Planting potatoes according to Dutch technology. Basic Rules

Holland is famous not only for its beautiful elite varieties of flowers, which are very popular in many countries. About a quarter of the country's land is planted with potatoes. Local varieties are very popular, so they are happy to buy in more than 70 countries around the world. Planting potatoes using Dutch technology is yielding results, so many potato growers have grown to grow this vegetable.

potato planting using Dutch technology
It is important to understand that the harvest will not be good if only elite varieties are used, but the rules of planting are not followed. Dutch technology is quite acceptable for use both on farms and in small summer cottages. If you engage in professional cultivation, then you need to purchase special equipment for cultivating the land. Although even the fulfillment of certain conditions that require potato planting using Dutch technology will give good results.

Much attention is paid to aeration of tubers, and in this the secret of success is laid. They must receive moisture and air in a timely manner. The soil for planting potatoes should not be too hard, it needs to be loosened, organic fertilizers added. In autumn, the field should be plowed, and in spring cultivated with a disk tool. In the garden, you can use ordinary pitchfork.

In parallel with the preparation of the land, you need to take care of the tubers. Planting material is selected only healthy and excellent quality, productivity depends on this. When the earth warms up a little and its top layer dries, planting of potatoes is possible. Tubers should be sprouted at that time. The approximate size of the potato is 5-6 cm in diameter.

potato planting soil
When the earth begins to crumble from the impact, you can begin to process the field. Planting potatoes according to Dutch technology requires making rows with a distance of about 75 cm.One hundred acres account for, depending on their size, from 500 to 1000 tubers. The beds are preferably located from north to south. Two weeks after planting the tubers, inter-row cultivation must be done to remove the sprouted weeds and to soil the ground. At the same time, a crest of loose earth will be poured on the emerging shoots.

During the season there is a struggle with the Colorado potato beetle and late blight with the help of chemicals. The plant must be processed in advance, without waiting for pests. Two weeks before harvesting, the tops must be removed. This procedure allows the potato to grow stronger, acquire a denser skin and increase safety. Digging up is so much easier, especially if potato harvesters are used.

planting potatoes with sprouts
Clearly, the technique greatly simplifies the task and allows you to easily manage large areas. In summer cottages, planting potatoes according to Dutch technology requires certain physical costs. Basically, it is necessary to plow the land manually. To plant tubers, to fight weeds, to treat bushes with chemical preparations, to dig up also to be done without the use of cultivators, combines, etc. But still, such efforts will yield their results. When you see your harvest, you will realize that your time and energy was not wasted.


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