What is a part-time group? Features and Benefits

A part-time group is available in almost all kindergartens, but in most cases private institutions offer this service. What is it, what are the features, how to get there and what they teach - about this in the article.


Part-time group - a set of activities and educational games for children who do not attend kindergarten for some reason. Usually they are in such groups for no more than 4-6 hours. Unlike a regular kindergarten, which requires constant registration and registration of a child in an electronic line, a part-time group accepts everyone without exception, but for a fee.

children cut paper figures

Who will be useful

The part-time group is an ideal place for children aged two to six years. Qualified educators conduct developmental classes daily, for each age a special complex of exciting games. In such groups, children make up for the lack of communication with peers and children of other ages. This helps them to develop faster and adapt as a team. Here they learn to communicate and build relationships with peers.

Judging by the reviews, in part-time groups, kids waste their accumulated energy, using it for useful activities and games with other children. As a rule, after coming home, children become calmer and happier.

part-time group

Due to the fact that the group is visited by children of different ages, the child learns to cope with many things on his own:

  • Correctly hold a spoon.
  • Self-eat.
  • Clean the dishes.
  • Get along with other children, make contact, fight shyness.
  • Wean from diapers, ask for a toilet, and learn to use a pot or children's toilet.
  • Talk and express more clearly your thoughts, desires.
  • Be more friendly, come to the rescue in a difficult situation, share with other children.

To make the pupils comfortable, create several groups of different ages. The smallest are kids from two years old. As a rule, they deal with them separately. The second group - children 3-5 years old.

part-time children's groups

What do they teach

There is no need to confuse part-time children's groups with a regular kindergarten. In this case, the main emphasis is on the comprehensive development of babies, familiarity with the outside world. For children in the part-time group , classes are held on:

  • math
  • foreign language;
  • artistic creation;
  • music
  • choreography;
  • rhetoric and oratory;
  • physical education.

Classes are held with a child psychologist.


After classes in a part-time group, it is easier for a child to adapt in a regular kindergarten. Often, without preliminary preparation for him, this can become a serious test, provoke stress. After all, the kids do not understand why their parents take them away from their usual home environment, where everything is familiar and calm, and leave them for a whole day among strangers. In this situation, the main thing is to make such a transition from one environment to another less painful for the child's psyche.

Children have lunch at the table.

Another advantage of a part-time group in kindergarten (public, private) is the small number of children in the group. Usually there are not more than ten of them. In this case, educators have the opportunity to pay enough attention to each child, to conduct full-fledged classes.

You can choose a convenient time: morning shift or evening. If desired, the child is left for the whole day, but at an additional cost. You can not worry that the baby will remain hungry. These groups also provide meals.

Unique set of classes

By sending your child in a part-time group, you provide him with all-round development. The kid gets acquainted with creativity, and with various sciences, and with physical activity. In addition to the main activities, children are given time for independent entertainment. For this, there is a special place for games with toys for children of a certain age, for boys and girls.

You can also arrange additional classes. In this case, teachers develop an individual training program. Usually those parents resort to this, who want their child to attend lessons on the development of speech, memory, fine motor skills, and thinking. During the training process, teachers and psychologists carefully monitor the child, revealing his abilities, interests and inclinations in order to direct energy and desires in the right direction in the future.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F13239/

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