What should be the size of the feet of children by age?

Today, many children's stores in their assortment have so many shoes that choosing a suitable pair for crumbs is quite difficult for many young parents. After all, everyone is well aware that it is necessary to choose such boots and shoes that will be not only beautiful, but also high-quality, and comfortable. The latter factors are especially important for the growing baby, because they strongly affect his health. Few people know the fact that the size of the feet of children is determined by age.

children foot size by age

Choosing shoes responsibly

Many parents often encounter the fact that the baby simply refuses to measure the next pair of shoes. After all, this procedure does not bring him as much pleasure as his mother, who is simply delighted with the latest innovations in a fashion boutique. Therefore, before you go to the store for a new pair of shoes for your son, every woman should clearly know what should be the size of the children’s legs by age. It’s quite rare for a baby to get an answer to the question: “Is it comfortable for you in new shoes?” Many children can simply trick their mother into buying new sneakers with colorful designs. There are certain tables that help determine the size of the feet of children by age, but do not rely on them too much.

Footwear size matching table
AgeFoot lengthUS sizeEuropean size
0-3 months3,79.50-216-17
0-6 months4.110.52.5-3.517-18
6-12 months4.611.74-4.519
12-18 months4.912.55-5.520
18-24 months5.213,46-6.521-22
2 years5,614.3723
2.5 years5.814.77.5-824
2.5-3 years615,28-8.525
3-3.5 years6.3169-9.526
4 years6.717.310-10.527
4-4.5 years6.917.611-11.528
5 years7.218,41229th

This is average statistics, and each baby is an individual who has his own parameters. In addition, the crumb leg is growing so fast that parents only need to have time to buy the next shoe on time. That is why it is so important to correctly determine the size of the child’s legs. 1 year and 1.5 years is a big step in the development of the baby. Therefore, do not hope that the boots that you bought in the fall can be worn in the spring as well. After all, the baby’s gait, his health, and mood also depend on how well the shoes are chosen.

baby foot size 1 year

How to determine the size of the baby’s feet

It is difficult for many parents to determine the size of the foot correctly. Quite often, when buying regular shoes, parents just try to find out from the baby if they are shaking him. Children perceive shoes not by size, but by their color or shape. Therefore, they cannot concentrate on convenience and do not always answer correctly. Sometimes mom tries to attach her favorite model to the foot of her child.

child foot size 2 years
But here it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the inner sole is very different from the outer sole in size and shape. There is a risk of buying tight shoes. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a different method in order to determine the size of the child’s legs. 2 years is such an age when children love to draw. So invite your restless baby to circle his leg. He didn’t succeed? Then show him how skillfully you will do it, and then give him the opportunity to do some more training. Then you will get many traces, and mom will be able to choose one, the most successful, and measure it using a ruler. Now you can safely go shopping and not worry about the fact that a new pair of shoes will not suit the baby.

Now we know that you can determine the size of the feet of children by age, or simply measure the footprint of your baby with a ruler.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F13306/

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