnikov, is an integral part of a successful, constantly evolving personality.

Esther and Jerry Hicks: “It’s not what you do that matters, it’s what you feel about what you do that matters”

How often in life we ​​strive to have quick results and unreasonably upset that momentary desires do not immediately come true! Meanwhile, it is extremely important precisely what mood we are acting with, and not what we actually achieve.

short phrases about life

After all, you can solve the problem in an unworthy, dirty way: to deceive someone or substitute. But the benefits won in this way will not really warm us, will not bring the expected results. Deception always returns to the one who started it. You cannot experience stolen joy. Short phrases about life, as a rule, are very capacious and deep in content. In other words, do whatever you like to bring real benefits to you and to those around you.

Richard Bach: “What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls the butterfly”

Following a specific goal, we will always have difficulties. Any difficulties arising on the way to moving to something are the necessary stages that must be adequately passed. So we are moving up the steps towards our results. But they do not appear suddenly, not from a combination of random circumstances, but through systematic, fruitful work on oneself, intentional self-change, and personal growth.

Osho: “Most people sleep from birth to death”

Modern psychological science has made an amazing discovery: the human essence has unlimited potential capabilities. However, most of us do not use the inherent ability of nature to self-development and self-improvement. People live a very boring and monotonous life, trying to adapt to circumstances rather than striving for better and greater. They are led by fear, not true intentions.

winged expressions about the meaning of life

In such a difficult situation, healing phrases about life can help.

Just imagine how you would live, what goals you set, what tasks you solved, how would you even think if you knew that everything is possible? Surely, because of some vague circumstances, it now seems unattainable and difficult for you, in the conditions of unlimited self-confidence it would seem logical, possible, real, understandable.

philosophical phrases about life

Winged expressions about life, similar to those listed in this article, show that the great sages of antiquity, as well as modern philosophers and psychologists, from different sides consider the most important aspects of life, emphasize its undeniable value. It is very useful for people seeking, highly developed intellectually, educated, who, one way or another, think about the meaning of life, to read the great works of philosophers.

Phrases about life, filled with light and faith in success, are able to warm the soul, direct it to new victories and achievements.


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