Atopic dermatitis in a dog: treatment, diagnosis, prevention

Atopic dermatitis is a disease that is often found in both humans and animals. It occurs due to an allergic reaction to irritants. The latter may be of different origin. With dermatitis of this type, damage to the skin occurs. This is how the immune system reacts to foreign substances. When interacting with an allergen, the body begins to produce immunoglobulins. An excess of these substances leads to a deterioration.

This article will detail the symptoms and treatment of atopic dermatitis in a dog. Photos of the affected areas will help owners quickly determine the development of the disease in their pet and take measures to eliminate the ailment.

dog flea dermatitis


In order to accurately determine the diagnosis, it will be necessary to observe the animal. Veterinarians make their conclusion based on at least 6 symptoms. Half of them may be optional. Let's look at what are the main symptoms?

  • Severe itching of the skin, the dog is constantly itching.
  • In some places, wool falls out.
  • The skin changes color to red.
  • Pathologically damaged areas are sealed.
  • Cracks form.
atopic dermatitis in dogs

Additional symptoms

In addition to the above symptoms, there are additional ones that help to correctly diagnose and, accordingly, prescribe an effective treatment. These include:

  • The rapid appearance of a reaction to an allergen.
  • Staphylococcal infection.
  • Dry skin.
  • Allergic otitis media.
  • The first manifestation of the disease was before the age of three.


Before deciding how to treat atopic dermatitis in a dog, you need to understand the causes that cause this disease.

  • Individual reaction to taking a certain group of drugs.
  • The presence of parasites such as ticks, worms, fleas.
  • Problems with the biliary tract or urolithiasis.
  • Climate change. Atopic dermatitis in an animal can be caused by changes in humidity and ambient temperature.
  • The presence of allergic irritants in the apartment or house. These include indoor flowers, dust.
  • Allergic reaction to feed composition.

Understanding the causes that can provoke this disease, it is necessary to identify the following factors: heredity and exacerbation of chronic pathologies. Also note that flea dermatitis is very common in dogs. As a rule, it is diagnosed in almost every animal. The reason for its occurrence is improper care. In order to rid the pet of unpleasant symptoms, you just need to remove parasites. Currently, there are a lot of funds intended for processing, and picking up their labor will not amount to.

adult dermatitis

The first stage of diagnosis is a conversation with the owner

Before starting treatment for atopic dermatitis in a dog, the veterinarian needs to talk with the owner. This is a necessary measure, as the animal will not tell about its health on its own. Only the owner can help in this, so before visiting a doctor, he needs to monitor the condition of his pet. What will the vet be interested in?

  • What kind of food does the dog eat?
  • Do walks regularly take place, what is their duration.
  • Whether treatment was carried out from parasites, and when it was.
  • Does the dog live in a house with other animals?
  • Is there a place of hereditary predisposition.
  • Does the disease occur depending on the time of the year.
  • It is also important for the veterinarian to know the exact age of the dog. When was the first time an allergic reaction was noticed and how long it lasted.

If this is not the first manifestation of atopic dermatitis, then it is necessary to tell the doctor what treatment was used to combat the disease and what reaction was to the drugs.

The second stage of diagnosis - differentiation of the disease

It is very important that the veterinarian does not confuse atopic dermatitis with another disease. The fact is that some symptoms may be similar. Similar reactions are also caused:

  • Food allergies.
  • A bite of a parasite.
  • Scabies.
  • Allergy to medicines.

The third stage of diagnosis - determining the area of ​​damage

Before starting treatment of the animal, it is very important to determine the area of ​​the lesion. Veterinarians emit a mild, severe and moderate degree.

In the first case, the affected area may be small, have slight redness. In severe form, numerous foci will be present on the skin of the animal. If they do not start treatment on time, then they are combined into one, respectively, becoming large. When the veterinarian diagnoses a moderate degree of damage, there will be many inflamed areas on the animal’s skin, however, they are usually small and do not merge with each other.

atopic dermatitis in dogs treatment with prednisone

The fourth stage of diagnosis - clinical trials

In order for the treatment of atopic dermatitis in a dog to be effective, it is necessary to undergo a special examination. It is important not to delay this, as this disease can turn into a chronic form, and it will be very difficult to cure it.

Modern medicine has made a big breakthrough, therefore, diagnostic methods make it possible to accurately diagnose. What examination will need to be done?

  • Scraping from the skin of a dog.
  • Analysis of feces, blood and urine.
  • Bakseeding for the determination of fungal infection.
  • Blood test for hormones and biochemistry.

In most cases, before the examination, the owner is recommended to adhere to a strict diet for 12 weeks. This will help to completely eliminate an allergic reaction to the components included in the feed.

atopic dermatitis in dogs photo treatment

Features of the treatment of atopic dermatitis in dogs

Before considering the complex treatment of atopic dermatitis, it is necessary to learn about the features of therapy. It lies in the fact that the effectiveness of the fight against pathology depends on the exact definition of the stimulus and the complete exclusion of contact with it. Only in this case, you can count on the recovery of the pet. However, most often there are situations such that a dog has a reaction to a large number of allergens. In this case, it is not possible to independently determine the stimulus, so clinical tests will have to be taken.

Complex treatment regimen

Therapy should be prescribed not only to combat the main pathology, but also with the symptoms that arose as a result of its development. For this, the treatment of atopic dermatitis in dogs (see photo in the article) should be comprehensive. It includes:

  • Drugs that enhance the immune system.
  • Antifungal medicines.
  • Means for fighting bacteria.

The essence of immunotherapy is that the animal is given an allergen in small amounts. This allows you to develop immunity to a specific group of stimuli. According to statistics, the effectiveness of the method is about 85%.

As for the antibacterial and antifungal treatment, it is prescribed only after stopping the main signs of atopic dermatitis. As a rule, this method of therapy allows you to get rid of concomitant symptoms. For this purpose, special shampoos are used.

It is also imperative to review the pet's diet. In order for the immune system not to weaken, the animal must receive in full all the necessary vitamins, minerals and other trace elements.


Depending on the condition of the animal, the veterinarian may prescribe the following medications:

  • Corticosteroids. This group includes Dexamethasone and Prednisone.
  • Atopic dermatitis in dogs is treated with antihistamines. Most often prescribed "Suprastin", "Peritol", "Benadril."
  • Sometimes dogs need antidepressants. To alleviate the condition, drugs of the tricyclic group are used. It includes: Amitriptyline, Tolocstaton and Trimipramin.

It is important not to use medications without consulting your healthcare provider. He will determine the duration of the course and dosage.

atopic dermatitis in a dog than to treat

Atopic dermatitis in dogs: treatment with folk remedies

You can also treat skin diseases with folk remedies. It is allowed to use them simultaneously with drug therapy.

  • Raw potatoes are used as a compress. Helps heal wounds faster and relieve itching.
  • Ointment of chamomile, hay dust and willow-tea flowers. Used to reduce itching. It is prepared from glycerin, butter (1 tbsp. L.), Hay dust (2 tbsp.), Chamomile (1 tbsp. L.) And willow-tea flowers (1 tbsp. L). Lubricate inflamed areas four times a day.

Who is at risk?

Studying the statistics, we can conclude that the following breeds are most often affected by this disease:

  • bulldogs;
  • Pugs
  • Shepherd dogs
  • Fox Terriers
  • Chow Chow
  • taxes and others.

Veterinarians believe that these dogs have a genetic predisposition to topical dermatitis.

Adults are at risk. Most often, this disease occurs in animals aged 1.5 to 3 years. Less common were cases of an allergic reaction in puppies who were only six months old. Veterinarians believe that if a dog is older than 6 years old and has not previously suffered from atopic dermatitis, then her risk of this pathology is minimized.

dog atopic dermatitis treatment


Most owners treat their pets as children. They cherish them, play, pity. Therefore, it is very important to take all necessary measures for the prevention of atopic dermatitis. To do this, you will need:

  • Maintain a balanced diet. If the dog eats only natural food, then it is imperative to include trace elements and vitamins in the diet.
  • Regularly and fully walk the animal in the fresh air, do not limit the walk to 10-15 minutes.
  • For dogs with a genetic predisposition, hygiene measures must be followed. It is recommended to do wet cleaning regularly in the room where she lives.
  • If the pet is allergic to some kind of irritant, then it is necessary to completely exclude contact with him.
  • Wash the animal regularly using special products.

It is important to remember that treatment of atopic dermatitis in a dog should only be carried out under the supervision of a veterinarian. Not always the owner can cope on their own.


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