A plant blooming all year round: clerodendrum - care, species, reproduction

Clerodendrum, the care of which is quite simple, has several hundred species in nature. They grow in tropical regions of Africa and Asia. At home, some of them are cultivated: Thomson's clerodendrum, brilliant, fragrant, fragrant, Ugandan clerodendrum and others. It is also popular as a houseplant and Blege clerodendrum, a large shrub with large leaves and fragrant inflorescences - pink shields.

Clerodendrum Bunge is from China. It is quite unpretentious and easy to care for: moderately moisture- and photophilous, but during the period of active growth it needs periodic spraying from the spray gun. This clerodendrum, care of which is not difficult, feels good at a temperature of + 20–25 degrees in the summer, but requires a slight decrease in winter. Watering in winter should be less plentiful than in summer. In favorable conditions, the clerodendrum bunge blooms throughout the summer months. After flowering, it must be cut to a quarter of the length of the shoot. This species tolerates cold quite well, but in open ground it should be grown only in regions with mild winters.

Thomson's Clodendrum grows naturally in the tropical forests of Guinea. This species is a winding shrub - a vine, the height of which can reach four meters. Its leaves are oval, pointed, about 12 cm long. This clerodendrum blooms, the care of which involves abundant watering and spraying, from March to June. Sometimes Thomson's Clodendrum can bloom a second time, in the fall months. Its small flowers of five petals, resembling lanterns, are collected in inflorescences - panicles. They are very bright and beautiful, white, with a red whisk. After flowering, the corolla crumbles before the calyx.

Brilliant clerodendrum comes from tropical Africa. This shrub blooms in small red flowers with long stamens of the same color, collected in scutes, axillary or apical. The leaves of this species are oval, almost round, pointed at the end, with wavy edges. Brilliant Clerodendrum can bloom throughout the year, but usually its flowering period is from winter to late spring.

Fragrant Clodendrum, also known as Chinese or Filipino, is also known as fragrant Volkameria because of the strong pleasant aroma of its flowers, reminiscent of the smell of jasmine. This shrub with pubescent shoots has a height of up to 2 meters. It grows in China, Japan and Korea. The broad leaves of the fragrant clerodendrum are heart-shaped, their length can reach 20 cm. Its small terry white-pink flowers are collected in thick apical shields. Indoors, this species can bloom with small interruptions throughout the year.

Ugandan clerodendrum is an evergreen curly shrub with delicate lilac or blue with white flowers, gathered in bunches about 15 cm long - because of this, this plant is also called "blue butterflies". Its flowers have long curved stamens. This species blooms throughout the year. Ugandan clerodendrum, the care of which requires regular pruning of shoots, is growing very fast - in open ground it can grow up to 2-3 meters in just a few months! Proceeding from this, it is simply necessary to form its crown, however, the plant can be cut only after flowering has ended, since its inflorescences are tied at the ends of the shoots.

In general, all clerodendrum or, as they are also called, clerodendrons, are relatively unpretentious in their care: they like bright diffused light and heat, as well as regular watering, although some species are quite drought-resistant. Most clerodendrum propagates effortlessly with cuttings or layering that grow near the roots - they quickly take root and grow.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F1333/

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