Connecting to the electricity network of a private house. Where to go? Paperwork

After building your own home, you need to deal with many other issues, one of which is the connection to the power grid of a private house. Not a single building can be called fully suitable for living if there is no heat, light and water in it, and that is why at the construction stage all kinds of engineering communications should be laid, the work of which directly depends on connecting to external highways.

For the most part, the troubles here are due to the fact that most people simply don’t know how to connect to the electricity networks of a private house, in particular, not everyone knows where to go specifically, and what documents to prepare and submit. Among other things, there is a rather vague understanding of the timing of various works and their total cost, therefore, in order not to become dependent on the mood of any next official, it is best to sort out in advance what regulatory acts govern the organization and conduct of such events.

What do you need to know?

connection to the electricity networks of a private house

If you do not go into details of how to connect to the electricity networks of a private house, which only professional specialists can figure out, there are several key points that any ordinary consumer who decides to connect to the central power supply should remember.

All the features of this procedure are described in sufficient detail in Regulation No. 861, approved by the government back in 2007. In particular, it speaks in sufficient detail about how the connection to the electric networks of a private house should be carried out, in particular, the technologies of this procedure are considered. First, the energy supply company must conclude a special agreement with the owner, according to which energy will be supplied, and it should be concluded regardless of whether it has such an opportunity at the moment.

Before you look for an electric telephone, you must consider that this rule only applies if, in total, all the electrical devices installed in your house do not consume more than 15 kW, since any “objects” are also included in this list. that were previously connected to this point of accession.

Moreover, this power can be 20 kW, if from the border of your site to the nearest connection point in a straight line:

  • no more than 500 meters in the countryside;
  • no more than 300 meters in urban areas.

Where to go?

To get started, you will need to find out the telephone number of the electricity network that supplies energy to your territory. The easiest way to find out this information is to contact your neighbors or call your local administration.

It often happens that a site is located on the border of the distributed zones of responsibility of two suppliers. In this case, the connection in your home should be carried out by the company whose objects (substation, poles or some other property) you are closest to.

How to do it?

energy supply organization

In order to connect a rural house or other types of private property to the electricity network, you will need to draw up a statement in the appropriate company and indicate in it the following:

  • Passport data. It is possible to enter them from any other document proving your identity (for example, from rights), but it is better to coordinate this with your company in advance.
  • The exact address of the facility that will connect to the supply network. For example, you can specify the exact address where your rural house is
  • A complete list of devices that will be connected, as well as their total power in "kW".
  • The time frame in which you plan to finish the design, as well as commission the connected equipment. This information can be clarified in the installation or design company.

Additional documents

how to make a connection to the electricity networks of a private house

In addition to the application itself, the energy supply organization may require you to have an additional list of documents, namely:

  • Passport or any other document specified by you in the application.
  • Proof of ownership of the home.
  • An identification number.
  • Load calculation.
  • A complete list of all the devices that you intend to connect to the mains, including an indication of the power of each of them.
  • The plan of the site, which will show all the places where the connected objects are located. It is worth noting that on this diagram not only the territory of the house itself should be outlined, but also the adjacent area, on which this or that object is located, and where the connection procedure will be carried out. This is required in order to determine how far the border of your land ownership is from a particular energy supply facility.

If the submission of documents is not done by the owner, but by his representative, the energy supply organization must also receive a power of attorney, previously certified in a specialized notary's office. Based on this application, then the technical conditions are issued, according to which the project will be developed.

The timing

scheme of connecting the house to the mains

Entering electricity into the house includes a lot of different stages, for each of which a certain period is provided, namely:

  • Issuance of technical conditions - no more than one month.
  • Connection based on the submitted application - no more than six months from the moment the contract was concluded with the organization. This period also includes the complete laying of various communications, including cable, if connected from any substation, and the installation of additional posts, if in your case an air connection is used.
  • For carrying out various installation works related to the connection of all necessary equipment, no more than three days are allotted.

It often happens that the total distance between the connection point and the border exceeds the specified, that is, more than 300 or even 500 meters. In this case, the provider has up to two years to lay the line, but at the same time, payment for all work will be calculated at an individual rate, which, accordingly, exceeds the standard rate. If desired, the client can accelerate the introduction of electricity into the house, but all work in this case will also be carried out exclusively at his expense. All these issues are best addressed individually, as each company puts forward its requirements and features of the provision of services.


District electric networks are available to all people living close to them at a price of no more than 550 rubles per connection, if the total estimated energy consumption does not exceed 15 kW. In other words, if the application indicates a capacity of not more than 15 kW, then in this case no one has the right to demand all kinds of surcharges from the owner.

Such situations, of course, are not so frequent, but from time to time it happens that the company that owns the district electric networks informs the owner of the house that they will have to pay separately for certain works. There may be a variety of explanations for such requirements - the complexity of carrying out any procedures, the need for the construction of additional structures, increasing the technological capabilities of the installed equipment and a whole host of other situations. In any case, you must remember that all these requirements are illegal, and any such problems in no way apply to you if your house meets the requirements, that is, is at the right distance to the connection point and does not exceed the declared capacity.

Useful Tips

district electric networks

If your case requires a non-standard connection, the list of documents can be slightly modified. Some organizations provide the ability to change the standard package of documents in ordinary cases, so it is best to discuss this issue individually. Within the framework of all-Russian legislation, regional authorities have the right to make any additions taking into account local conditions, and in addition there are also many departmental documents specifying various provisions.

If the equipment, which includes the scheme for connecting the house to the mains, was not installed within the specified time (which happens often enough), the owner has the right to file an official claim, having made it in writing. However, it is worth saying right away that there are many subtleties in this matter, so it is best to enlist the support of a qualified lawyer in advance. Suppliers with whom a connection agreement was concluded may give a variety of reasons, such as lack of funding, labor problems or some other, but in fact they all have nothing to do with the owner. There is an agreement that was not executed through the fault of the company, and experienced lawyers can often conduct business in such a way as to ultimately seek compensation for moral damage, which in some cases can be quite decent.

It is best to order a connection project from the company that will conduct the connection procedure. All organizations that do not have an illegal connection are often dissatisfied with the fact that such documents are developed by third-party organizations, so as a result, various difficulties may arise. In any case, competent specialists will be able to find how to “pick up” a layman in this area. At the very least, ordering such papers in this organization, you can save your own time and nerves by negotiating, since hardly anyone will start to complain about your own document.

Unauthorized entry of the cable into the house is fraught with extremely serious consequences. If such an intervention is noticed by the relevant organization, it, in addition to other problems, will issue you a well-founded bill for a large amount, which will have to be paid for a long time.

How to connect energy in the country?

connection agreement

If you are an official member of a nonprofit horticultural partnership, at the meeting of which it was decided to connect "summer electricity", an authorized representative will be appointed who will, in the interests of all members of the community, figure out how to make out the connection to the electricity networks of each member’s private house.

What will he have to do?

scheme of connecting the house to the mains

To begin with, they are given a complete list of documents, which includes the following:

  • Application for connecting your partnership to the power grid;
  • a plan showing the layout of any power receivers belonging to SNT members;
  • copies of the necessary documents confirming ownership of various plots and houses;
  • a copy of the officially issued decision of the general meeting of the SNT to conclude a technological connection agreement with the organization;
  • copy of the charter of SNT.

After that, within 30 days, the network organization should draw up and send the draft technical connection agreement, as well as the technical conditions that must be met by consumers within its area. The total duration of the technical conditions for the applicant must be more than two years.

If all the conditions of the drawn up agreement on technological connection fully comply with the requirements of the current legislation, then in this case the chairman must sign it within the next 30 days, returning one of the copies to the network company. If some norms do not meet, a motivated refusal to sign the paper of the network organization should be sent, which after that will have five days to eliminate these comments.

After the final signing of the contract, the SNT must fulfill all the specified technical conditions. In particular, at the expense of members of this community, the construction of a transformer substation, all kinds of power lines and other necessary equipment is being carried out, while the network company will organize the implementation of work to the borders of SNT.

The tariffs in this case are standard - no more than 550 rubles for each of the participants, if they consume less than 15 kW. The only thing worth noting in this case is that for each member the total connection price can increase and the price of the costs necessary to build the power line inside the SNT itself, since such construction is not included in the obligations of the network company.

Dates of such accession

The total period of technological connection should be no more than:

  • 6 months, if the total amount of all members of the SNT will consume no more than 100 kW, and the total distance from the boundaries of the community to the nearest objects of the network organization is less than 300 meters in urban conditions and 500 meters in rural areas.
  • 12 months if the above conditions are not met, but the total power consumption is less than 750 kVA.
  • 24 months if the total power consumption is more than 750 kVA. In this case, the investment program of the network company may also provide for other periods of technological connection, but in any case they should not exceed four years.

After a technological connection is made, the network company must draw up and transfer to the consumer an act demarcating the balance sheet belonging of the parties, as well as their operational responsibility. Along with this document, an act on technological connection is provided, and all documentation is issued absolutely free of charge.

When all activities related to the technological connection are completed, SNT will have to conclude an energy supply agreement with a guaranteeing supplier.


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