Tricolor cats: breeds, character and interesting facts

Cats are mysterious and wayward creatures. For several millennia, people have been admiring them, endowing them with mystical properties. Some believe that cats are guides to the other world. It is no coincidence that in the folklore of many peoples they are constant companions of sorceresses and magicians. Increased attention is paid to tricolor cats. And the matter is not only in their unusual color. Superstitious people have no doubt that their tricolor pets are able to give them the gift of foresight.

tricolor cat breed


It is believed that the magical properties of these animals depend on the color of their coat. So, black cats protect the house from evil spirits, white cats bring peace and tranquility to the house, red ones symbolize wealth. And tricolor cats combine all these qualities, bringing peace, prosperity to the house, protecting from evil. It is not surprising that many want to have these cute animals.

Tricolor cat in the house: signs

Many amazing signs and beliefs are associated with these amazing animals. Even a regular meeting with such a cat brings happiness to a person. For example, the appearance of a tricolor cat near the home of an unmarried woman promises the latter a quick marriage. And to bachelors this animal portends a quick marriage if it sits under the table while a man drains the glass to the bottom. If the bride before the wedding lets such a cat to her wedding dress, and she sneezes, the marriage will be happy. Before entering a new apartment, you should run a tricolor darling in the room first, so that the house is protected from evil spirits and fire.

tricolor cat in the house omens

It is worth paying close attention to the behavior of your favorite soy. After all, if she often curls up and hides her nose under the tail, the winter will be harsh, and the cold is already very close.

What is a three-colored cat dreaming about? She is trying to warn the owner. For example, if in a dream a pet scratches the threshold of a house with its claws, this means that it is necessary to abandon a major money transaction or purchase, since the animal warns of a possible loss.

It is noteworthy that the black kitten, which was born to a tricolor cat, is endowed with considerable energy that can protect the house from negative energy and heal the owners from various diseases.

Interestingly, mainly stray animals bring good luck. If the kitten is received as a gift or purchased, then you can leave a ransom for it by putting three coins at the crossroads. You must leave the intersection without looking back.

tricolor cats photo


Tricolor cats are divided into two varieties: calico and harlequin.

Kaliko are distinguished by a black and red color with a splash of white spots. This color is called tortoiseshell. Most often found in Persian and purebred cats.

Harlequins, on the contrary, have a snow-white color with black and red spots. It is found in Maine Coons, Norwegian cats and Japanese bobtail.

Which breeds of cats are tricolor? Kittens of similar colors can appear in cats of various breeds, except perhaps the British. Basically, tricolor representatives of the cat family are found among smooth and short-haired breeds. But fortunately, there are also fluffy individuals. By the way, kittens from a tricolor cat in most cases are not tricolor. They can be black, white or red. Breeding a separate breed of cats of a three-color color is impossible. The appearance of an individual with a similar color is a rare success.

what is the dream of the three-colored cat

Due to its amazing genetic ability, the tricolor gene is transmitted exclusively through the female line. Therefore, cats have a tricolor color. There are almost no cats of this color.

Attitude in different countries

Three-color beauties are popular all over the world. In Japan, they even make their porcelain figurines so that they bring good luck to people.

In the UK, it is believed that the tricolor cat in the house is real luck. Fold breed is especially appreciated. The inhabitants of this country even believe that if you draw the tip of the tail of such a cat through the warts, they will disappear without a trace.

Muslims have no doubt that their tricolor pets will be able to protect the house from thieves and fires.

Americans believe that cats with a similar color bring prosperity and luck in the financial sector to their owner.

tricolor cats

In Russia, these animals were treated very carefully and even with respect. After all, it was believed that they help build a friendly relationship with brownies.

And fishermen and sailors are sure that the presence of a three-colored cat on a ship brings good luck, discourages bad weather and even predicts the weather with its calm or restless behavior. If the cat is worried and behaves rather unusual, then the fisherman will by no means go out to sea, because he knows: the animal feels an approaching storm.


These cute creatures have a gentle, loyal and complaisant character. They get along well with all family members, other pets, and even dogs. But at the same time they are very stubborn and invariably achieve what they want. Therefore, forbid stubborn anything - a futile exercise. She will succeed.

With strangers, a tricolor cat behaves wary and even aggressive. If a stranger decides to take this touch on his hands, he risks being scratched and bitten by it. Therefore, to lead such a cat to the vet is a whole problem.

Some difficulties arise with accustoming to the tray. These cats independently choose their place for the toilet. If the tray is in a different place, the wayward animal will not use it. The output will be to place the tray in the place that the cat chose.


Tricolor kittens are curious and playful. Their activity and curiosity are endless. They are happy to carefully examine every corner of the house. It is noteworthy that with age, their love of games and pranks does not pass. Even older cats with excitement will chase a toy or a ball.

tricolor cat kittens

Interesting Facts

The most famous tricolor cat is the mysterious Bayun, a character of Russian folklore.

Cardinal Richelieu had several tricolor pets, to which he treated with special trepidation.

In order for the three-colored cat to predict the impending storm, the Vikings invariably took her to the ship, embarking on another voyage.

For 17 years in the US state of Maryland, these amazing cats are recognized as official animals.

Small individuals of the three-color male color in most cases are infertile.

A tricolor cat once saved one of the Japanese stations from closing. Since this station was used by a very small number of people, the city authorities came up with a cunning plan. They appointed ... the tricolor cat. And she so amusingly greeted passengers that passenger traffic increased many times. The issue of closing the station was removed from the agenda.

The alleged homeland of tricolor cats (the breed as such does not exist, it is just a color) is considered the French and Italian Mediterranean coasts to which they came from Egypt.

tricolor cat in the house

Why is it worth getting a cat in your home

People have cats in their homes for various reasons. Some buy a cat to get rid of their oppressive loneliness. Someone felt sorry for the miserable stray animal and took it to his house. And someone just likes these mysterious creatures, and he wants to be the happy owner of such an amazing animal.

The cat fills the house with comfort. It is proved that those people who have pets become kinder and friendlier.

If a person is hard on his soul or suffers from any disease, cats will always be next to the owner. The pleasant warm heaviness of a small purring body is better than any antidepressant to cure the spleen. It seems unbelievable, but the cat feels that its owner is in pain. She lays down on a sore spot and warms it. And it brings a person relief!

If a person is a happy owner of a tricolor cat, then happiness and prosperity will not leave his house. And let someone think that this is just superstition. The main thing is to believe in the best and, of course, by all means cherish and cherish your tricolor darling.


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