"Fathers and Sons": characters. "Fathers and Sons": main characters and their description. How many actors in the work "Fathers and Sons" by Turgenev?

In the novel Fathers and Sons, the characters are very diverse and interesting in their own way. This article provides a brief description of each of them. The novel "Fathers and Sons" still does not lose its relevance. The characters in this work, as well as the problems raised by the author, are interesting in any historical period.

Bazarov Evgeny Vasilievich

characters fathers and children

The main character of the novel is Evgeny Bazarov. At first the reader does not know much about him. We know that this is a medical student who came for a vacation in the village. The story of the time spent by him outside the walls of the educational institution, and is the plot of the work. First, the student visits the family of Arkady Kirsanov, his friend, after which he goes with him to the provincial city. Here Yevgeny Bazarov makes acquaintance with Odintsova Anna Sergeyevna, lives at her estate for some time, but after an unsuccessful explanation she is forced to leave. Next, the hero is in the parental home. He does not live here for long, as longing makes him repeat the route just described. It turns out that nowhere else can be happy Eugene from the novel "Fathers and Sons". The characters in the work are alien to him. The hero cannot find a place for himself in Russian reality. He is returning home. Where the hero of the novel "Fathers and Sons" dies.

fathers and children protagonists

The characters we describe are curious from the point of view of refraction of the era in their characters. In Eugene, perhaps his "nihilism" is most interesting. For him, this is a whole philosophy. This hero is an exponent of the moods and ideas of revolutionary youth. Bazarov denies everything, does not recognize any authority. Such aspects of life as love, the beauty of nature, music, poetry, family ties, philosophical thinking, altruistic feelings are alien to him. The hero does not recognize duty, law, duty.

Eugene easily wins disputes with Kirsanov Pavel Petrovich, a moderate liberal. On the side of this hero is not only the youth and novelty of the position. The author sees that "nihilism" is associated with popular discontent and social disorder. It expresses the spirit of the times. The hero experiences a longing for loneliness, tragic love. It turns out that he is dependent on the laws of ordinary human life, is involved in human suffering, cares and interests, like other actors.

Turgenev's “Fathers and Sons” is a novel in which different worldviews collide. From this point of view, Father Eugene is also interesting. We suggest you get to know him better.

Bazarov Vasily Ivanovich

fathers and children characters

This hero is a representative of the patriarchal world, which is becoming a thing of the past. Turgenev, reminding us of him, makes readers feel the drama of the movement of history. Vasily Ivanovich - retired staff doctor. By origin he is a commoner. This hero builds his life in the spirit of educational ideals. Vasily Bazarov lives disinterestedly and independently. He works, is interested in social and scientific progress. However, an insurmountable chasm lies between him and the next generation, which brings a deep drama to his life. Father's love finds no response, turns into a source of suffering.

Arina Vlasyevna Bazarova

Arina Vlasyevna Bazarova - mother of Eugene. The author notes that this is a “real Russian nobleman” of bygone time. Her life and consciousness are subject to the norms set by the tradition. Such a human type has its own charm, but the era to which it belongs has already passed. The author shows that such people will not live their life calmly. The heroine’s spiritual life includes suffering, fear and anxiety due to a relationship with her son.

Arkady Nikolaevich Kirsanov

fathers and children how many characters

Arkady Nikolayevich is a friend of Eugene, his student in the novel "Fathers and Sons". The protagonists of the work are in many ways contrasting. So, unlike Bazarov, the influence of the era in the position of Arkady is combined with the influence of the usual properties of a young age. Quite superficially, his passion for new teaching. Kirsanov is attracted to “nihilism” by his opportunities, valuable to a person who is just entering into life — independence from authorities and traditions, a sense of freedom, the right to audacity and self-confidence. However, Arkady also has qualities that are far from "nihilistic" principles: he is ingenuously simple, good-natured, attached to traditional life.

Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov

characters in the novel fathers and children

Nikolai Petrovich in the novel Turgenev is the father of Arkady. This is a middle-aged man who survived many misfortunes, but they did not break him. The hero has romantic inclinations and tastes. He works, tries to transform his economy in the spirit of the times, seeks love and spiritual support. The author, with obvious sympathy, outlines the character of this hero. He is a weak, but sensitive, kind, noble and delicate person. In relation to youth, Nikolai Petrovich is friendly and loyal.

Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov

Pavel Petrovich is Uncle Arkady, an Englishman, an aristocrat, a moderate liberal. In the novel, he is an antagonist of Eugene. The author endowed this hero with a spectacular biography: secular successes and a brilliant career were interrupted by tragic love. With Pavel Petrovich after this there was a substitution. He gives up hopes for personal happiness, and also does not want to carry out civic and moral duty. Pavel Petrovich moves to the village, where other characters live in the work “Fathers and Sons”. He intends to help his brother in the transformation of the economy. The hero stands for liberal government reform. Entering a dispute with Bazarov, he defends the program, which is based on in its own way noble and high representations. The "Westernist" ideas of individual rights, honor, self-esteem, and dignity are combined in it with the "Slavophile" idea of ​​the role of the patriarchal family and the agricultural community. Turgenev believes that the ideas of Pavel Petrovich are far from reality. This is an unhappy and lonely person with a failed fate and unfulfilled aspirations.

Other actors are no less interesting, one of which is Odintsova Anna Sergeevna. Of course, it is worth telling in detail about it.

Anna Sergeevna Odintsova

fathers and children characters description

This is an aristocrat, a beauty with whom Bazarov is in love. Traits inherent in the new generation of nobles are noticeable in it - freedom of judgment, lack of class arrogance, democracy. However, everything is alien to Bazarov, even traits that are characteristic of himself. Odintsova is independent, proud, intelligent, but completely different than the main character. However, this chaste, proud, cold aristocrat needs Eugene as he is. Her calm attracts and excites him. Bazarov understands that behind him is an inability to hobbies, selfishness, indifference. However, in this he finds a kind of perfection and succumbs to his charm. This love becomes tragic for Eugene. Odintsova easily copes with her feelings. She marries “by conviction”, and not by love.


Katya is the younger sister of Anna Odintsova. At first she seems to be just a shy and sweet young lady. However, it gradually manifests spiritual strength and independence. The girl is freed from the power of her sister. She helps Arkady to overthrow Bazarov’s power over him. Katya in Turgenev’s novel embodies the beauty and truth of everyday life.

Kukshina Eudoxia (Avdotya) Nikitishna

characters fathers and children turgenev

The characters in the novel Fathers and Sons include two pseudo-nihilists whose images are parody. This is Eudoxia Kukshin and Sitnikov. Kukshina is an emancipated woman who is distinguished by extreme radicalism. In particular, she is interested in the natural sciences and the “women's issue”, and even George Sand despises the “backwardness” . This woman is vulgar, cheeky, frankly stupid. However, sometimes something human also appears in it. "Nihilism", perhaps, hides a sense of infringement, the source of which is the female inferiority of this heroine (she is abandoned by her husband, does not attract the attention of men, is ugly).

Sitnikov ("Fathers and Sons")

How many actors have you counted? We talked about nine heroes. One more should be introduced. Sitnikov is a pseudo-nihilist who considers himself a "disciple" of Bazarov. He seeks to demonstrate the sharpness of judgment and freedom of action characteristic of Eugene. However, this similarity is parodic. Sitnikov understands "nihilism" as a way of overcoming complexes. This hero is ashamed, for example, of a father-farmer who has become rich by soldering people. At the same time, Sitnikova is burdened by his own insignificance.

These are the main characters. "Fathers and Sons" is a novel in which a whole gallery of bright and interesting images is created. Of course, it is worth reading in the original.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F13275/

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