Boots without laces - new design features

It would seem that the design of football shoes will not surprise anyone: colors, logos are changing, spikes are being modified. But the basic elements that must be present on the boots are always unchanged. The world's leading manufacturers of sports shoes break stereotypes and offer to test boots without laces. Will athletes and amateurs appreciate this novelty?

boots without laces

What should be the boots?

Classic boots are specialized sports shoes designed for playing on the football field. There is also a variety of similar shoes, designed specifically for games in the gym.

Cleats must be made of high quality genuine leather. This provides not only the durability of such shoes, but also increased sensitivity: the player must feel the ball well in order to deliver accurate shots.

Also, boots are necessarily equipped with spikes to prevent slipping and better adhesion of the legs to the surface. Modification of spikes the best sports shoe companies offer different from year to year. Both designers and ergonomic experts work on this.

Adidas Shoelaces Football Boots

Finally, until recently, an integral attribute of the boots was a strong lacing, the task of which was to securely keep the shoes on the foot during the game. No one imagined other options, and the boots without laces seemed to be something from the realm of fantasy.

What gives the lack of shoelaces?

It would seem, why come up with something else if the shoes already cope "perfectly" with their functions? To feel comfortable on the field, it is enough to choose the right size and find a quality manufacturer. For example, the Adidas boots. Without laces or with them, shoes of this brand still remain a favorite for many athletes.

However, the developers of the novelty declare that the new design will provide football players with the following advantages:

  • Convenience and speed when putting on.
  • Increased foot comfort.
  • Improved sensitivity. The lack of a surface for lacing leads to the fact that the player can feel the ball well.
  • Excellent aerodynamics. A streamlined new boot shape improves acceleration and reduces air resistance.

This is only why you should try the boots without shoelaces!

adidas lace-free cleats

Features of the new design

Not all manufacturers run the risk of introducing a similar technological innovation into their main lines. Most β€œbison” sportswear put on the old faithful classic and simply improve the appearance of conventional products.

The first attempt to introduce into mass use boots without laces belongs to the German company Lotto. But, despite large investments in marketing and advertising, the new product did not take root and was subsequently discontinued.

She got a new round thanks to the famous company Adidas. Boots without laces became the flagship of their 2016 collection. The manufacturer promises unprecedented comfort, sensitivity, lightness along with a bright custom design.

lace-free cleats for children

The laces in the models of this company are replaced by a dense, tight elastic band. The boots themselves are quite high. All this provides a comfortable and tight fit of shoes on the foot.

How to choose boots

If you decide to opt for boots without shoelaces and test the new product yourself, you should know how to choose them correctly.

First of all, keep in mind that top-class specialists have designed and tested such boots so that they comfortably and firmly sit on your foot. And these specialists work in the Adidas company. Therefore, you should give preference only to branded shoes of this brand. Cheap counterparts will fall off their feet in the first minutes of the game.

It is very important to choose the boots in size: if the shoes are even a little large, do not take. Over time, it spreads a little and can not sit tight enough. With caution, it is worth buying boots without laces for children: the leg is still being formed and is constantly growing. After some time wearing, the children's foot may change, and the boots will not be as comfortable as when buying. Shoes with laces for children are the best option, since such products are more flexible and easier to correct for fit on the foot.

boots without laces

Is it worth buying: testimonials

Those who have already managed to test the new product from Adidas unanimously assure that it is definitely worth a try. The new boots are really very comfortable and easy. After putting on, they do not slip at all and do not fall off the leg, as one might assume.

The only nuance is the process of putting on such shoes. Those who tried to do this, note that you can not do without a spoon. However, after repeating this procedure several times, the system becomes clear, and the process of putting on athletic shoes takes a few seconds.

Also, athletes who not only tried on such boots, but also played a full-fledged game in them, note that after continuous wearing for a long time, a dense elastic band on the boots, replacing the laces, is hardly noticeable stretched.

Thus, the shoes should be very tight when buying, but at the same time it should be comfortable to sit on the foot, otherwise over time, the desired level of comfort may be lost.

Buying boots with or without laces is up to you. For our part, we note that in any case they should be from genuine leather and from a good manufacturer. Then sports shoes will be imperceptible on their feet and will achieve the highest results!


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