DIY ventilation in your home - step-by-step description, diagram and recommendations

The word home has many meanings. In this article, a house is an environment artificially created by humans, comfortable for living, cool in the heat, warm on a frosty winter day, protecting from dank autumn inclement weather.

When building a house, you need to consider many interrelated factors. For example, in order to make proper ventilation in a private house with their own hands, they take into account which heating system is planned, what material the walls and windows will be from, where and which rooms to place.

And you yourself decide what to do yourself, and what is better to entrust to designers and builders. If you decide to make ventilation in your home with your own hands, this article will help you.

Do you need a ventilation system at all?

Comfortable conditions in the room are determined by the state of the air in it and are set by its purity, humidity and temperature. Unfortunately, the scope of comfort is very narrow. In the book of the Ukrainian builder Terekhov Alexey “Natural ventilation and microclimate in the house” an interesting table is shown showing this narrow interval. The interval at which a person can simply survive.

Survival table

In creating a favorable microclimate in ventilation, the main role. Therefore, it must be foreseen regardless of whether you will collect ventilation in your home with your own hands or invite professional installers.

What are we choosing from?

What are the systems? Before deciding how to make ventilation in the house with your own hands, you need to know what to choose from.

Ventilation systems are classified according to the following criteria:

  • By the method of air movement - forced and natural. Natural ventilation is carried out without the participation of ventilation equipment - due to the difference in the temperature of the external and internal air, density, air pressure at various points. In forced systems, air is moved by fans.
  • For the intended purpose - supply and exhaust. The supply air blows in, and the exhaust blows out or into the next room.
  • According to the served area - local and general exchange. General exchange serves the whole room. Local - some local part of it. An example of a local one is an exhaust hood over a stove. It is easy to install, collecting ventilation in a private house with your own hands.
  • By design - requiring or not requiring ventilation ducts. Channel and non-channel.

This classification is true for ventilation in a private house, and in a restaurant, and in an industrial enterprise.

Where to begin?

When choosing, the construction technology, the type of heating system, the necessary building materials should be taken into account. Decide on the ventilation scheme in a private house at the initial stage - when designing a house.

Traditional cottage

Choosing the type of ventilation taking into account the materials used and the technology of walling

The ventilation system in old houses was simple. Usually these were houses of a small area (up to 100 m 2 ). The walls and windows were not airtight. In the center was a stove or fireplace with its own chimney, which was also a ventilation duct. The layout of the rooms was designed so that the furnace of one of its walls exited into each.

When the furnace worked, a temperature difference was created. Warm air, having a density below the cold street, rose through the chimney. Wooden doors and frames were not hermetic, and through them fresh air was sucked in to replace the left warm air. The furnace played the role of a fan. Through her chimney, she blew air from the house.

At night, on the contrary, it lost the heat accumulated during the day. That is, the furnace was an inertial element, smoothing the daily temperature fluctuations. And a house built using such technology and containing an inertial element was also inertial.

Fireplace in the ventilation system

Have you decided to do the ventilation in a private house with your own hands? The scheme, design features must necessarily take into account the applied building materials and technologies. Modern houses can be both inertial and inertialess.

Inertia houses are made of materials that can accumulate heat and moisture, and if necessary, give them away. Such materials and technologies have been used for centuries.

Inertia houses are built from:

  • brick;
  • samana;
  • ceramic blocks;
  • expanded clay;
  • cinder blocks.

Outside the walls are thermally insulated. Insulation allows you to keep heat longer. It turns out the effect of a thermos. Inertia allows you to smooth out temperature differences. In these houses there is heating of the material, which then radiates radiant heat from the walls. They do not heat the air, they heat objects. Therefore, even if you open the window, inertia houses the temperature is restored quickly. This naturally fits the natural ventilation system or forced with recovery. Here you can save on forced ventilation and air conditioning.

Modern inertialess houses are built of materials with low vapor permeability (sandwich panels, frame houses with insulation filling, sip panels). A person generates an excess of heat, an excess of moisture, and if the walls do not accept this excess, this should be done by the ventilation system. Therefore, here it is necessary to mount the supply and exhaust ventilation

The choice of ventilation system depends on the location of the house

The choice of type of ventilation in a private house (design and installation) is closely related to its location. If it will be built in a clean, not polluted place, air can be supplied without preliminary preparation. If the outside air needs to be cleaned, then a forced system must be laid.

How does natural ventilation work in a private house?

The main task is to organize the intake of air from "dirty" rooms. Of those where there are various hazards - bathrooms, technical rooms, walk-in closets, and a kitchen. Both the feed and the hood are important. Through the valve installed in the window or in the wall, there is an influx of clean air.

Supply valve

Near the window there is usually a heating radiator. Cooler and, accordingly, dense fresh air goes down. Mixes with warm air from a radiator. Clean, moist, warm air accumulates at the ceiling. The floor is spent with a high content of carbon dioxide. CO 2 is heavier than air. Therefore, in living rooms do not install exhaust grilles at the top of the wall, but, on the contrary, make slots at the bottom of the door or put transfer grilles.

Door transfer grille

For the same reason, it is advisable to make high ceilings in houses with natural ventilation. The upper part is a natural accumulator of heat and fresh air. The warm air of the room gives off heat to the walls and ceilings. If the walls get warm enough, natural comfortable heat will come from them.

After the living rooms, the exhaust air enters the corridor (stairwell). Here he brings warmth. The corridor is usually made unheated. Warm air, giving off heat, heats space and walls there.

Further, air passes into the bathrooms, kitchen, technical rooms. The door transfer grilles here should be of a larger area in order to ensure the flow of exhaust air into them. Exhaust grilles should be installed already in the upper zone. With a room height of about 3 meters, it is recommended to install exhaust grilles at a distance of about a meter from the ceiling in order to preserve the upper zone as a heat accumulator. The “pocket” near the ceiling gives time for the transfer of heat to the walls and ceiling.

The walls of inertia houses take away excess moisture. Then they give it away with a lack of moisture in the air. Below is shown the ventilation scheme in a private house and the arrangement of the natural ventilation system.

Natural ventilation scheme

In an inertial house, natural ventilation changes air, regulates heat, humidity and fully justifies itself. In inertialess - only replaces air. It can be done there, but it will be ineffective. In inertia houses, the function of the recuperator is performed by the walls and ceiling.

If the house is located outside the city where there is fresh air, it is better to build an inertial house with natural ventilation. If, where air needs to be cleaned, it is worth putting central ventilation to create comfortable conditions.

Attic - as an element of the natural ventilation system

The attic is also an element of the ventilation system. And without understanding this, it’s difficult to figure out how to properly make natural ventilation,

In the summer, the air in the attic is heated through a red-hot roof. The temperature difference in the attic and outside can reach 10-15 ˚. That is, when on the street +30 ˚C, the attic temperature can be + 40 ... + 45 ˚. The ventilation duct passing through the attic is warming up. This creates additional traction. At negative temperatures outside in the attic, the temperature is always above zero. This means that the channel is warm and there is additional traction. Although the thrust in winter is already very strong.

The device of natural ventilation channels

Even when designing the premises from which it is necessary to take air through ventilation ducts or to remove combustion products through chimneys, if possible, should be located nearby. This will provide several advantages:

  • Allows you to combine ventilation ducts into blocks and make the minimum number of passes through the roof, which will reduce the cost of it, make the design simpler and more reliable.
  • Save on materials, as some channels will have common walls.
  • Combine adjacent ventilation ducts in one unit with the channels of boilers, stoves, cooker hoods, the hot air of which will warm up. This is very important (especially in summer) to prevent the formation of backdraft. After all, for the operation of natural ventilation, the difference in the temperature of the street air and the air duct is important.

The figure below shows the optimal placement of ventilation ducts. Taken from the previously mentioned book by Alexei Terekhov.

The drawing of the options for the location of the channels with natural draft is to help those collecting ventilation in their own home.

Figure ventilation ducts

All ventilation ducts need to be well insulated to provide a temperature difference, which means good natural traction. There are rules for the minimum height of their output above the roof level. If these rules are not observed, the wind, passing over the ventilation ducts, can cause turbulent turbulence and tilting of the thrust.

Duct exit over the roof

A properly made ventilation umbrella also improves traction in ventilation ducts. Chimneys are usually raised above the ventilation hood.

The organization of ventilation in the home with a forced type

In this case, the system is completed when air ducts are made and equipment is prepared that prepares the supplied air. It is filtered, warmed up, can be moistened, cooled, disinfected. Exhaust fans remove air from the room, and supply fans.

Such training is required. It will not be possible to stay indoors if you apply cold unheated air there in winter. According to the standards, the supplied air should not be colder than + 12 ˚. Then, mixing with the warm air of the house, it will not create a feeling of discomfort.

Exhaust and supply fans can be supplied separately. But they are found in the form of a monoblock - a supply and exhaust installation. This installation with two fans and one heat exchanger inside. One fan draws air in, the other throws it into the street. A monoblock version costs 20 percent more, but when assembling ventilation in a private house, doing it yourself is easier and more convenient. It eliminates errors that may occur during the installation of complex systems.

The figure shows the operation scheme of exhaust ventilation.

Exhaust system

To increase the efficiency of the supply and exhaust system and save heat carrier, a recuperator is included in its composition. Of course, where the layout allows it. Air flows through the recuperator without mixing, while the air discharged from the room partially heats the incoming air, giving it its heat. The figure below schematically shows how to make ventilation in a private house using a recuperator. Supply and exhaust systems with a recuperator simulate a natural ventilation system. They allow you to save on heating, since the heating will only be used to heat the air to the desired temperature.

Consider the figure of supply and exhaust ventilation in a private house with your own hands, a diagram using a recuperator.

Recuperator circuit

Everything needs to be ventilated!

Ventilation at home does not end only with ventilation of living spaces. You need to ventilate everything comprehensively. It will help tips on how to make ventilation in a private house and not to miss anything.

If there are no windows in the basement, then natural ventilation will not work there. If there are rooms where people will be located, then you need to make forced ventilation, working only at the moment when there is someone there.

In technical rooms, you can do without forced ventilation. For example, in a boiler room, they will shatter a wall, lay an insulated pipe so that there is no condensation during the passage of fresh cold air. Then plaster the place of laying. The hood here is natural, the inflow is down the technical room. Air passing through it heats up a bit.

Below are recommendations on how to extract and ventilate in a private house, depending on the purpose of the premises. This is one of the possible options.

  • Tambour. It does not require forced ventilation. Ventilated when opening and closing the door
  • Boiler room. Outflow and air supply are usually made natural.
  • Hall along with living room, living rooms and kitchen - natural ventilation. Allow for natural ventilation. A kitchen umbrella is not involved in the forced ventilation system.
  • Sauna inside the house - mandatory exhaust ventilation. It works short-term emission. The air supply usually comes from the neighboring rooms of the house. It is included periodically.
  • Bathrooms - periodic forced ventilation
  • Garage. It works constantly when there is a car in the garage. Adequate fresh air must be provided.
  • Basement - constantly.
  • Basement is a natural motivation
  • Boiler room - air inflow and the possibility of its discharge in addition to the chimney should be organized. The grill on the ventilation duct is installed at the top of the room, the channel runs in parallel with the chimney. The chimney continues above the roof vents. Serving can be done either from neighboring rooms, or directly from the street.
  • The hall is ventilated by flows and does not require forced ventilation. When combined with a kitchen, the ventilation duct of the kitchen is common to these two rooms.
  • Kitchen exhaust hood - a local hood that does not participate in forced ventilation.
  • There must be separate systems for the integrated garage and basement.

Both natural and forced ventilation systems have their pros and cons. If you decide to make ventilation in your home with your own hands, decide which system to choose, the table below will help you, in which we summarized the results of the tips and solutions suggested in this article.

comparison table

We also attach a very useful video on the organization of ventilation in a private house.

Briefly, clearly and to the point. It is aimed specifically at those who decided to do the ventilation device on their own.


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