Sunlight stores: customer reviews of jewelry

Jewelry is an expensive gift in every sense. By purchasing a cute ring, a weighty chain or an exquisite necklace, the buyer tries to please his beloved. How to choose among the many shops the only one whom you can entrust with such a serious matter as choosing a worthy gift? This article will review products and reviews about the Sunlight store.

gold & quot; Sunlight & quot;

Sunlight stores

Beautiful products from gold and silver, a wide assortment and constant promotions and discounts - all this is very attractive both for a buyer with modest opportunities and great ones. But, before you carry your money in a jewelry store, you need to familiarize yourself with the assortment. In our age of the Internet, this is not very difficult. In addition, on the official pages of the store you can not only choose the model you like, but also get acquainted with possible discounts on the selected product, read reviews about the Sunlight jewelry store that are left by happy customers.

Onyx Jewelry Company is the owner of the Sunlight brand. Since 2005, a huge number of jewelry stores with this name have opened across the country. The global network works for this company quite successfully, offering to get acquainted with the assortment and promotions, find the nearest store or purchase the product via the Internet.

The splendor of jewelry

Onyx calls its products unique, as a special jewelry design is being developed for it. In addition, on the products themselves, along with a breakdown of gold or silver, there is a special quality mark that helps determine the authenticity of the product.

gold stores "Sunlight"

All precious metals and stones undergo a special multi-level examination, which determines the sample of metal, its uniqueness and quality of the stones used. Metals and stones themselves are mined by recognized world leaders. Thus, product quality is monitored at all levels of production.

Precious Shine

First of all, buyers are attracted by the unusual design of jewelry. Often jewelry is studded with small diamonds that create an amazing glow around it. Such jewelry is a real find for evening dresses.


The high-tech equipment used by Onyx helps highly skilled jewelers manually fix stones using special technology. Such manufacturing techniques make them truly unique.

Happy owners

gold and stones

Enthusiastic customer reviews of Sunlight stores often appear on official store sites. High quality products at an affordable price are very enthusiastic for most buyers. In addition, there is always the opportunity to purchase an expensive item with a significant 50-70% discount. Promotional and engagement rings are constantly announced.

Pleasant atmosphere of the store

The beauty of products is not the only thing that attracts buyers. Sunlight stores are often located in large shopping malls. The design of their sign attracts attention with its radiant simplicity. In the stores themselves, the windows are illuminated in a special way, which makes buyers enthusiastically consider the products offered. The employees of these stores are polite, attentive, happy to provide information about discounts and promotions, help to choose the thing you like from the presented assortment. The larger the store, the more employees are ready to help the bewildered buyer.

Positive feedback from customers about Sunlight jewelry stores and the courtesy of employees constantly appear on the company's official websites. This greatly simplifies the choice of the buyer in favor of a good store, which is also often within walking distance for him.

A spoon of tar

However, these reviews are not always enthusiastic. Most often, on independent resources for reviews, you can read dissatisfaction with the behavior of employees. Oddly enough, even working in the midst of such magnificence, a person is not always able to cope with his nature, but the buyer suffers first, and the store and manufacturer in the second. The imbalance of some employees greatly spoils the reputation of the company. As the saying goes, it’s impossible to please every customer. The efforts of many sellers may well be crossed out by one dissatisfied customer service.

About product quality

& quot; Sunlight & quot; necklace

The following claims are for the quality of the goods. Gold is primarily discussed in reviews of the Sunlight jewelry store. Its origin causes doubts among buyers. Some particularly meticulous buyers have found that gold for Onyx is mined in China by unknown companies. Often, pink or white gold eventually changes its color to the usual reddish color. According to some “happy” owners, noble pink or white ordinary gold makes a deposition, which eventually fades. Such reviews often come from buyers who bought jewelry for the action.

In defense of the manufacturer

Gold of the 585th sample declared for products of Sunlight stores does not change its quality due to the location of the mine in which it was mined. The company, affixing a test on the product, takes responsibility for the quality of the products offered. In addition, the manufacturer puts its own brand, confirming its responsibility for the quality of the goods provided.

If the brand name is missing

There are times when the selected product is missing a brand name. Sellers habitually explain this situation by the fact that there is no place left on the product where it would be possible to put it. For some buyers, this is enough if the product is purchased at a good discount. But at full cost, I want to have a decent quality. What can really mean the absence of a stigma? Dishonesty store. If a product is found to be defective, there is a risk of not exchanging it for good if it does not have a quality mark of the company itself. Advice to customers: when buying products in company stores, insistently demand jewelry with a brand name.

store & quot; Sunlight & quot;

Thus, reviews of Sunlight jewelry stores, whose gold is often questioned as to its origin and quality, cause significant damage to the company. At the same time, the trademark itself is trying in every possible way not only to attract, but also to protect the buyer from defective goods.

Diamond placers

If with gold everything is more or less clear, the quality of stones used in the products remains in doubt. Large stones in expensive jewelry are also thoroughly subject to quality control. Their purity and cut, as well as a mysterious and unique radiance speak for themselves better than all certificates. At the same time, it is impossible to determine how high-quality small diamonds that are a sign of this brand are, as well as to check for cleanliness and quality because of their small size. Some experts say that Sunlight stores use diamond chips, that is, waste from processed diamonds. In jewelry, this is considered waste material, unsuitable for jewelry. They are almost impossible to secure.

Purchase returns

The reason for the return of the goods is most often the poor fastening of stones in products at a discount or on a stock. It seems that stocks are held specifically for products with poor quality, which, apparently, several buyers have already refused.

At one of the independent forums, reviews about the quality of Sunlight stores are full of just such statements: a product comes with ugly glued pebbles or without several at once. The return of the product is difficult to process. At the same time, employees from polite and smiling often turn into rude and dissatisfied. After a long wait, a new product arrives with approximately the same problems. The next stage of replacing the product with a better one may also not give any results.

Does discount mean poor quality?

Why such manipulations do not give the desired results? Customers have the opinion that low-quality goods are provided as promotional items. A happy buyer grabs a knowingly cheap thing, rejoicing at a successful purchase. But in the end it turns out that he also overpaid for the product, which used materials of inadequate quality, which were made on poor equipment. Thus, a ring or earrings bought for a beloved girl can bring disappointment not only to the buyer, but also to the donee. Should I refuse to buy products on the stock?

Shopping experience

Numerous reviews about the Sunlight store suggest that inexpensive is not always bad. If you personally come to the store, carefully consider the chosen thing, ask the employees about the origin of the materials, touch and rub the product, then by the behavior of sellers you can determine whether to take this product. A good product is not afraid of mechanical stress. If you carefully wipe the product with a special napkin, this will not make the stones fall off, and the gold will change its noble color to a cheaper one. On the contrary, the product will reveal its advantages to the buyer even better. If the seller is categorically against such manipulations, there is reason to think about the quality of the imposed goods.

Too expensive

gold ring

Reviews about the quality of gold in Sunlight stores are also positive and not very positive. Besides the fact that gold itself is of unknown origin, that it is often disguised as a more noble conventional spraying, that the quality mark of the company is not always present on it, it can be unreasonably expensive. Why did this suspicion arise? In reviews of gold in Sunlight jewelry stores, there are more and more hints that diamond chips are being invested in the price of a product. And by certain standards, it is a waste, that is, it does not have any value. Thus, the calculation should only be based on the value of gold. And in this case, gold is too expensive for the price.

This opinion is private and not a single expert has been confirmed. Reviews of gold from Sunlight stores are similar to the dissatisfaction of competitors. If a person does not believe that the product is not worthy of the price set on it, he always has the opportunity to purchase something else, in his opinion, of better quality. With the modern abundance of jewelry stores and the assortment presented in them, it is not at all difficult to do this.

On the other side of the counter

Reviews from Sunlight store employees are also very mixed. For some of them, it can be determined that work in this area differs little from the performance of labor duties in any other trade pavilion. Requirements for employees are fairly standard: knowledge of the goods offered, pleasant appearance, polite handling of the buyer, sociability. Salary depends on the region in which the store is located, and on the revenue brought by the professional skill of the employee. Even in the most negative reviews about the employer there is no sharp negative to the company itself. More often it is an insult to colleagues or a conflict with management.

Disguise competitors

Often, behind reviews of Sunlight jewelry stores, special people hired by competitors who have no idea about the products of this company are hiding from the buyer. It's no secret that this type of earnings brings a small side job for people who miss public transport or in the queues at the clinic. How to understand how reliable the reviews about Sunlight stores are? You can enter into personal correspondence with a person who left a negative review, and ask him to provide photo evidence of what he wrote so beautifully. If the answer is rude or none at all, this will be the main evidence of the purchased recall.

True or Bribery

The positive story about Sunlight jewelry stores may be the same. And you can try such reviews in the same way - send a photo of the purchased product on the hand or other part of the body of the happy owner. As a rule, professional and amateur pictures can be distinguished even by an amateur. Thus, you can verify the honesty of reviews about the Sunlight store. It is always worth checking the seller’s honesty several times before paying a lot of money.

Work in the Sunlight store

Bright, memorable for its design showcases, a remarkable uniform on sales consultants. If you want to work for Onyx, do not rush to draw conclusions based on feedback about working in Sunlight stores. Often, behind negative reviews there is an employee fired for absenteeism or careless attitude to his duties. To find such a store in the city and come to get a job personally in the salon you like will be the right decision. And further work will show how sincere the reviews of the Sunlight jewelry store employees were.

How to find a store?

& quot; Sunlight & quot; the stones

Sunlight stores are in any regional city. Most often they are located in large shopping centers. Less often - next to them in individual stores. For those who live on the periphery, there is a convenient online store service in which you can order the product by mail or with delivery by a special courier. In this case, difficulties arise with personal choice. Sometimes employees send a completely different product, citing the absence of the ordered goods, but this is not necessary. In addition, today the Russian Post does not work in good faith, therefore it is better to protect yourself in this situation as much as possible, for example, choose to pay for the product upon delivery.

Third Party Opinion

Accustomed to trusting the opinions of others, you can miss a really good chance to buy an expensive thing at a reasonable price. Reviews of Sunlight stores in Moscow often show potential buyers how difficult it is to choose a worthy item among the cheap abundance of the company. Such statements are not always acceptable to an unhampered public from small regional towns. It is advisable to look for product reviews in your region. Then there will be no temptation to refuse the selected product or, on the contrary, immediately acquire something that I had not thought about a few minutes ago.

Own choice

For those who still decided to purchase jewelry in the Sunlight store, some useful tips:

  • Before going to a particular store, ask your friends if they have purchased goods in this store and what quality it was.
  • First of all, listen to your desires, and only then to the entreaties of the seller.
  • In every possible way check the product for fake or inadequate quality, ask for all papers that can confirm this.
  • When purchasing expensive jewelry, ask sellers about the possibility of returning the product and what reasons are needed for this.
  • Stock is not a necessary indicator of poor product quality.
  • The high price does not necessarily guarantee excellent quality.

A small list of these rules will help you choose a good product in any store.


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