Orders and medals of the Russian Federation: list, description. State awards of the Russian Federation

Orders and medals of the Russian Federation are not just rewards, they are the most valuable treasures to the heart. Receiving a worthy reward for their merits, people are inspired to new exploits. State awards are among the motivators for creating a dedicated and humane nation. In Russia, there is a special award procedure. Thus, having completed one feat, the hero receives his first medal of lesser value and only after completing a number of achievements, he will be awarded the highest award for this achievement.

Historical reference

The formation of the state model award system in Russia began after 1991. One year after the beginning of the establishment of the new system, the President of the Russian Federation issued a decree for the first time, as a result of which a medal was first introduced to encourage defenders of freedom of a huge state. In addition to the introduction of orders and medals of the Russian Federation that did not exist before, the awards received by the Russians during the existence of the USSR remained in force.

1992 proved to be very fertile for the introduction of new state awards. So during this period the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland", "Friendship", "Courage", "Honor", "For Military Merit" and a number of medals of various patterns began to exist.

According to Russian law, persons awarded one or another state award receive not only spiritual pleasure, but also material assistance. The level of social benefits is established in accordance with the regulation on state awards of the Russian Federation.

Order of Alexander Nevsky

Medal series for the military

Over the entire existence of the Russian Federation as an independent state, 17 medals were introduced, of which 5 are military.

  • “For Courage” - a state award that extends to the highest achievements of military personnel. It is issued to persons who have accomplished a personal feat in battle, on special assignment, at the moment of defending the border, and in any other case, when it comes to protecting the constitution and the risk to life.
  • Suvorov Medal - awarded to individuals who have distinguished themselves in fighting on the shore. Like other orders and medals of the armed forces of the Russian Federation at this level, it can be obtained for excellent completion of combat training and field training.
  • Ushakov Medal is an award that extends only to those related to the Navy and the Border Guard.
  • Zhukov Medal - initially it was awarded to the heroes of the Red Army who distinguished themselves in the war against fascism, partisans and members of the underground. Since 2010, it has been awarded to individuals who have distinguished themselves in battle, as well as to combat training excellent students.
  • Nesterov's medal - is a military award badge and applies to individuals who have distinguished themselves in combat battles on aircraft, as well as honors for aviation training.
orders and medals of the Russian Federation

Civic Medals

For deep services to the patronymic, a general civil type award is issued. As a rule, citizens of the Russian Federation who have proven themselves in construction, industry, science, medicine and other areas of work are awarded it. According to the procedure for awarding orders and medals of the Russian Federation, this award is issued only if the distinguished person already has an order. When awarded a medal of this type, a degree-based sequence is also respected. That is, first a citizen receives a medal of the second degree, and only then the first.

Pushkin Medal - this award can be received by both citizens of the Russian Federation and foreigners who deserve it. She is given out for high achievements in the field of culture and art.

Equally important are such general civil medals as: “Parental Glory”, “For Merit in the Exploration of Outer Space”, “For Merit in the Exploration of Atomic Energy”, “For the Saving of the Dead” and “For Distinction in the Protection of Public Order” and others.

award of the order of courage

Orders of the highest category

The Order of the Holy Apostle Andrew the Primordial is a national award of the highest state standard. Only those figures of the country who were able to increase the greatness and power of a huge state receive it. In addition to Russian citizens, it can be awarded to the head of state from abroad.

The Order of St. George is, without exaggeration, the highest award for outstanding military personnel. Its officers of various levels are awarded for feats in victorious military operations. It is worth noting that the order has four degrees. The first degree is the highest and with it, as well as with the second degree, the holders wear both a sign and a star. If there is an order in lower degrees, it is necessary to wear only a sign.

orders and medals of the armed forces of the Russian Federation

Orders of general civilian character

In total, in the Russian Federation there are 7 orders of a general civil nature.

The Order of the Holy Great Martyr Catherine - is an award of high spiritual, moral and merciful behavior of a person.

Order of Alexander Nevsky. What is awarded with this order is not easy to understand right away. First of all, this award extends to persons replacing civil servants. Personal merits, conscientious service, the development of culture, defense, the economy and other industries - this is what is awarded the Order of Alexander Nevsky.

The Order of Courage is a serious award aimed at rewarding military personnel, police officers, fire-fighting bodies who have shown dedication and courage in various emergency situations. Three times awarding the Order of Courage makes it possible to be presented to the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

Also, civil orders are issued for Merit at Sea. And there are three more important orders praising the honor, friendship, and glory of the parent.

medals of the Russian Federation

Orders for the military

  • Order of Suvorov - issued in two cases. Either for the skill of organizing military operations with the goal of a successful attack, or for a quality operation to deter the pressure of the enemy.
  • The Order of Ushakov - assigned to servicemen who implement high-quality maneuvers to defeat the enemy on the water.
  • Order of Zhukov - this award receives, whoever, subject to the numerical superiority of the enemy, was able to win.
  • The Order of Kutuzov - for a successful offensive and defense, both on land, at sea and in the air.
  • The Order of Nakhimov is a reward for the achievements of the officers of the Navy.
  • “For military merits” - is issued only if the distinguished person who has conscientiously served not less than twenty years.
Gold star of the hero of the Russian Federation

Other award badges

In addition to orders and medals of the Russian Federation, there are also insignia.

The "George Cross" insignia is an element of encouragement for persons in the ranks from a soldier to an ensign for significant feats in defending the Fatherland and for the courage shown in military operations on the land of foreign countries. This state medal has four degrees. Selfless soldiers participating in the war on the territory of South Ossetia awarded this award.

“Golden Star of the Hero of the Russian Federation” - is issued as an addition to the country's highest Hero of the Russian Federation award.

Among other things, this type of encouragement can be obtained for gracious deeds, for mentoring behavior, for perfect conduct of official activities.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F13282/

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