Grapes "Kishmish 342" - its features and characteristics

Among the variety of fruits, grapes are considered one of the most nutritious. There are many varieties of it. Consider the most popular and sweet seedless type - kishmish.

Features of grape "raisin 342"

grape raisins 342

Grapes "raisin 342" is considered one of the early varieties. This is a hybrid species that matures in 120 days. The bushes of the grapes grow strongly, therefore they require a specially designated place along which the stems will climb. This grape is ideal for baby food, as it has no seeds. This variety is intended for fresh consumption and for the preparation of raisins. Grapes "Kishmish 342" easily tolerates frosts up to -26 degrees. It is considered one of the most productive species. From one shoot you can collect 1-2 clusters, which are all strewn with berries. On average, a branch of raisins reaches a weight of up to 500 grams. Grapes perfectly absorb sugar, and one ripe berry contains about 21% of it. Acidity can reach 8 grams per liter. This variety is practically not sick with fungal diseases. With proper care and transplantation of cuttings, you can get a good harvest.

Planting grapes "raisin 342"

So, if you have chosen for planting on your site grape variety "kishmish 342", you need to take into account the climatic conditions of your territory. Following all the rules of planting this plant, you can get sweet and juicy fruits. Let's consider some tips in more detail:

  1. Soil preparation. Before planting, add sod, compost and humus to it. Also for the variety of this grape you need to add sand to the ground in equal proportions.
  2. The cuttings should be planted from late May to early September. If the cuttings already have roots, then they need to be planted from late April to mid-May.
  3. Choosing a site for landing. It is better if it is sunny east or west side. Grapes can be planted along the wall of a house, a fence or any other structure. Seedlings are planted at a distance of 80 cm from the wall or fence.

grape raisins 342 description

Care for grapes "raisin 342"

Kishmish 342 grapes will bear fruit well if they receive watering, fertilizer and top dressing on time. It is worth considering a special schedule for caring for this crop for months:

  1. May The beginning of the summer season should be accompanied by trimming the extra shoots of the grapes. For this month, you need to remove everything unnecessary and unnecessary so that the grapes do not waste their energy. Also at this time, growing shoots begin to tie up. You can make the first feeding "kishmish 342".
  2. June This month you can plant young shoots. They begin to pinch the buds on the grapes for better and faster pollination in the future. June promotes the processing of all bushes with insect repellents that feed on them. During this time, the grapes grow even more and require constant garter.
  3. July At this time, they begin to process grapes from fungal infections. You can feed grapes that were planted later than all. This month, many stepsons are formed, which must be cut in time.
  4. July At this time, the processing of grapes from fungal infections begins. You can feed grapes that were planted later than all. This month, many stepsons are formed, which must be cut in time.
  5. August This month is the final stage - the ripening of grapes. And leaving in August should be right. "Kishmish 342" also do not cease to tie and cut the stepsons. Be sure to feed grape bushes with mineral fertilizers. In the second half of August, watering is completely stopped. At the end of this period, you can expect the first fruits of such a variety as grape "raisin 342".

grape variety sultana 342


If you decide to plant something tasty and sweet on your site, then it is better to choose grapes "kishmish 342". Description of the variety will help you choose the perfect place for it and get wonderful fruits. In the future, growing grapes, you can get a beautiful hedge, which gives large and beautiful clusters with berries.


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