The hot water meter does not work: what to do, where to go? Hot water meter repair

Any mechanical device sooner or later fails. This also applies to water meters. There is nothing critical in this, since replacing it is quite simple. However, in order not to be fined by the relevant inspections, the dismantling and reinstallation of the device must be carried out in accordance with a number of rules. In the article we learn where to go if the hot water meter does not work and what to do in this situation.

Consequences depending on who discovered the breakdown

hot water meter does not work where to go

When checking by special authorized persons and detecting a meter malfunction, the bodies providing utilities to an individual, in accordance with the current legislation, have the right to recover a fine from the owner if the rules of the relevant regulation were violated. Depending on the number of registered residents, a calculation will be made of the average consumption for each resident since the last inspection, but not more than 6 months ago. The more people are registered in the apartment, the greater will be the total amount. It doesn’t matter if they live in it or not. The exception is persons receiving inpatient treatment, who are on a long business trip, etc. Moreover, the provision of relevant documents is required to prove these events.

If a breakdown is detected independently and it is not possible to repair the device, it is necessary to write a statement identifying this fact and asking to record the data from the meter. After taking readings and providing a copy of the certificate, the owner has 30 days to repair or replace the device.

If the hot water meter does not work, where should I go about this? From the foregoing, it is clear that in the event of an independent detection of a breakdown of the device, you should immediately report this to the appropriate municipal service, that is, the EIRC district or the management company. Otherwise, there is a chance to earn a large fine. Next, consider what kind of damage this device has.


If the meter is depressurized, pipe leaks will appear. To eliminate this problem, it is necessary to shut off the water supply and record or photograph the current readings. After an hour, the data on the water meter is checked again. If they have changed, then the answer to the question why the hot water meter does not work is not found, the leak is not fixed. That is, it is necessary to inspect all the pipes in the room and the tightness of the closed taps.

hot water meter Price

Often, the cause of depressurization is a breakdown of the stopcock, which does not completely shut off the water supply. In this case, the couplings must be tightened properly. If as a result of the check a leakage of water pipes is revealed, you need to call the plumbing for repair work.

Incorrect installation or breakdown of the mechanism

The failure of the device is often due to improper installation of equipment. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the presence of the designations on the device case - SVG (hot water meter) or TSW (cold water meter). If a meter is installed for hot water supply to calculate the consumption of cold water, after a short time it will fail, which will inevitably lead to breakage or incorrect display of readings.

In some cases, users encounter a problem when the jet flows through the device freely, but the hot water meter is standing, the arrow remains stationary. The reason for this may be the usual mechanical failure of the unit. At the same time, both the counting mechanism, built-in inside the device, and the rotor can fail. To solve the problem, you should contact a specialized organization that carries out repair work, or replace the device.

Dirt in pipes or hot water

If various impurities and foreign particles are present in the water, the parts of the device will become clogged over time, and you will have to replace the device. Clogging is one of the most common reasons why a hot water meter does not work. What to do in this case? Identifying the problem is quite simple. It is manifested by the accelerated rotation of the impeller of the device. In order to maximize the life of the meter, if possible, a cleaning filter is cut into the pipe and, if necessary, it is replaced.

hot water meter stands

It is a flask with a built-in metal mesh inside. To clean the latter, the filter is unscrewed with a ring spanner. Then the mesh is removed and washed in running water. After that, the flask is installed in place. If the filter is equipped with a removable cartridge instead of a strainer, it must be replaced with a new one.

Sometimes the cause of the malfunction of the hot water meter is too high a flow temperature. The counter is not able to withstand it. Breakage can be avoided by systematically controlling the temperature of the water. For standard meters, the maximum allowable flow limit is 90 Β° C. If this mode is exceeded, most likely, the water meter will fail.

Change in pressure and intentional intervention

Often, the meter readings directly depend on the pressure of the supplied jet. The flow rate is partially due to the diameter of the installed pipes. If this indicator is the same everywhere, then with a powerful pressure the water flow will be much higher. Accordingly, the arrow of the water meter rotates at an accelerated pace. If the pressure is minimal, then the arrow may stop spinning. It will not be a breakdown.

In some cases, the stable operation of the meter is directly affected by the actions of users who intentionally want to suspend or slow down the water meter in order to save material resources when paying for utility bills. Sometimes the so-called craftsmen in an attempt to slow down the device go to deceive, use needles, magnets and other accessible objects. Such an intervention will inevitably lead to failure sooner or later, causing more trouble to change and reinstall the meter.

hot water flow meters

Hot water meter does not work: what to do?

If a malfunction is detected, corrective action must be taken as soon as possible. If there is no record of the readings of the consumed water, the user will be transferred to the general tariff plan. That is, the calculation will be carried out in accordance with the average water consumption per person. The amount may be several times the monthly fee.

why the hot water meter does not work

The following actions will help to avoid this:

  1. You must contact the Criminal Code or the appropriate district service in order to testify for the presence of breakage and remove the seals.
  2. Then a decision is made regarding the feasibility of carrying out repairs or replacing the device. If the meter is under warranty service and, according to the examination, it will be proved that it was treated properly, repair or replacement will be carried out at the expense of the Criminal Code. Otherwise, the breakdown is eliminated from own funds.

Install a new device

To carry out repair work, the meter must be removed. In this case, the integrity of the seal will be violated, an act is drawn up about this. It is quite simple to install a new metering device on your own, but for its registration and installation of new seals, you will need the help of a specialist enrolled in the staff of the representative office of a water utility. He will carry out all necessary work and provide an act of sealing with new initial readings and a meter number.

hot water meter with temperature sensor for an apartment

If you decide to purchase a new device, then the following information on prices for hot water meters will help. Water meters have a cost of 430 to 2,500, depending on the functions incorporated in them and the manufacturer.

If the temperature of hot water in the house leaves much to be desired, you can install a hot water meter with a temperature sensor. For an apartment, the device will cost from 3,500 to 5,200, and for a home - from 3,800 to 10,000 rubles. Such a device will help to save money by distributing readings at different rates. They will depend on the temperature of the inlet water. True, problems may arise with the installation of such a useful device; public utilities may refuse. The issue can be resolved in court.

DIY repair

Before you start repairing a hot water meter, you need to understand its design and understand what could cause a breakdown. Most devices have a standard device: impeller, inlet and outlet pipe, housing. The mechanism works due to the action of gears connected to the counting element. Repair is carried out according to the following algorithm of actions:

  1. The counter is disassembled and the state of the internal mechanism is evaluated.
  2. Components are cleaned of limescale and dirt.
  3. Check the counting element and the spinning gears.
  4. Repair the device.
  5. The water meter is installed in place and checked for correct operation.

Since the counter mechanism does not differ in technical ingenuity, it will not be difficult to repair it at home. If we talk about electronic water meters, it is extremely difficult to establish them yourself, since they are equipped with digital microcircuits, which only a specialist can repair.

If it is intended to install a simple device, then the price of a hot water meter without a temperature sensor and an electronic display is quite affordable for buying a new device.

How to prevent a malfunction?

As a rule, malfunctions and malfunctions in the operation of water measuring devices do not happen often. The mechanism consists of the simplest scheme and most of the day is at rest. According to statistics, only one device out of 50 is prone to breakage, and even then this happens in most cases due to deliberate human intervention in order to inhibit the counting mechanism.

hot water meter repair

In order to prevent and to extend the life of the water meter, it is recommended:

  • conduct timely inspections;
  • prevent mechanical stress;
  • clean in a timely manner and prevent excessive dust accumulation on the device.

If the meter has become unusable, it should be replaced as soon as possible by issuing documents confirming this fact.

The article provides information on where to go if the hot water meter does not work and what to do in this situation.


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