Dog behavior before childbirth: signs and symptoms, helpful tips

You are looking forward to the appearance of the first puppies in your life, there are only a few days left before their birth, but here's the misfortune: how to understand when exactly your pet will start giving birth and how the dog’s behavior before birth will change? Oddly enough, the behavior of the dog may change during the gestation of the offspring, or maybe not. It depends on the individual characteristics of your four-legged family member. Well, if the female has already given birth, and you know the line of her condition and behavior. In the opposite case, carefully monitor the well-being of the future mother, so that in the future her behavior does not cause questions. However, there are a number of coinciding factors, which will be discussed below. Childbirth is not only pleasant memories and tenderness over newborn puppies, but also a huge responsible work. It is better to prepare in advance for replenishment in the family and know a number of symptoms of the imminent birth of offspring.

How long does a dog's pregnancy last?

In simple terms, then no more than two months. In the normal course, pregnancy should end in childbirth somewhere after 61-63 days. There are slight deviations in 2-3 days, but this does not mean any pathologies.

How to understand that your pet is pregnant?

In the early stages it is impossible to say anything. Sometimes a bitch becomes quieter, calmer, eats a lot or a little. You can notice anything only in the second month of carrying puppies:

  1. The abdomen is enlarged.
  2. Weight is increasing.
  3. The mammary glands bulge and slightly change the color of the nipples.
  4. Something like mucous discharge comes from the penis.
  5. Gently palpating the stomach, you feel firm lumps.

An extreme and already “finishing” factor - the dog is trying in every possible way to equip its home for puppies. You will immediately notice this and will not confuse anything. It is better to go to the veterinarian in the second month and take an X-ray to know how many babies to expect in the world.

What are the signs that childbirth will begin soon?

Pregnant dog in the arena.

The dog’s behavior before childbirth can be calm or vice versa, nervous and aggressive. It is quite difficult to try to determine by the external state after how many hours your pet expects replenishment. Just take a closer look at your dog and you will see the very signs of a dog before giving birth.

  • A place for future puppies. The bitch will by all means quietly equip a new house for her cubs. You will probably notice how the pot-bellied miracle gently pulls all sorts of rags and soft things past you into your couch or any other place.
  • Tasty food. Everything delicious that you give your dog, she does not eat right away, but hides somewhere in the house.
  • Aggression or calm? The female can be aggressive towards others in order to protect her offspring, or be indifferent to everyone. It can especially “fly in” to those who are close to the bed of the future mother.
  • Sagging belly. The dog’s belly hangs before birth. If you look at your pet from above, it seems thinner than before. A sagging stomach is a sure sign that puppies are almost ready to go outside.
  • The external genitalia are enlarged.
  • Mucous discharge may also be present.
  • Milk. In the eighth week, you may notice drops of milk near the nipples.

How to prepare for childbirth?

Newborn puppies next to their mother in the hospital.

The first thing to do is a couple of weeks before the expected birth to arrange a place where the dog will be with his puppies. The second is to let your pet get used to it. During the last week it is better to take a vacation and stay with the dog all the time. Do not invite your friends and acquaintances home, because the pet can become more nervous due to outsiders. Arrange with a veterinarian so that in which case he comes to you immediately. If your future mother has long hair, carefully cut it in the area of ​​the penis. Remember: in the last week you should have everything ready. You will need:

  1. Threads (you will bind the umbilical cord with them, it is better to process them in advance).
  2. Box (there you put the born puppies, it is important that the mother can approach her cubs).
  3. Waste container (here you will throw dirty rags, diapers and other waste).
  4. A clock and a sheet with a pen (this will make it easier for you to calculate the time the puppies appeared; you will also record the time of birth, gender, color and weight of the puppy).
  5. Small scales.
  6. A large number of diapers, rags (everything should be sterile).
  7. Scissors (must also be sterile).
  8. Clean wipes.
  9. Solution (for processing hands).
  10. Thermometer for the dog (to monitor its temperature).
  11. Indoor thermometer (in order to be aware of the temperature surrounding the newborn).
  12. Hot-water bottle (you should put it in a box for puppies).

How to equip a dog bed?

The dog lies in the playpen with his puppies.
  • Where to arrange a place for childbirth? You can place your dog after giving birth in one place, and before giving birth in another. In any case, do the arrangement in advance. A place is suitable somewhere far from doors, drafts. What should be the place? Dry, spacious, comfortable, soft, warm, durable, open (this will facilitate your access to puppies, and the pet will feel better next to her beloved owner).
  • What is the best fit? Large box or playpen. Important: make one of the walls of the dog house a little lower than the others, the dog should be able to get out of its shelter if desired, and the puppies should not.
  • A separate place for childbirth. A large bed or sofa, which needs to be covered with a diaper and a sheet, is suitable. This solution is beneficial for large four-legged friends.
  • Heating system. A special lamp or heating pad will help. In the first days of the week, the temperature should not fall below 28 degrees, after which you can gradually lower it to 20.

Remember: after delivery, the box where you put the litter should be replaced.

Symptoms of the soon birth of puppies

Samoyed husky, vet holds a thermometer.

As described above, the dog’s behavior before childbirth depends on the individual characteristics of each individual. However, almost all bitches before childbirth are busy with their couch and its improvement. Symptoms before giving birth in dogs can both manifest all at once, and may not manifest at all. There is one sure symptom of an imminent birth - temperature. The fact is that the temperature of the dog before delivery drops to 36.6-37.5 degrees, which is an unnaturally low indicator for ordinary healthy dogs (usually the temperature is kept at 38–39 degrees). Most often, milk comes out of the nipples when pressed. This suggests that your dog is about to give birth.

Before the birth itself, the pet can groan, tremble, as it leaves water. It is better to put it in a prepared place and not go far.

Also, one day or half a day before giving birth, a four-legged girlfriend may refuse to eat.

How does a dog behave before giving birth?

To the above, it should be added that during the prenatal stage the pet is worried, struggles to equip its bed, the panting of the pet is felt. Plus, a four-legged girlfriend can peer under her tail while waiting. The behavior of the dog before childbirth can make the owner himself worried, but do not show his worries, as this will affect the expectant mother. Your gender may also suffer, as the dog will dig it. She can also hide in dark corners so that no one sees her. Sometimes a dog before giving birth becomes the “tail” of the owner and pursues it absolutely everywhere. This is due to the fact that your pet already feels the first pains. Her eyes are concentrated on the nearest objects, and the tail takes a strange position (stretched back with the tip down).

Dog birth stages

Newborn puppies with a aftermath.

As soon as you notice that the birth has begun, call the veterinarian. Dog births are divided into four stages:

  • Prenatal period. In order not to miss this, remember the temperature of the dog before giving birth. The birth canal of the pet opens. Mucous discharge from the vagina is observed. A bitch can tremble, moan, and often breathe. Duration: from two hours to a day (if contractions last longer, consult your veterinarian).
  • Strengthening contractions. The dog's bouts intensify, which is logical to assume based on the name. The abdominal muscles contract. This can be checked by placing a palm on the belly of the pet. From pain the animal can even scream.
  • The birth of puppies, the exit of the afterbirth. At this stage, water begins to flow away from the pet - a bubble with liquid bursts. This bubble protects the puppy from choking with the umbilical cord. The duration between the gap and the birth of the first cub is not more than three hours. Puppies are born both head and tail forward. There is not much difference. If the female does not bite the umbilical cord herself or does not pay attention to the puppy at all, take care of it yourself. Gently cut the umbilical cord or watch your doctor do it. It is important to free the puppy from the amniotic membrane and cleanse its muzzle of fluid, stimulate the respiratory system. The puppy appears not alone, but with the aftermath. The afterbirth looks like a strange blood mass that is vaguely reminiscent of the liver. The female usually tries to eat the afterbirth immediately after its release.
  • The postpartum period. The dog may experience postpartum shock, expressed in the desire to bite its young. Shock usually does not last longer than a day. Put puppies every two hours and carefully monitor the process and behavior of the dog. If the shock persists, consult a specialist. Duration: from the moment of release of the last afterbirth to 3-5 weeks, that is, until the restoration of the female. To be sure that all puppies are out, remember the number in the picture or wait at least two hours. If there is a noticeable stench from the vagina, consult your veterinarian immediately.

When to bring a giving birth dog to the vet?

Pug at the reception of a veterinarian.

It is better to give birth in the hospital initially if the male was larger than the female or if the female weighs less than 4 kg and if the pregnancy was difficult.

When you need to go to the hospital or call a veterinarian:

  • The vaginal discharge smells unbearably.
  • Long pauses between the puppies' exit (more than one and a half hours), massage the dog’s stomach with light movements before the doctor arrives.
  • Temperatures above 40 degrees (this is a sign of a puppy's death).
  • Restlessness of the pet after childbirth, impaired coordination, seizures.
  • Loss of consciousness.
  • The duration of the prenatal period takes longer than a day.
  • The birth of a dead puppy.
  • The last trace does not come out.

You will be much calmer if you invite a veterinarian with the necessary set of medicines to the house.

What if the dog trembles before giving birth?

The sight of a shaking bitch can frighten inexperienced owners. Do not panic ahead of time. It is normal for a pregnant dog to give birth before shivering, whining from contractions. Do not worry prematurely. Put the pet in her bed.

Useful Tips

Five newborn puppies lie nearby.
  • Properly feed the dog during pregnancy (expensive food for pregnant and lactating dogs or natural food with the addition of vitamin supplements).
  • Keep your dog clean during pregnancy and childbirth.
  • Dead (?) Puppy. A puppy can be born lifeless. Do not give up. Just gently and actively rub it with a clean towel and quickly remove the mucus from the nose and mouth with gauze, massage your chest, and scrub upside down. Carefully open his mouth. Do everything to make the puppy squeak.
  • If the female has little milk, start giving her dairy products in large quantities.
  • Puppy without a bubble. You need to quickly release the airways, sucking the mucus out with your mouth.
  • The umbilical cord should be cut immediately to exclude the formation of umbilical hernia in the calf.
  • It is necessary to change the diaper after each puppy.
  • It is important to put the first-born as soon as possible to the bitch so that he begins to suck milk. This stimulates the birth of the rest of the puppies.
  • The puppy must defecate, starting the digestive mechanism. If this does not happen, give him a massage of the abdomen and anus with a piece of wet fleece.
  • After each walk, treat your mother’s nipples.

And the last tip: never give your dog medication without the presence of a veterinarian to prevent the death of the dog.

Be as sensitive, attentive and collected as possible, and then you will have wonderful healthy puppies. Your dog will thank you with devotion, love and endless trust.


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