Rothband consumption per 1 m2 and its characteristics

Putty "Rotband" is a product of the Knauf trademark. The company is known in the world as the largest manufacturer of building mixtures for exterior and interior decoration, technological equipment for plastering by machine, as well as insulation materials.

Ways to use plaster

Rotband plaster is a universal dry mix, which will save time while leveling walls and ceilings. With its help, you can reach the finished surface under the gloss without the use of finishing putty. Rothband consumption per 1 m2 is 8.5 kg (10 mm layer). It is also suitable for the manufacture of decorative elements, structuring, repair and restoration work.

Rothband consumption per 1 m2

Rothband plaster is used indoors, as it is made on the basis of gypsum with the addition of perlite. This increases the strength of the mixture. It is used for manual high-quality plastering of walls at temperatures from +5 ° C to +30 ° C. It is used on such substrates as brick, concrete, aerated concrete, cement plaster, polystyrene foam surfaces and DSP.

Expense calculation

Rothband gypsum plaster is profitable and economical due to its expense. This reduces the cost of procurement of building materials. As already mentioned, the consumption of Rothband putty per 1 m2 is 8.5 kg (10 mm layer). This is 2 times less than when using cement-sand mixtures (DSP). It is more economical than starting plasters, in which the consumption is at least 10 kg per 1 m2 (with a layer of 10 mm). Water consumption is 18 liters per package (30 kg) of dry mix.

calculate the consumption of rotband per 1 m2

For example, there is a wall that needs to be plastered with a layer of 20 mm. To do this, we calculate the consumption of "Rotband" per 1 m2. Since the flow rate is 8.5 kg (with a thickness of 10 mm), in our case we will need 8.5x2 = 17kg. For comparison: if we take into account the consumption of DSP, then in this case it will need 32 kg. And when using starting gypsum plaster, you need 20-24 kg of dry material.

Advantages of the "Rotband" mixture

The advantage is versatility, strength and low consumption, as well as increased adhesion, obtaining a smooth surface without the use of finishing putty. It is possible to apply a thick layer (up to 5 cm) at a time. Increased strength is achieved thanks to special additives, such as perlite, and additional polymers. They help improve adhesion.

The product does not contain substances harmful to human health - lime and alkali, in contrast to the central nervous system.

Rotband putty consumption per 1m2
Regulates the humidity in the room. The economical consumption of "Rotband" per 1 m2 distinguishes it from the mass of other products.

"Rotband" is characterized by a high rate of frost resistance (not less than 75 cycles). Plaster also has moisture resistance. This allows you to successfully use the mixture in bathrooms, bathrooms, corridors, for walls and ceilings. It is characterized by its ability to absorb excess moisture due to its porous structure.

The thermal conductivity of the mixture is 0.25 W / m . K. This is a rather low indicator, which helps to maintain the optimum temperature in the room.


The solution consists of a binder fine-grained filler (d ~ 2.5 mm) and special chemical additives. The layer thickness can be from 5 to 50 mm for walls, from 5 to 15 mm for ceilings. Rothband consumption per 1 m2 with a layer height of 10 mm is 8.5 kg. In this case, drying takes about 60 minutes. A set with a mixture of full strength is equal to 7 days. The time for using the finished solution is from 25 to 30 minutes.

plaster consumption per 1m2 rotband decorative gypsum

The density of the dry mix is ​​730 kg / m 3 , the dried plaster is 950 kg / m 3 . Compressive strength> 2.5 MPa, bending> 1.2 MPa. The thermal conductivity of the mixture reaches 0.25 W / m . K. Water consumption per bag (30 kg) - 18 l. Duration of storage in intact packaging is 6 months.

From the facts examined, we can conclude that the "Rotband" is an economical option for decoration.

Step-by-step instructions for use

First you need to clean the wall of dust, dirt and peeling. The base must be strong and have a temperature not lower than +5 ° C. After cleaning, the base must be primed, regardless of type. The liquid is applied with a roller or mowls.

Next, you need to install beacon profiles on the surface. To do this, the Rotband solution is applied to the base in small portions approximately every 30 cm. Profiles that are aligned in one plane are pressed into the mixture. Next, protective corner profiles are installed. Plaster is applied on their inside with a step of 30 cm. The profile is installed at an angle in the same plane with the beacons.

Within 25-30 minutes, it is necessary to apply the solution to the wall or ceiling, level with zigzag movements as a rule. After setting the plaster, after 45-60 minutes, the layer is smoothed with a wet spatula to obtain a smooth surface. Irregularities on the slopes and in the corners must be cut with a plaster plane. After 15 minutes, the surface can be smoothed again with a wet sponge grater to remove possible bumps.

When structuring the surface, the amount of material that the plaster requires (consumption per 1m2) remains unchanged. "Rotband" - a gypsum decorative mixture - can be treated with a relief roller or other molding tool until it hardens completely. Drying time is 7 days.

Having familiarized yourself with the technology of applying plaster, determining the consumption of "Rotband" per 1 m2, as well as the main characteristics, you can prepare a high-quality mixture yourself.


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