"Crusaders 2" - cheats, codes, features of passage and recommendations

“Crusaders 2” is one of the most popular and elaborate computer games about the Middle Ages. It is made in the genre of global strategy, and the essence of the genre can be understood literally. The project is truly global, and you have to manage an entire royal dynasty, fight with neighbors, enter into unions, marry your children or find suitable brides from other kingdoms, and much more. You will have to fight a lot, at the same time monitoring the economic condition of your state, people's satisfaction with your rule and so on. In general, there are a huge number of aspects that you will have to constantly monitor in order to ultimately succeed.

That is why cheats exist in the game “Crusaders 2”, which can greatly facilitate your task. There are a lot of them, and they relate to a wide variety of aspects, so that you can definitely find what interests you. This is precisely the reason why this article was created, because here you can find all the codes you need for the game “Crusaders 2”. Cheats in this game are entered by simply pressing the “~” key, as in most other modern projects, so the main problem is finding the code that suits you.

Character Information

crusaders 2 cheats

In the “Crusaders 2” game, cheats, as you already know, can affect various aspects of the process, and first of all it is worth looking at those codes that concern characters. And here the main cheat is charinfo. What exactly does he give? Physically, he, in fact, does not give you anything, but at the same time he provides you with the most important tool of war - information. If you enter this cheat and activate it, it will be enough for you to hover over the portrait of any character in the game, and you will receive detailed data about him, which can be extremely useful in waging war or peace negotiations. Naturally, in the game “Crusaders 2” cheats are not always abstract, and some of them do quite specific things, and you can see their effects instantly.

Character change

cheat on the crusaders 2

In the game “Crusaders 2” there is only one cheat for information about the character, but there are a lot of codes for editing the character, and you should familiarize yourself with them, as they will give you a great opportunity to change the main characters of the game as you like. First of all, you can age or rejuvenate both your character and other heroes if you use the age command. This will allow your main character to rule as long as possible or to age the main enemy who will die his death without leaving any heirs, thereby allowing you to capture his kingdom without any problems.

You can also add skills to your character using the add command. For example, if you want to add military skill points, then you need to use the add_martial cheat, and if you are interested in diplomacy, you need to use the add_diplomacy code. Please note that you cannot raise a single skill higher than 135 points. If you do this with a cheat, then your skill will be reset to zero.

Well, of course, you can use the add_trait command to add character traits to your character. Each character is born with a certain set of character traits that cannot be changed, but they can be both good and bad, so you need to arm yourself with the code indicated above, as well as the remove_trait cheat, to create the perfect character with whom you can capture the world. As you can see, in the game “Crusaders 2” cheat codes for changing the character are quite diverse and offer impressive opportunities.

Key cheats

cheat codes for crusaders 2

However, if you move away from the characters and look at the game on a larger scale, then you are most likely interested in other cheat mods for Crusader 2. And the most popular cheat, of course, is the one that gives you money. If you simply enter the cash code, you will receive five thousand coins, however you can specify a specific value to get significantly more or less. In exactly the same way, the piety and prestige cheats work, which give you five thousand units of piety and prestige, which in some cases are even more important than gold.

There are also some important cheats, such as culture or religion, that allow you to make major changes to how your state looks. For example, the first cheat allows you to choose the culture that you like, bypassing the adaptation period. The same applies to the second cheat, which instantly changes your religion.

But what if, for example, you were given the nickname "Crippled"? Cheat codes for “Crusaders 2” will help you calmly get rid of an unpleasant nickname, replacing it with one that you will have more in spirit. For this you need to use the nickname cheat.

Punishments for people

cheat mods for crusaders 2

There are also cheat codes for Crusader Kings 2 that allow you to control your people. In most cases, this will come in handy when someone is unhappy with your board. You always need to do something with this right away, because it can end with an uprising, revolution and other unpleasant consequences. Accordingly, it is recommended that you immediately use the banish cheat to expel a person from your state, the imprison cheat to imprison him, or the kill cheat to simply kill him. As they say, there is no person - there is no problem.

However, you can use the more interesting method that cheat murder offers you. After it, you need to spell two names: killers and victims. So you can send one person free to kill another. However, this situation is already more playful, so the success of the event is not guaranteed. As you can see, in the game “Crusaders” the codes are not monotonous and offer you a wide variety of possibilities.


cheat codes for crusaders 2 crippled

We should also talk about pregnancy and heredity in the game. The fact is that the rise of their own dynasty is given no less time than war and the economy. You, as a ruler, need to look for a spouse to continue your family, to acquire heirs who can take the throne from your first character. And in parallel, the same thing happens in other large families. What about codes? What can they be in this case? In fact, there are only two of them: cuckoo and pollinate.

The first code allows you to indicate which man will fertilize which woman, but no one will know about it. So if it was a married woman, her husband would think that this child was from him. As for the second code, he does not have such a function, so pregnancy will be a well-known fact with all the ensuing consequences. Sometimes such a cheat can be more effective than codes for murder or imprisonment.


cheat codes for crusader kings 2

Another action that will be available to you in the game is making decisions regarding the various titles that specific characters will receive. Naturally, in the game you will have to justify your choice one way or another, justify it, otherwise you may have problems with subjects who have not received the title, but believe that they deserve it. Therefore, it is much more convenient to use a code that will solve all the problems for you.

It's about the give_title cheat, which allows you to give one character or another the title of any character in the game. There is also a claim cheat, which allows you to choose for yourself the title that you like, starting with the baron and ending with the emperor.

Other cheats

crusader codes

Naturally, the game has a large number of cheats, and all of them were not indicated in this article. For example, using the allow_laws code, you can freely change laws in your country without consulting with anyone, without expecting all those responsible to agree to sign your bill, and so on. You can also enter the fow code to get rid of the fog of war on the map, the discover_plots code will allow you to instantly reveal all active conspiracies, and the revolt team allows you to instantly raise an uprising in the province, even if its residents are happy with their own lives.

All cheats

If this is not enough for you, then enter the help command, and you will see a complete list of cheats available in the game. But the descriptions of these cheats will be exclusively in English, so be prepared to test your linguistic abilities.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F13317/

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