How to carry new shoes fast? Simple tips

Gorgeous high-heeled shoes or cute doll ballet shoes - any shoes should be not only beautiful, but also comfortable. How often women forget about it, buying a pair of insanely liked, not paying attention to size! Upon arrival home, it becomes clear that it is impossible to walk 10 meters in such narrow shoes, and you planned to put on a new pair of shoes tomorrow ... Then the question arises of how to distribute new shoes quickly.

Standard methods
how to carry new shoes fast

If you find that the shoes you just bought are shaking, the main thing is not to panic! This problem can be easily solved with the help of fairly simple actions. However, it is worth noting that these methods are not suitable for those readers who are eager to find out how to quickly spread new shoes. Using the procedure described below, the shoes are stretched gradually:

1. You can put on knitted socks and every day take a walk in new shoes around the apartment for a couple of hours. After a while, you will notice that the shoes have become noticeably freer.

2. If such home walks did not give noticeable results, you can seek help from a specialist shoemaker. There you will be able to answer the question of how to carry new shoes fast. In the workshop, they usually have a special device designed just for such cases. Leave the shoes to a specialist, and the shoe master will stretch them to the right size.

how to quickly carry new shoes

3. You can buy a special tool, which is called - "stretcher for shoes." It can be bought at any shoe store, it is usually produced in the form of a spray. It is applied as follows: it is necessary to apply a spray on the inside of the shoe, put on shoes and walk around your apartment for a while.

Spread the shoes with ... newspapers

Alternative methods can also answer the question of how to distribute new shoes quickly. There is a way to help stretch shoes with ordinary newspapers. To do this, you need to wet the newspaper, tear it into small pieces and push it into the shoes. It is necessary to push as many printed publications as possible so that the entire space inside the product is occupied. Then you need to dry the shoes. Please note that the shoes will completely dry out only after a couple of days. In no case do not dry the product near the battery, otherwise the procedure will not give any result. Only after both the newspapers and the shoes themselves have dried completely, can you remove the filler, measure new shoes and be happy to evaluate the result.

Spreading new shoes will help ... alcohol
how to carry leather shoes

If you want to learn how to carry shoes out of leather, you should definitely read about how to pair your favorite pair with alcohol. You just need to wet the shoes inside with vodka (or better - pure alcohol), put on thick woolen socks and walk around the apartment for some time. Alcohol evaporates quickly, so you will not spend much time stretching shoes in this way. However, such a method as distributing new shoes quickly is not suitable for shoes made of fabric, suede or artificial leather. If your shoes are made of these materials, you should use beer instead of alcohol or vodka. After you wet the inside of the shoe, you need to wear thicker socks and walk around for a while. Instead of alcohol, by the way, you can use ordinary boiling water.


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