Strong woman: what is she?

Strong woman
Nowadays, the phrase "strong woman" began to sound more and more often. But how to determine what she is and recognize her in the crowd? Sometimes we ourselves do not fully understand what this expression means and what consequences it entails. Let’s try to find out whether a woman likes this wording and what it obliges.

What is she

The most common opinion that a strong woman is one that does not need the help of a man. She is self-confident, independent, and most often happens also financially independent. Such a lady does not panic in stressful situations and easily finds a way out of the circumstances.

What makes a woman be like that? Sometimes it is impossible to look into the depths of the soul to understand its essence. This is the sheath, the mask she wears. Lack of parental love, understanding of people, rejection of men - all this can affect the formation of character. The world that surrounds a woman, the prevailing circumstances in life make her become strong, take care of herself, her children and forget about weaknesses.

the strongest woman
But there are times when even the strongest woman wants to cling to the man’s shoulder and find solace in his arms. In such moments of weakness, it is very important that there be a loving person nearby who, with understanding, will allow her to cry or express her pain.

What is the difference

Often confused are two completely opposite expressions: “strong woman” and “masculine woman”. Let's figure them out. Masculine is one that looks like a representative of the strong half of humanity. Most often this is due to hormonal failure in the body of a woman. But sometimes this happens when she goes in for sports: weightlifting, bodybuilding. Due to constant training and championships, the figure takes on a male shape and ceases to be feminine.

The use of steroid banned by doctors, which are harmful to the body, leads to muscular build-up, broad shoulders and a narrow pelvis, which is uncharacteristic for an ideal female figure.

the strongest woman in the world
But even the strongest woman in the world dreams of home warmth and comfort, wants to give birth to children and be a good mother, beloved wife.

Maybe you met the fair sex, who stopped the horse for a ride or went into burning huts, but a strong woman does not have to be physically strong, everything is manifested in the strength of character. Typically, these are male qualities, such as striving, perseverance in achieving a goal, overcoming various obstacles, determination and perseverance. Some men are afraid of such women because they do not know how to behave with them. Others, on the contrary, respect them and bow before them.

Such a woman captivates and makes her take an example. She is a leader by nature and admirable. She likes it, she decides. But one thing can be said: it requires you to always be at your best, hide your sorrows, disappointments and continue to move forward.

If you see a strong woman, try not to forget that she too may have her small weaknesses. Be prepared to give her your shoulder.


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