At 3 months, the child holds his head poorly - what should I do?

In the first weeks of the baby’s life, he needs to be constantly supported in the back and neck so as not to injure the neck muscles. The ability to keep your head without the help of parents is considered an important achievement in the development of crumbs. He begins to independently control his body, and mom can safely take it in her arms. If at 3 months the baby does not hold his head well, many parents begin to panic. Is there really cause for concern?

Gaining a new skill

A newborn baby does not know how to control the cervical muscles. All movements are reflex in nature. When parents take the baby in their arms, his head throws back. Gradually, he learns to control his own body. The first achievements can be observed already in the second or third week of life. Lying on his stomach, the baby begins to attempt to raise his head. This is a kind of natural instinct of protection, so as not to suffocate.

at 3 months, the child holds his head poorly

Further development of the cervical muscles takes place according to the following scheme:

  • At 5-6 weeks, the child tries to keep his head at an acute angle. In this position, it can remain for about 30 seconds or a whole minute.
  • At 8 weeks, the newborn is struggling to keep his head horizontal. If you pull it slightly by the handles, it will no longer throw it back.
  • In 2.5-3 months, the skill is finally fixed. Sitting on the hands of parents, the baby can hold his head for a long time. In the position on the stomach, he tries to raise his shoulders, lean on.

Naturally, all time parameters are conditional. When at 3 months the baby holds his head poorly, do not worry. However, a consultation with a pediatric neurologist will not hurt.

Why see a doctor

A cause for concern may be a situation where the child does not even make attempts to raise his head at this age. This should be reported to the pediatrician. He must write out a referral for an additional examination with another specialist - a neurologist. Based on the results of the tests, the doctor will be able to explain to parents why at 3 months the child does not hold his head well what to do in this situation. After a few weeks, the baby should be brought for a second examination.

3 months baby

The main causes of the violation

Neurologists identify several factors that can prevent a newborn from controlling the neck muscles:

  1. Prematurity.
  2. Low body weight.
  3. Weak muscle tone.
  4. Birth injury.

With a low birth weight, you must consult a doctor who specializes in baby feeding. If the baby is low on breast milk, you can enter the supplement with a mixture. Special massage will increase muscle tone and strengthen the neck.

child 3 5 months poorly holds his head

How can I help the baby

If a child at 3 months old does not hold his head well, you need to deal with him at home. First of all, you should often put the baby on his stomach. He will instinctively try to turn his head away to breathe fully. Accustom the baby to such activities should be gradual. Better to start with 1 minute. Procedures should be abandoned if the child has recently eaten or is sick.

When the little one reveals dissatisfaction and unwillingness to lie on the changing table, you need to put a bright toy in front of him. Parents should turn the process of classes into an exciting game. To do this, you can periodically change the tissue on which the crumb lies. It should be laid out around him bright and diverse objects, constantly communicate.

Often an infant (3.5 months) does not hold its head well due to underdevelopment of the neck muscles. Therefore, pediatricians recommend exercises on the gymnastic ball. The first exercises are the simplest swaying. They relax the muscles and develop the vestibular apparatus. Then the exercises should be gradually complicated.

at 3 months, the child holds his head poorly what to do

Water is the best helper

To strengthen the muscles of the neck of the baby are very effective classes in the pool. You can sign up for swimming courses for mothers with their children. At what age should classes start? Pediatricians recommend starting water procedures when the child is almost 3 months old. He poorly holds his head, most likely, only on land. In water, infants adapt very quickly, and the problem with strengthening the muscles of the neck is easily solved. First, the child will learn how to properly keep his head in the pool, and then quickly transfer this skill to ordinary life.

It is possible to stimulate the correct development of the cervical apparatus at home. For this, an ordinary children's bath is suitable . Such training should give the crumbs extremely positive emotions. To diversify the procedures, you can use colorful balloons, balls and other toys. Being distracted by these objects, the child will not think about how to stay afloat. Everything should be done on an intuitive level. Meanwhile, the head and neck of the baby will turn towards moving objects.

3 months preterm baby

Incorrect head retention

Often, parents turn to a neurologist complaining that a child at 3 months of age does not hold his head well and tries to turn it at an angle. Such symptoms usually indicate paresis of the muscular parts of the neck. Otherwise, the pathology is called torticollis. To exclude this violation, you need a consultation with an orthopedist. Fortunately, torticollis is a rare phenomenon that develops with a complicated pregnancy. For its treatment, physiotherapy is used. In other cases, doctors advise parents:

  • at home to do a light massage for the child;
  • daily water procedures;
  • monitor the position of the child’s head during sleep, put a special orthopedic pillow under it.

Very rarely, surgical treatment is required to treat torticollis.

almost 3 months old baby has a bad head hold

Early head retention

Many parents worry that a premature baby (3 months) does not hold its head well. Timely appeal to a neurologist allows you to correct this violation. Often pediatricians observe the opposite picture. We are talking about situations where children are well able to keep their heads at 5 weeks. Parents begin to rejoice, believing that the child is developing rapidly and even slightly ahead of their peers. In fact, everything is not so beautiful.

In this situation, it is advisable to consult a neurologist. Early development may indicate increased muscle tone or intracranial pressure. However, do not immediately panic. With health, the crumbs can be all right.

Prevention Tips

In order for the baby to develop correctly, you need to deal with it from birth. For the timely acquisition of the skill of holding the head, it is necessary to adhere to simple rules:

  1. Periodically place the newborn on the stomach.
  2. Do gymnastics daily using a special ball. Warming up the muscles helps to strengthen them.
  3. While swimming, distract the crumbs with bright objects and toys, so that the baby actively turns his head.

If the child begins to hold the head independently in due time, it means that he is developing correctly. Is this what all parents dream of? If you see any violations, or at 3 months the baby does not hold his head well, you should immediately contact a pediatrician. The doctor will always reassure if parents worry in vain. He will also be able to choose the right treatment when it is really needed.


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